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Show and Tell Tuesday…My Tribe


Andrea of Momfessionals hosts a twice a month link called “Show and Tell Tuesdays”.

Today’s topic is your tribe.

I’m am lucky to have a wonderful “tribe” walking beside me through life.

These girls (women) are the BEST! We’ve played together, traveled together, laughed together, been in each others weddings, been pregnant together, had babies together, raised children together, cried together and most recently gone through some pretty major health scares together.

These are the people I call/text when I have something funny to tell, something weird to ask, need advice or more importantly need prayers.

These are the women who no matter what life throws at you are there. Ready to go to battle for you and with you, ready to rejoice in the good and weep in the bad.

These girls have my heart and I couldn’t be more blessed.

Some of them I’ve know almost my entire life and some are college friends and some are as recent as 10 years, but the bond is the same.

These girls are my forever friends.

Carla, Laura, Alicia

Julie, Me

Carla, Alicia and I have known each other since elementary school age and grew up in the same church. As a matter of fact, we were all baptized on the same day. 

June 26, 1983

I’d have to say that’s a pretty special bond.

Julie and Laura came into the picture in college and boy am I glad they did!

Julie, Laura and Carla all live in Nashville, so whenever I’m there (which becomes more and more frequent) we get together.


Yes, this happens A LOT when the 4 of us are together.

Julie, Me, Kim

Carla, Laura, Alicia

Alicia and I were together for years in Richmond raising kids together. Always spending the 4th of July together at the Science Museum watching fireworks and eating Krispy Kreme donuts. She and her husband and boys were always at our house along with our friends Jeff and Dawn for New Years Eve and of course we’ve done countless birthday parties together. Our sons even roomed together their freshman year of college.

Kim and I were roommates in college. Now our girls are starting in the fall at the same college together, living in the same dorm we did (not rooming together…yet) and seem to be becoming fast friends just like we did. This is so totally cool to watch and amusing too.

Dawn and Elizabeth are equally as special. The coolest part about these girls is they didn’t even know each other, but because I love them both we end up spending time together and now they each have a new friend.♥♥♥

Elizabeth and I were pregnant with our second kids together and became fast friends in the 2 short years when they lived in Richmond. They moved away 16 years ago, but that didn’t hamper our friendship. It’s so special and just grows stronger with each passing year.

Elizabeth, Paul and their girls are some of our dearest friends and really the only people we have ever traveled with. We’ve taken lots of little vacations together and there has never been a shortage of fun when we are all together. We had really hoped to share grandchildren some day, but it’s not looking like that’s going to happen. #sadface

Dawn is the newest member to my “tribe”, but she been a vital part of it for a good 10 years. When we lived in Richmond we’d talk on the phone everyday and it wasn’t a quick convo. Our families both knew when they came in and we were on the phone with each other they should return in about and hour. #eyerollsallaround

Jeff and Dawn were also part of our gang along with Dave and Alicia in Richmond. We’ve spent many New Years Eves together and countless nights playing cards and laughing.

I can only hope you find yourself blessed and surrounded by a tribe of women you love.

I don’t for a minute take lightly the realization that not all women are as lucky as I am to have such an awesome network and for this I am eternally grateful.

I love you girls!!!♥♥♥

Enjoy this 4 day week friends!!!




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