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Friday Favorites #39

So the first week of 2017 is almost in the books.

Can you believe it? 

We’ll turn around and it will be Easter, then summer, then school will start and BAM, it’ll be Christmas again.

Crazy how quickly life is speeding by and the older I get the faster it goes. I heard someone say once that if you think about it a year in the life of a two year old is half their life. Remember how long it seemed between Christmases when you were little? So I guess it only makes sense that the more years you have the shorter time seems between birthdays Christmases, etc… Or maybe it just makes sense to me. 

It’s time to see what Friday Favorites are floating around the internet today so let’s join ErikaNarci, and Andrea  and see what they’re sharing.


We got Katie’s passport taken care of.

Can I get a woot woot!!!

We got to the post office at 8:20 a.m.  to get in line and we were 3rd for it to open at 10:00. Apparently with the kids being out of school on break the lines have been being crazy long.

We needed to be sure and get this thing taken care of so we can take a trip this summer and she’ll have it for when she studies abroad in the fall.

I’m so relieved to have this marked off my list.

 We were both sporting that just rolled out of bed look.

And of course we made a friend standing in line.


Cold Shoulder top

I’m thinking I might need to order this top for the spring. It’s looking like the cold shoulder look is still going to be on trend this spring and summer and this one is on sale.


long sleeve sweatshirt

I bought this fleecy top in gray back during the #NSALE last summer and it’s so cozy and the perfect thing for these chilly days. It’s so soft and lightweight but still warm and it’s on sale again and it comes in 6 colors. I wear mine frequently and was shocked I couldn’t come up with a picture of myself wearing it.


Having this crazy girl at home again. I used to be the one holding her and now she can hold me. I told her next time we go to the mall I want her to carry me just like I used to carry her.???

I’ll tell you what is not a favorite…

She goes back to school tomorrow. While I think she’s enjoyed being at home I know she’s ready to get back to her life and friends and I’m happy she feels that way. I wouldn’t have it any other way..?

Now I just have to find a cheap flight to go see her and her brother.


And speaking of Benny

Look at those happy smiles. He’s over in Pennsylvania visiting his girlfriend Erin and they are driving back to school tomorrow. I love seeing these sweet snaps that Erin sends Katie. 

It’s supposed to rain here all weekend so we’ll probably spend the weekend getting used to our new normal at home alone again. No, I’m not being mopey about it. We just have to get used to the quiet again. All part of being empty nesters. Having them float in and out of our lives but never our hearts. They’re always in our hearts.

What’s on your agenda for the first weekend of 2017? 

Maybe still regrouping from the end of 2016? 

Have a great one!



And as always be sure to check out all the link ups below.

High Five for FRIDAY / Five on Friday / Friday Favorites / oh hey FRIDAY


 Life in Leggings


View Comments

  • I had to go to the post office yesterday to mail a package and I was so surprised how busy it was! I thought the Christmas rush would be over but I had to wait in line and there were plenty of people who came behind me in line!

  • You and your daughter are so cute! Hope she has safe travels back to school - it's always a bummer the first week when the house is so quiet! Love that cold -shoulder top and glad to know you love that fleecy top... I was debating ordering it at such a great price! Happy Friday - here's to hoping summer (and warm weather) comes quickly!!

    • Thanks Kristi!! Looks like you guys are having a pretty rough winter up there. We keep a watch on it since we have friends there from our 3 year stint. Hang in there and keep warm!!!

  • I love that fleecy sweater! Anything cozy and comfy, and I'm game! I hate that it's time for them to go, but am so glad you had the time with them! And I think you should totally make her carry you for awhile. Haha. :) Happy Friday!!

  • So fun to have such a close relationship with your kids once they leave the nest! Getting passports for my littles is definitely on my to do list.

    • Hey Shelley! I'm so happy we have fun with our kids and get to enjoy lots of laughter. I highly suggest making an appointment at a passport office if you can plan far enough ahead. I wish I'd had my ducks in a row and realized we needed one. Have a great weekend.

  • When you order that cold shoulder top just get me one too - LOVE it! Awe the kiddos are awesome, aren't they? Mine are little yet so ya know I'm just going nutso knee deep in nine year old girl drama and four year old boy shenanigans. Enjoy your weekend!!!

    • HA! Will do Amanda ;) Every stage is awesome with kids and they all have trade offs. I love mine being older but miss having them with me all the time. (usually?) Hang in there and you have a good weekend too!

  • So sweet! I don't have a close relationship with my parents, and I'm hoping that I'm able to raise these kiddies of mine to have something so different. You guys give me #relationshipgoals! (I say this at the same time of dreaming of being an empty nester one day though, too! HA!)

    • Oh Al, I'm sure you will have a closer relationship with your little people. I've been very blessed to have such a close relationship with my parents and brother and now my kids. I hope it will stay that way once they find their significant others. That's a daily prayer of mine for them to find good Christian mates who will love us and we will love.❤️'s okay to dream of being an empty nester too?. It's not so bad? Happy Monday!!!

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