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Stop The Clock

Happy hump day! I would be ever so happy if someone could just show me how to stop the clock for a bit so I can stay in my happy place longer. I’m already dreading the arrival of Sunday and having to leave here.

It’s been a while since I’ve done a post on all the random things in my head, and believe me…it’s a big ol’ hot mess up in there. I’m joining Shelly for the link up she hosts to share some of my circus within.

What I’m loving…

Seeing my kids as grown ups. I have to tell you, they haven’t always been so willing to hang out together, and I have to credit Erin for being what I’d call the “glue” this week. The three of them just do their thing while Kent and I do ours. I love seeing Benny and Katie developing more of the kind of relationship that my brother and I have and I love that Katie and Erin get along so beautifully. 

What I’m watching…

All kinds of water life.

You just said “WOW”!!! Didn’t you? 

↑↑↑ So this is the picture I was hoping for ↑↑↑

↓↓↓ This is the picture I captured ↓↓↓

Not quite the same, but I’m pretty sure it was a dolphin. There were a couple that kept barely coming out of the water and this was the best I could get. I’m going to keep trying though. Watching for things like this is something I’m very patient about. Makes me think of when you put your hand on a pregnant belly and patiently wait to feel the baby kick. I can do that forever. 

What I’m reading…

Thanks to Shelly’s recommendation, I’m reading Breaking Up With Perfect while basking in the sun and I also brought Cancel The Wedding.

What I’m loving…

Sitting on the balcony, drinking my coffee, blogging and enjoying the quiet of the morning all by myself. I’m always the first one up, and I love having time to start my day quietly, alone. I do this even at home, but I’ll just tell you right now that I wish I could start every single day with the view I have this week.

I typically wear a baseball hat when I’m in the sun, but I purchased this new hat to keep my face completely out of the sun and even help protect my chest. Mine came from Target and the exact one isn’t online, but they have a great selection you can check out here.

We are on an all “seafood” diet both literally and figuratively this week. We are eating all the food we see and all the seafood…LOL. Next week we will be in full on diet lock down.?

Sitting across from these three every night is a favorite and very entertaining.

I think that about does it for this morning. It’s time for me and Kent to get out and do our walk. Yesterday we walked 6 miles in the morning and then about 3 more on the beach in the afternoon.

You’d think that would help offset all the food.

Hope your week is going as well as mine.




Linking up with The Queen In Between for 


View Comments

  • Who is that beauty in the beach hat?? So cute and love your OTS! You now have me excited for our annual beach family vacay. Sitting across from our three every night at nice dinners is my favorite thing too and of course drinking coffee on the balcony! Beautul pictures!!

    • You are so sweet Andrea! Thank you. I wasn't sure about the hat, but I've got to keep the sun of my face?. Hope you are having a great week!! XO

  • Good luck on getting your dolphin pic. ;) I am so jealous of your morning view! I too could get used to that very quickly.

    • Thanks Jenny! I'm going to keep watching. This view is perfect!!! Hope you are having a great week!

  • I've been on the seefood diet at school this week due to state testing! "Your" dolphin picture cracked me up- I was so impressed! Tell those kids to put their towels under an umbrella- ain't nobody got time for skin cancer!!

    • You are so right about that! Sadly, talking to them is sometimes like talking to a brick wall?. We're using all the sunscreen, but still managing to get too much?. Good luck with all the testing!

  • Okay, okay! You had me with the dolphin picture!! That was too funny! Also, I find it ironic that both your husband and Benny had their arms crossed in the pictures! Have fun!

    • LOL, Laura! I got Kent with the dolphin picture too. I hadn't even noticed they both had their arms crossed. You're so observant?!

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