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Show and Tell Tuesday

Good morning and Happy Tuesday blog friends! Hope you’re week has gotten off on the right foot. I woke up this morning and realized I totally forgot to do a blog post last night. WHAT??? That’s never happened before. I was working on my bible study and then Benny and Erin FaceTimed us and I just totally forgot somehow. We’ll chalk it up to Monday and (peri)menopause memory. (Sorry Dad if that’s too much info)

Andrea is hosting Show and Tell Tuesday and this month we are sharing some of our all time favorite pictures. Once again I’ll say all the younger bloggers out there have it so much easier. The first almost half of my kids lives are on old school film that had to be developed and in album, after album, after album. I’d have to spend hours looking through books to find my favorites from when they were little and let’s face it, “Ain’t nobody got time for that”.


I am however going to share some that were easily accessible on my computer. And on a side note, if anyone knows of an awesome (affordable) way to take all of our old negatives and have them digitized, I’d love for you to share that info. I tried a little machine I purchased from Costco to convert them and the quality was HORRIBLE. I’ve thought about Legacy Box and read mixed reviews. Have you used it and is the quality good? TIA 

I did take a couple of pictures of pictures we have around the house that are truly favorites.

This picture falls under the category of ‘if the house ever catches on fire, this is what I’ll grab on my way out the door’.  

So I’m having to force myself not to cry when I look at this precious picture and think about the fact that these two loves of my life are now grown. They are off in college and in 6 weeks, Benny will be a college graduate out in the real world. Mama’s…I know people say this all the time, but I promise you, you just can’t fathom it until you’re sitting right where I am. You still feel (relatively) young and yet your babies are all grown up. 

Here’s another all time favorite of mine.

I mean come on. Does it really get any sweeter than this? I’m forever thankful I somehow had the foresight (or maybe you’d say luck) to catch this moment on film. While it was just another Saturday morning of watching Benny play soccer, it was also unbeknownst to us the making of a memory I’ll forever carry in my heart. Look at those sweet little hands on her back and kissing her daddy. What I wouldn’t give to spend a day with that “little” version on Katie again. Every single thing about this picture is perfect.

My mom caught this moment with Kent and Benny snuggled up watching TV at their house one night. 

Just look at this little soccer player. She always had matching bows and was known all through out her elementary school for that. To be quite honest, it’s still not uncommon for people to tell me they remember her bows. She may have looked all sweet but that little girl would get in there and mix it up with the best of em’.

While Benny didn’t seem to have an enormous amount of tolerance for Katie while they were growing up, she was usually pretty sweet to him. These moments were few and far between but I believe now that they are older and living in the same city they’ve really started to develop a bond.

This is probably my favorite family picture. It was taken when we had Benny’s senior pictures made. 

I love it!!!

I could go on and on. It’s easy to get sucked into the black hole that is memory lane, but I’ve got stuff to do and you’re probably getting bored. Well most of you anyway. I bet my parents and Kent would love it if I kept showing pictures. 

Have a great day friends!!! 



For previous Show and Tell Tuesdays click the links below

My loves

Save and Splurge

Three things you can’t live without

My Life’s Mix Tape
Your (my) Personal Style
My Tribe
Home Tour
Old School Pictures


View Comments

  • I totally first three were born before digital was even a term, ha! Beautiful pictures, beautiful family! I really love that last family portrait. :)

  • We are young babes, how did we get these college kids?? LOVE these, what a stunning looking family who I am convinced are as sweet and smart as the are good looking!! Precious photos mama!!

    • Thank you Andrea!? You have the most wonderful way of making people feel special. I want that gift. Thanks for giving me something to aspire to?

  • Such cute pictures. And I love your family photo. You are gorgeous! The older my kids get, the more I can see how fast time is flying, and it's a bit scary.

  • Oh, Girl! I am right there with you on the Peri-menopausal brain! Don't even get me started! Loved seeing all your pics!! So sweet!!

    • Oh my gosh...for real. This middle aged thing is not for wimps?. Thanks for looking at my pics.❤️

  • Oh my gosh that Daddy's girl picture! Melts my heart! My mom tried to make me a bow person, and I'd get in trouble at every soccer game because she'd put these giant homemade bows with metal and plastic soccer balls in them, and the refs would make me take them out! Has your son landed a gig for post-college that will bring him closer to you guys? (And sorry I'm so late to blog catching up tonight- spent literally 3 hours on a yellow school bus!)

    • A day on a bus...can't really say I miss that even though I wanted to go on every field trip. My family has thoroughly enjoyed this post.

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