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Mother Daughter Vacation

And fun was had by all…

What a week we had! I won’t give you a blow by blow but I will show in pictures a lot of the fun that was had.

We spent a week in Minnesota with friends and enjoyed every single minute.

Heading to the airport in Oakland and check out the wall of clouds.

Katie and her BFF Kylie

My friend Kim, Kylie’s mom

Me and my girl at one of our favorite restaurants

Lake Minnetonka

Snapchat 🙂

After dinner treat at Licks

Catching up with my friend Cara

After day two we headed up north to Mille Lacs Lake

The girls did so many fun activities (and me too…just no pics to prove it)

Mexican Train Dominoes


Go cart

Riding the boys Big Wheels

Learning to drive a stick shift

Big Mable

I LOVE Katie’s expression!!!!

Gorgeous rainbow. Look closely, it’s a DOUBLE rainbow.

I’ve never seen one so vibrant and look how it came in front of the trees. 

Capt. Rich and his First and Second Mate

We were out on the boat one night before dinner and saw several Eagles fly by and I managed to get a really good picture. 

The hostess with the most-est…my friend Karen

Camp Justified – hunting cabin

Gorgeous sunsets

Dinner the last night at another one of our favorites, Lion’s Tap. Pretty much the only place I’ll eat a burger and the best crunchy fries.

Finishing off the evening with an ice cream float.

These girls and their friendship make my heart so happy and I’m tickled pink they got to be reunited for a week.

We had a blast and absolutely loved every minute of our trip…right up to where poor Katie came down with a cold or sinus infection. Thankfully it was only bad the day before we came home and now she can rest and get better.

Thanks to our friends for opening up their homes and hearts to us.

We are blessed!!!




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  • It looks like you had so much fun!! Katie's expression was hilarious! I literally laughed out loud!<3 love you girls!

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