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Love Your Spouse Challenge

Hey there friends and happy Monday to you! Hope you had a great weekend. I think for a lot of people summer is in the final wind down as kids are starting back to school.

This is a big week for us, it’s finally arrived. Friday we leave to take Katie to college. I truly believe I’m in denial. I’ve felt pretty strong and optimistic that this is going to be a fairly easy transition (at least that’s what I’m trying to convince myself), but the closer it gets the more I feel the cracks appearing on the surface. I think it could seriously go either way. I guess we’ll all know in a week and a half when Kent and I are back in California without her.


Have you seen the “Love Your Spouse Challenge” going around on Facebook?

Well my sweet friend Laura nominated me to take part in it and so I happily did. It was really fun to look back through the 100’s maybe 1000’s of old photos and find some to share.

The quality of the photos is not great, but most of these were made before digital came along and then even once it did I had a hard time giving up my film.


I thought it would be fun to recap the 7 days in a post for y’all. Let me just say that I am blessed to have a wonderful partner to share my life with. I realize not everyone is as lucky as I am and I don’t take it for granted. We’ve had challenges in our marriage but they’ve been not so much relational as situational. We’ve had to make a couple of moves in the last 6 years because of job changes and those can prove challenging, but we’ve managed to remain on the same page and come through them as a team, not individuals.

Here’s a little trip down memory lane…

Day 1: KX Christmas Formal 1990, Hermitage Hotel (with big Nashville hair as Kent calls it?)

Day 2: Cancun, Mexico on our honeymoon in 1992. (The hair is still big, it’s just pulled back)

Day 3 of “Love your spouse” challenge and we are expanding our family. This is the day after we brought Benny home from the hospital and our hearts were full. (and for the years to follow I will look tired?

Day 4 of “Love Your Spouse” challenge. Little did Benny know that next year he’d have to share the spotlight. What a fun and precious time in our lives. It’s especially fun to look back at all these pictures as we approach a major change in less than 2 weeks when it’s back to just the 2 of us…WOW!!! It’s a fun, crazy life we’ve built together

Day 5 of “Love Your Spouse” challenge and Katie makes her debut completing our precious little family of four. We are truly blessed with two wonderful children who make our lives complete. 

Day 6 of the “Love Your Spouse” challenge. In less than 2 weeks it will be back to just the 2 of us all the time. Thankfully we actually enjoy being together and have fun be it sitting on the sofa or exploring new places we’ve never been. I “watch” sports with him and he “shops” with me. He’s the yin to my yang and I’m thankful each and every day for him.

Day 7 of “Love Your Spouse” challenge. It’s been fun looking at our history and thinking about all the fun that’s yet to come. Thanks for being my “Bubbie” for the last 25+ years. I love you!!!

Reading these you can see that the upcoming change in our lives is a real focus right now. I hate to keep mentioning it, but it’s really just as big as when you are at the end of a pregnancy awaiting the arrival of that precious little baby that will forever change your lives. We are now on the backside of that and that same precious little baby is heading off to find her place in this big ol’ world. In a way we’ve come full circle. We started off as two and now it’s back to two again. No, it’s not like were never going to be with our kids again, but not having them in the house day in and day out is really a big deal and until you are actually standing at the threshold of this new path you aren’t really able to grasp it. It’s exciting, scary and wonderful all at the same time and you guys have a front row seat to watch us go through it.

Have you participated in the “Love Your Spouse Challenge”? If you haven’t, you might want to start it with some of your friends. It’s fun to look back and remember the fun times with that special someone. 

Here’s to a great week!!!




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