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Friday Favorites #62

Hello friends and happy Fri-yaaaay!!! 

 Yesterday all day I though it seemed like Friday and now here it really is. Do you ever have days like that?

We’ve had a good week. The temperatures have finally gone back up and it feels like summer again. I just love feeling the warmth when I walk outside. I guess you could say that’s a favorite. Let’s see what else made me happy this week in the favorites department.


Katie captured all these fun pictures of me and Kent last weekend. He’s a favorite for sure. Whenever he sees pictures of us together like this he says, “I’m tall” and I follow with “I’m short”. We’re so used to it that we forget unless we see it in pictures.


Having this girl right here home for the summer is definitely a favorite. 

~ three~

We are accumulating quite the collection of weights for our “home gym”. I mentioned I’m doing an online boot camp for clean eating and exercise for 6 weeks. (which is really 7 because there is a prep week.) It’s called FASTer Way To Fat Loss and I learned about it through Cyndi Spivey’s blog.

My clothes are fitting better and I can tell I’m getting stronger which is really exciting. I’ve been so happy that I decided to do it this summer while Katie is home because she’s being a great support and doing it right along with me. If you are curious and want some more information on it click here and feel free to ask any questions in the comments. I’m happy to share my experience.


Okay, now just hear me out. This may seem really strange. It’s not that I love ironing, but I do love the end result. I had a stack in the laundry room that had been taunting me for over a week and finally took care of it. If you aren’t starching your pillowcases and the top of your sheets, you are missing out. I love getting into a bed with clean, crisp sheets. 


Yesterday was our Ladies Who Link party and we talked about all things summer. If you missed it you can click here and see what I had to say and check out some of my blogger friends too. 


Y’all know I love a good funny and this one is just solid advice. LOL I’m lucky to have a bunch of funny Facebook friends who are frequently filling my feed with laughter.


Nothing makes you want a big piece of cake like knowing you aren’t supposed to eat a big piece of cake. Can you believe it isn’t considered “clean eating”? And this statement is actually totally true…I like my eggs best in a cake…or brownies. YUMMMM!

We’re ready for the weekend around here and it’s looking like it’s going to be a hot one. They’re saying triple digits on Sunday.

Have a great one!




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Linking up with these blogger friends…

 The Slaughters / Grace and Love / Momfessionals

Bright on a Budget / Cup of Tea /  Della Devoted

Smidge of This / Carolina Charm / Hello Happiness

Style Elixir


View Comments

  • I have a collection of weights at my house that neither my hubby and I are using right now. We need to be. Also, I like eggs in my cake as well!! LOL. Have a great weekend!

    • I could go for "some eggs" right now, but I can't have cake? Soon, though, very soon I shall have my eggs. hahaha! Thanks for stopping by!

  • Have a fabulous weekend! Your husband is so tall and thin reminds me of mine. I'm 5'5"and always wearing heels in pictures so the difference isn't as noticeable (he's 6'1")but he weighs 150 pounds and it kills me that he's so thin and tall. I feel short and squat around him sometimes, haha! Glad you're getting results with the fasting program - Cyndi looks amazing and so thin! That's pretty motivating.

    • Your hubby sounds just like mine..but Kent's almost 6'2" and get this...weighs even a little less than yours. WHAT THE HECK??? I'm 5'3"ish. I tell him I can never get fat or we'll look like the number 10. LOL Have a great weekend sweet friend!

  • Woah - triple digits! I'd be hibernating. Haha. Congrats on getting in shape! That's serious willpower. And yes, eggs are always better in brownies!! :) Have a lovely weekend!

    • I actually don't mind the heat. I'll take hot over cold Thanks, I'm feeling good about sticking with the program. Brownies??? are the best use of eggs. EVER!!! You have a wonderful weekend too!!!

  • Ok! That's it! I'm sending my ironing to your house! And I could eat chocolate cake every day for breakfast! Enjoy your weekend!

    • Ummm...I'm not looking for more ;) Cake for breakfast...I'll vote for that! Have a great weekend!

  • Great pictures! Hope you make it through the heat wave without melting! Hopefully you are getting some relief in the evenings and mornings!

    • Thanks Nicole! I actually love the heat...but it's not humid here so it's much more manageable. Have a wonderful weekend!

  • OMG those snack bags- too funny! Thank goodness for tall guys for us shrimpy ladies! And I don't know about us being friends anymore- you iron your pillowcases!?!?! I'm lucky to not lose a sock in the laundry- that room is always in survival mode at our house! Hope you guys have a nice weekend with great weather!

    • I know...that CRACKED me up!!! Just think of the ironing as a mental illness...I can't help it. When the kids were little I ironed EVERY SINGLE piece of their clothes. It's going to be hot this weekend, but I love it!!! Y'all have fun too! XO

  • I always love Friday posts like this!! I am glad you're enjoying your daughter home for the summer! I haven't heard of the FASTer Way To Fat Loss, but I am going to take a look at it. I mostly run, but sometimes I get a little burned out on running. I love workouts I can do at home, too! I don't really need to lose weight, just maintain and I'd love to gain some more muscle. My legs are muscular, but the rest of my body could use help!


    • Thanks Carrie! I've hit that magical age where a few lbs. just won't come off like they used to. :( I definitely like that her workouts work all parts of our body. You might be able to just get the workouts? Not sure. I've always worked out at home too. Have a wonderful weekend!

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