Hello friends!!!
I hope you had a great weekend. We did! It wasn’t that anything special really happened, but we just enjoyed our time and did whatever we felt like.
Katie and I kind of have a new routine it seems. On Friday’s we FaceTime and I love that!!!
Friday night we went to her favorite Sushi place and LOVED it! I wouldn’t be a good mother if I didn’t send her what else…a Snapchat to give her a reason to be jealous and miss us. 😉
Saturday morning we took a five mile walk together so we could knock out our exercise at the same time.
The only real plans we had for the weekend were to go out to an Antique Fair in Tracy. So after our walk, we came home, cleaned up and headed out.
New purpose for old treasures…LOVE.
Love the details on those pieces of furniture.
The vendors were great, but I have to confess the highlight of the day was a cinnamon roll we got from a little restaurant. OH. MY. WORD.
I’m pretty sure it goes without saying that we loved it. You know how when you see something like that and you have high expectations only to be disappointed? Not the case here. It was probably the BEST cinnamon roll we’ve both ever had, and the frosting was to die for. Worth every single calorie. It’s a good thing we don’t live too close to this little place or I’d be needing to buy new pants.
Naturally we hit Home Goods while we were out. It seems as though I’ve developed a love for mugs. I told Kent it just makes me happy to start my day off with my coffee in a cute mug. I found these and had to bring them home with me.
Now it’s time for true confessions. I have a locator app on my phone that lets me know where my kids are. NO, I’m not a stalker or a helicopter parent. The primary reason for having it is a safety precaution, a bonus of having it is I can OCCASIONALLY check and just see where they happen to be. It’s especially helpful if I want to try and find a convenient time (for them) to talk (to me).
Sunday morning one of Katie’s buddies at our church was sitting behind me and apparently saw me check her location and texted her. She proceeded to send me a text which I found at the end of service saying Grant saw me checking on her….that RAT! (I still love him though 😉
I snapped this and sent it to her and her response was….
I tell my kids I have eyes all over Nashville. Touche` Katie.
I sure will be happy to go to Nashville next month to see them and celebrate her birthday.
Have a great day friends!
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