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Friday Favorites #52

Good morning friends and happy Friday!

I’m sharing this Snapchat from one morning this week just because I like it. This is how I start everyday. With my coffee in hand, in the corner of the sofa and my computer is usually on my lap.

Today’s edition of Friday favorites is going to be short and sweet. We got into Nashville last night about 9:30 and so by the time we got our rental car, drove to our friends and visited with them for a bit it was almost 1:00 AM before I started this. Of course my body thought it was just 11:00, so it really wasn’t as bad as you’d think.


Yesterday when I got up and went downstairs there was a cute little box in the corner of the sofa where I like to sit. Naturally I knew where it came from, but Kent wasn’t up yet so I waited for him before I opened it.

Say it with me….


Last weekend we were at the mall and strolled through Pottery Barn where I spotted these adorable little bunny candle holders. Don’t you think it’s so cute? Well what do you know? The Easter Bunny came to our house early and brought me one. I love it and I love that he took note of it and went back to get me a sweet surprise.

Thanks Bubbie.❤️


Snapchats from this crazy girl and her friends. I can’t wait to see them later today and then tomorrow in Singarama. That’s why we came to Nashville. Singarama is a HUGE variety show/musical put on every year by the students. I was in it when I was in college and now Katie is too. So much fun!


I’ve been wanting a fancy “bundt” pan for a while and finally broke down and bought one a couple of weeks ago at Williams Sonoma. I love the design and it will make a beautiful cake.

Confession time…

I made one last week. It was in the oven, the timer was on, and my doorbell rang. It was my next door neighbor and her 3 adorable little girls. I went outside with them for a bit and when I came back in the timer was going off and I don’t know for how long. This is what middle aged mama brain looks like. I took the cake out, let it cool slightly and tried to remove it with no luck. I let it cool all the way and still no luck. Insert all the sad face emoji’s here. It had over baked and completely stuck to the pan. NOT A FAVORITE!


My beautiful bundt was now nothing “bundt” crumbs in the trash.


Hopefully the next time I try it, I won’t get distracted.


A friend of mine had this posted on Facebook this week and I couldn’t agree more. It is so easy to judge ourselves based on what we see on social media (or even in all the blogs we read). Let’s cut ourselves some slack and remember what people are usually posting are just the good things,  not all the things that cause self doubt, and cause us to criticize and beat ourselves up. Everyone has their own set of issues and their own brand of crazy. We just need to remember to own it and not worry about what everyone else thinks.

Did you ruin a cake? Go out with mismatched shoes? Was your dress stuck in your butt crack? (sorry Mom…I can just hear her saying “oh Lisa”)  Did you come out of the bathroom and have a foot a toilet paper trailing behind you? Trust me, we’ve all had those moments. 

Own your crazy and know you are good enough just the way you are!

Have a great weekend peeps!



Linking up with all these blogger babes

The Slaughters / Grace and Love / Momfessionals

Bright on a Budget / Cup of Tea /  Della Devoted

Smidge of This / Carolina Charm / Hello Happiness

Style Elixir


View Comments

  • What a sweet gift! Did the WS website give any helpful tips about what to spray the pan with to help for better release? I'd still eat the cake- crumbles and all! :) Hope you all have a lot of fun this weekend!

    • It was a sweet, sweet surprise! I didn't check the website...good idea. The lady asked me when I was paying if I had baking spray and I told her yes. I used the kind with flour but next time I might flour on top of that. I think (hope) it was just where I over baked it. Y'all have a great weekend too! We're having tons of fun!

  • So in love with this and also relatable! I have been in some crazy situations and in fact just burnt the toast twice this morning making breakfast for my college boy who's home and the smoke alarm went off, LOL! I know your next bundt cake will be gorgeous! Look at those pretty girls faces, so much fun! How sweet of the Easter bunny to bring you such a darling candle holder, just the sentiment alone is precious! Have so much fun my dear!!

    • Thank you Andrea!!! We are loving every minute. Doesn't it just drive you crazy when you burn stuff? But we all do it? Hopefully I'll have a beautiful bundt picture to share soon. Have a terrific weekend.?

  • Have the best time! I LOVE how thoughtful your husband was! That reminds me that I could "up my game" as well, and do more thoughtful things for my husband. And I remember being on my honeymoon in Mexico and walking out of the bathroom with the maid running behind me to tell me that my dress was tucked into my underwear. Us gals have to watch out for each other. ;)

    • We're having a blast. It's kind of funny, I had forgotten he used to give me Easter treats so it was a sweet revival of that. Thank heavens for the are so right. #girlpower #strongertogether Have a great weekend.

  • Oh my jealous you are in Nashville!! Have so much fun! I had just a slight bit of anxiety just looking at that bundt pan..haha. Mine i'm sure would turn out like your mistake cake. Hope you have a beautiful time with your daughter!!

    • We are having a ball!!! I'm going to try the cake again soon and cross my fingers (and stay inside while the timer is on ...LOL) Thanks Shelly!

  • What a sweet bunny! I keep seeing really pretty silver ones like that. It's a festive touch that doesn't feel overly cutesy (although, I don't necessarily mind overly cutesy once and a while ;) ). Also, I'm so guilty of what that quote says. Constant reminder to focus on myself because even though some people seem to have it all together, we never know what's going on behind closed doors.

  • What a sweet and thoughtful thing for your husband to do! It's a shame that the cake didn't work out bc that pan is gorgeous! Have a great weekend!

    • Thanks Tara! It really was a sweet surprise. I'm going to take another whack at the cake soon...fingers crossed. I'll keep you posted?. You have a great weekend too!

  • That was so sweet for your husband to go back and get the bunny candle holder! I love it! Sorry about your cake, but give it another shot! That cake pan is so unique! Enjoy Nashville!

    • He's a keeper❤️. I'm going to try again with the cake soon???. We're having a ball!!! Have a great weekend. XO

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