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Weekend Recap – This and That

Rain, Rain, Go away. Come again another day!!!!

I bet you sang that didn’t you?

I know I should be happy to be getting so much rain in California, but I’m ready for some sunshine. 

We spent all weekend inside, so I got some little projects done.

I’d been wanting to make some decoupage eggs using cute napkins since last Easter, so I finally did.

I bought 2 packages of paper mache eggs from Hobby Lobby (I forgot to take a picture of them before I started) I painted one coat of white on them so the colors from the napkins wouldn’t be dulled by the brown color behind them. From there it’s pretty easy. All you need is Mod Podge and napkins.  

Peel the top layer off of the napkins. I used cocktail napkins and they had 3 layers total. You can tear them into pieces, but I found that cutting them was easier.

Apply a thin layer of Mod Podge about the size of a piece of napkin with a brush or foam applicator (which is what I used). Lay the napkin piece on the egg and smooth it out as much as possible but be careful not to use to much pressure because it will rip. 

Apply another thin coat of Mod Podge over the napkin. Continue adding pieces in this manner and finish one side of the egg. Allow it to dry and then continue on the other side.

Once the eggs are dry, take a spoon and rub it over the entire surface to “burnish” the egg. This sounds really weird, but it works. It smooths out small wrinkles, and gives it the slightest amount of shine.

Benny is on Spring break this week and is doing another bike ride this year. They are doing

75-100 miles a day and will end up going over 500 miles…OUCH!!!

 He RARELY sends pictures of himself, so I was too excited when I got a Snapchat from him yesterday. 

He’s having so many great experiences in college like this and the different mission trips he’s participated in. I’m thrilled for him and know he’s making memories that will last a lifetime.

Kent and I tried a new restaurant that recently opened on Saturday night. We are really in need of good restaurants around here. 

 It’s called Pacific Catch and we were thrilled!!! It was DELICIOUS!! 

As the name of the restaurant would suggest it’s a seafood place. We decided we’d get several different things to try and share. We ordered Calamari (which we dove into and I totally forget to take a picture of). I think it was the best Calamari we’ve ever had.  It had a delicious thin coating/batter, that was almost tempura like and was cooked perfectly. Not chewy at all.

We ordered a California Roll which was equally delicious and fresh!

I had already eaten one piece when I thought to take a quick pic before it all disappeared.

The last thing we ordered were fish tacos. Kent L♥VES fish tacos and these didn’t disappoint. They had a spicy jalapeno sauce on them so they had a little bite, but not too much.

Sunday afternoon we ventured out in the rain so I could introduce Kent and Katie to a little yogurt dessert at a Mediterranean place where my friend and I  had met on Thursday. She’d told me about this and I wasn’t too sure about it because it’s a TART frozen yogurt with baklava on top. The baklava I knew I could get on board with but the tart yogurt I wasn’t too sure about. She was absolutely right. It was delicious!!! 

While perusing PINTEREST the other day I came across this…

It pretty much describes mine and Kent’s relationship and I bet you might be able to relate.


Have you recovered from losing an hour of sleep? That combined with the rain made for a super lazy Sunday, but it’s Monday now and time to get moving!!!

And BTW, did you notice the LACK of  #hashtags???

I was informed by Katie that I use too many, so I laid off for this post.

What do you think? 

#yes or #no to hashtags???

I’d love some #hashtag input.

Hope your weeks off to a great start!




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