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10 on the 12th

Every single month I somehow manage to miss all the link ups for posts like 10 on the 10th and I think they would be so fun. Well I may be late to the party, but I’m still showing up and I’m linking up with Erin from Perfectly Port Family. If you’ve never stopped by her blog be sure you do. She’s the sweetest and has a darling little family.

Do you ever stop to think about how many things you do every day that just come as second nature? It wasn’t unit I read some other bloggers habits that I started to really think about all the daily habits I have.


For as long as I can remember the very first thing I do every single day is make the bed. As soon as my feet hit the floor I make the bed. (assuming Kent’s no longer in it 😉


Then I head straight to the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth. I know a lot of people don’t brush their teeth as soon as they get up, but I can’t stand not to do this.


Next I head straight downstairs and get my coffee then curl up on the sofa with my computer and get my blog posted, check Facebook, email and read my favorite blogs. I need/want to get back into a good routine of doing my prayer journal and devo time in the morning. It’s so easy to fall out of that and I’ve found myself doing that lately.


I work out everyday for at least 45 minutes and then shower and get ready. I’ve LOVED having a workout buddy this summer. Workouts are definitely easier and more fun with a partner.


I’ve never been one to really eat in the morning and would usually wait until at least between 11:30-2:00 to eat. Since doing the FASTer Way To Fat Loss for the last 7 weeks I’m usually ready to eat when noon rolls around and it’s time to “break my fast”. This program is built around the idea of “fasting” daily for at least 16 hours giving your body time to burn through stored glucose and get to stored fat. If you are looking for a program to jump start your fitness this might be your answer.


The rest of the day may consist of errands, house work, blogging, working my Rodan + Fields business, laundry, etc…


By 4:00 I’m usually thinking about what I’m going to make for dinner and getting that ball rolling.


If we aren’t doing anything in the evening I like to go on upstairs fairly early and get ready for bed and wash my face. If I sit around and wait then I’m just too lazy to do my skin care routine and I really try to do it every night. I’m not getting any younger you know.


We usually watch television at night and frequently I’m on my computer (just like I am right now).

Then by 10:00 we are heading upstairs for the evening. Wow, we sound old and boring. Or maybe  some of you young girls are thinking you could go for just having your nights free and no bath time & bed time routines. Your time will come. 🙂


I usually hop on the ipad once I crawl into bed and peruse Pinterest for bit until I can’t hold my eyes open. Katie loves to make fun of me for falling asleep with it in my hands. Oh sweet girl, your day will come.

Okay friends, that’s it for my little routine. Tomorrow I’ll probably post a little later once I’ve placed my first Nordstrom order for the sale so I can share with you what I’m getting for my first round.

I hope your week is off to a great start. Can you believe it’s already half over?





View Comments

  • Your bedroom is beautiful, Friend! I totally need to get on the make your bed everyday train! But the kid in me says, why? It's just gonna get messed up again! Enjoy your day!

    • Thank you Laura (I'm not sure why the picture isn't very clear) My mom drilled that into us so it's now part of my being. I tried passing it to my kids with some success, but not 100%. Happy Wednesday!!

  • So I'm kind of glad that I didn't do this linkup because I never make my bed! Robert's still in it half the time and at 4:30 am, I've got a million other things to do to get out the door. I love that tray in your bathroom to keep everything organized- so pretty!

    • I always assumed everyone always made their beds...hahaha. Now most days I have to say to Katie, "make your bed". Apparently in the dorm she does it though. What the heck? That tray is Southern Living at Home and I had a slight addiction to that company for many years (apparently so did Shelly @ the Queen in Between). Thanks Allie!

    • Me too Tanya! I just sold it so I could have a party and get free stuff! I've got so much!!! I miss that company.

  • I cannot get on the make my bed every day train either! Lately the only time I make it every other week before the housekeepers come. When we move into our new house, I'm going to make that a priority! I absolutely loved getting a glimpse into a day of your sweet life beautiful Lisa! I sure hope today is a great one!

    • I think there must be something wrong with me...I can't function until the stupid thing is made. I think it's part of the OCD gene I have. I know when I'm gone Kent leaves it unmade...LOL. You have a terrific Wednesday too sweet lady!!

  • First of all my mother instilled in me from a very young age that I had to make my bed every single day, so I do! If for some reason I don't I feel out of sorts all day long, crazy! Secondly, a day in your life sounds quite delightful, especially having your precious workout partner!
    And I am in love with that tray holding all of your skin care products. I keep mine in my tv room (on a low shelf next to my recliner so they're not visible) because I am so lazy! I wash my face right after dinner and then once I'm squeaky clean I start applying products. I like waiting in between each product and I'm too lazy to ever go back to my bathroom to do it so keeping them by the tv works for me. It's crazy but it's the only way I can be sure to do my skincare!
    What a fun post!!!!

    • That tray is an old Southern Living at Home piece. I miss that company. Your skincare routine sounds great! That's a great idea just keeping it by your chair. I love that! Whatever it takes. Happy Wednesday!! XOXO

  • I'm the same way about making my bed, and I'd say the kids have picked it up about 90% of the time. I love your bedding. That might be one of my projects in the next few months - giving our master bedroom a coordinated look. Loved seeing your daily routines...similar to mine. I might try that fasting for 16+ hours...sounds like a good idea.

    • I think you just feel more organized when it's made. I just redid our bedroom since being in this house. I was trying to keep it a little neutral so it would be easier to change quilts, etc...I've kind of been doing that downstairs too. Good luck if you try the fasting. I'm planning to stick with it. Happy Wednesday!

  • I love having my teeth brushed before I pour my coffee. And I love that you workout everyday! I really need to get back into an exercise routine again... but honestly I just don't enjoy working out. Probably why I keep falling off the wagon. ;)

    • Thanks Jenny! It's not that I love working out, I'm just afraid of what will happen if I stop...LOL

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