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Weekend Wrap Up

Hey y’all!!!! Hope you had a wonderful weekend. I think by now summer is in full swing for everyone. Can you believe we are in the last week of JUNE??? I am kind of in denial. The next 4 weeks we have so many fun things on our calendar and I just don’t want it to be over. We have 3 different bouts of company between now and the end of July.

I mentioned last week that I had attended 2 funerals in a week. Thursday I wore this t-shirt dress. It was steamin’ hot out and this was perfect for looking appropriate and staying cool and comfortable.

swing dress / shoes / necklace / earrings

I bought this dress last year at Gap and they have a very similar v-neck this year. Honestly, I love a v-neck so I think I’d really love this years, but Old Navy has this one that looks identical. I added my lace up block heel sandals and long necklace from Kendra Scott to bring it all together and dress it up a bit. You could just as easily throw on a pair of Converse with this for a casual look and even wrap a jacket or plaid shirt around your waist for a sporty look.

Okay, so y’all know I’ve mentioned a couple of times that I’ve been doing a clean eating and workout program. I’m in week 5 of 7 and feeling great.  I imagine your thinking a Nothing Bundt Cake doesn’t seem like it would exactly fit the mold for “clean eating”. Well on Saturdays we have a killer leg workout (as in we walk so slowly the rest of the day) and are allowed to build a treat into our calories. For the last 3 Saturdays, we workout, eat lunch, shower and head straight for the Nothing Bundt Cake store for one of these delicious little treats. We’ve been getting the lemon because it’s the least offensive calorie wise, but it does not lack for delightful taste. If you have a Nothing Bundt Cake bakery near you and have yet to visit it, get in there. You.are.missing.out! ANNNND…they have free samples. Oh yes!

And because we are just so wild and crazy our Saturday night included a cruise around Target. Target is more fun when this silly girl is along.

Benny never ceases to amaze me. We talked to him Saturday and he said he was going to prep his lunches for the week and then yesterday I got this Snapchat. Are you impressed or what? I sure was! I’m here to tell you that looking at this picture just made me smile. My baby boy is now a grown man, working and doing “food prep” for his own lunches. This mama’s heart is full and proud.

Edit: I’m getting questions about the boxes he’s using. You can order them HERE and HERE.

Having now sung his praises I can also tell you that when he was younger and I would clean their bathroom I’d think about my friend that is the mother of 3 boys and how thankful I was that I only had one who for some strange reason couldn’t quite hit the toilet. Boys will be boys. When I saw this meme I couldn’t help but chuckle. I’ve since made a friend with 4 boys and Stephanie, if you are reading this, I can’t begin to imagine cleaning all those boy bathrooms. 😉

So there are the highlights from the Richardson’s weekend. What’s on your agenda for this week?




Linking up with

More Pieces Of Me / Sincerely Jenna Marie / Trendy & Tidy / Glass Of Glam / The Style Nudge

Not Dressed As Lamb / Pink Sole / Not Dead Yet Style 


View Comments

  • Can Benny prep meals for my family? I looked at those containers a few weeks and thanks to your post, I just ordered them.

  • Love the dress! Ahh Nothing Bundt Cake- so good! Any chance you will please ask Benny where he got those food prep containers? They would be perfect in my kids' lunchboxes next year because Ziploc stopped making their portioned containers. :(

    • Thank's so comfy! I just went back and added links to a couple of container options on Amazon. (I don't think you're an affiliate for them?) He's pretty amazing! I was so impressed. Have a great day!!!!

  • Hey Girlie! Loved that meme but it certainly made me appreciate my girls!!! Lol! I think the black swing dress was perfect for funeral attire although I'm sorry for your loss. I agree that those Binet cakes are the best! I sampled my first one a few years ago at market and fell in love! Unfortunately, the closest one is nearly two hours away! You and Katie enjoy your Monday and stay out of trouble!!

    • Hahaha! Katie's bathroom has a whole other kind of funk. Sometimes I think girls are even worse than boys with all the hair and makeup products. You girls were busy all weekend. Looked like a lot of fun! Have a great day!!!

  • I'm chuckling as the mama of 3 boys! I tell you what, that meal prepping is definitely a thing to be proud of! You are a mom who has done it right with those sweetie pies! I'm sorry about the funerals so is it bad to say you look HOT in black?? I'm so proud of you and of course every good gal needs a lil bundt now and then!! Happy Monday gorgeous!

    • Isn't that just the truth! But they sure are sweet❤️. Thanks for the sweetness you always bring. Have a great day my beautiful friend!!! XO

  • Love that funny meme. I have two boys, teens right now. That is on point! And let's not get started on the bathroom. I make them clean it but you can imagine how that goes! Unfortunately, their bathroom is also the guest bathroom, so their kind of clean is not cutting it. I have to go in and do it again. My youngest son was up early this morning asking me to play this mouth guard game with him. Afterwards, "That was so much fun mom". Heart melted! Child redeemed :)

    • Nicole, I feel ya'! I would make mine clean theirs too (and Katie has to this summer as well) I even made a list of the steps and taped to the back of their bathroom door. I'd try to restrain myself from going behind them and re-doing it. I was always happy once I got in there and did a good cleaning though. Happy you got to spend some time playing with your youngest❤️ Have a great week!

  • Can I hire him to prep my meals for me? Seriously, that looks fantastic!

  • Oh my goodness! I just laughed so hard tears are in my eyes over that meme. I'm that boy mom!!!

  • Wow, your son is amazing with that meal prepping!! #goals! Love your black swing dress - you just look so cute!

    • Thanks Kristi! He's a pretty awesome guy. I kinda forgot I had that dress...I need to wear it more often.

  • That Nothing Bundt Cake looks SO, SO good and it is like cupcake (ok, jumbo cupcake) size!


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