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Friday Favorites #37

Can you even believe the day after tomorrow is CHRISTMAS????

I really can’t. Oh how I wish it lasted longer than one day. With all the prep work and anticipation it would be so nice if it wasn’t over in the blink of an eye.

This week has gone by at warp speed and I was so busy with “stuff” I couldn’t even remember to document much of anything. I mean it’s a good thing my head is attached to my shoulders or it would be rolling around under the table.

Sometimes I feel the need to maybe throw in a “NOT A FAVORITE”, like today. It rarely rains in CA so whenever it does decide to show up we’re really thankful…except for today. We have tickets to Alcatraz and you would know it is fallin’ a flood, to quote my BFF. We decided to just chalk it up to bad mojo and throw in the towel and not go. You can’t get any kind of “rain check” or reschedule, so the tickets are lost, but who wants to spend a day sloshing around the streets of San Francisco in pouring rain and wind…not this crew. Oh well, time for movies, games and memories.


Anyhoo, time to get to Friday Favorites and see just what made the list. Don’t forget to stop by ErikaNarci, and Andrea‘s and see just what they are loving.


Raise your hand if you can totally relate…


UGH, I haven’t been this late getting my cards out in years. But, they are in the mail and on the way and marked. off. my. list!



I loved having these sweet women over Monday night for a Cookie Exchange.

If you missed all the details you can check them out here.


Cookies are always a favorite and Katie made these adorable White Chocolate Covered Molasses Cookies for my cookie exchange. They are so pretty and delicious and several readers have asked for the recipe. I’m planning to make another batch today and share the recipe tomorrow just in time for those last minute cookie bakers.


 If you are looking for a super soft, super cozy plaid popover look no further. I have this in black and white plaid and love it so much when I saw it online in the this red and navy I couldn’t keep from ordering it. And if that’s not enough it has pockets and it’s on sale for 40% off.

#pocketlove #softestflannelever

So how many presents do you have left to wrap? I just have a few that have been delivered in the last couple days. There was a time not so long ago that I never did my shopping online, but man-o-man it’s so easy and now I love taking care of it that way.

Happy Friday or as we like to call it Christmas Eve Eve.


Don’t forget to give a little love to these other link ups and check them out.

High Five for FRIDAY / Five on Friday / Friday Favorites / oh hey FRIDAY



View Comments

  • Oh my, I love your number one! The plaid popover is adorable. And I haven't wrapped the first present! Eek! Merry Christmas!!

    • Hey Trista! Thanks! I'm usually wrapping at the last minute too, but somehow I managed to get a lot done earlier this year. #scoreoneforme Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!

  • That plaid top is so cute and festive! You had me at "super soft"! And I hate going out in the rain too--except that I'm in PA so it's a lot harder to avoid, haha! Hope you have a great holiday!

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