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Friday Favorites #65


Who else has been discombobulated this week. (are you still sounding that out??) Having a day off in the middle of the week made me confused all week long. Our first round of company left yesterday and the next group gets here Sunday. We love having a house full of friends and all the fun that comes with them.

Time to see what made the Friday Favorites for this week and link up with a bunch of blogger buddies at the bottom of the post. 


Friday Funny…

If you know me, then you know this is pretty much dead on.


Popped into Starbucks to see our girl hard at work. Just look at the concentration.

“Stop it, Mom”

We grabbed a couple of treats and headed to Target. Not to worry. I only drank a little of my yummy drink and then let Kent have the rest and trust me, that took some real will power because it was 

de-licious. #FWTFL


I don’t think it matters how old you are. If you loved to swing as a child, you love to swing as an adult. We took our little friends to the park and had just as much fun as they did.


One of my friends is in charge of the children’s ministry at our church. We needed a bulletin board in the hall and I volunteered to decorate it. I think it turned out so cute. It’s old school, but I like old school.



Little Ms. Harper liked wearing ALL THE HATS! She was a hoot!!!


It’s that time of year again. Time for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. This is the very sale that made me a Nordstrom convert 2 years ago. If you are a Nordstrom card holder you get early access to the sale a week before the general public and trust me, things sell out fast. It’s an opportunity to grab up some great fall fashions at discounted prices. It’s hard to think about fall and winter when it’s 90 some degrees outside, but you’ve got to strike while the iron is hot. (see what I did there??) If you want to apply for a Nordstrom card click here. Being a card holder comes with other perks too. Free alterations, advance notice of sales and occasional triple points days.

Next week I’ll have a post with some of the things I’m eyeing from the sale catalog which only has a fraction of the items that will be included in the sale. 


Here are the posts from this week if you missed them.

The Blended Blog Asks // Red & White Striped Dress // Celebrating Like A Child 

  Blush Top & White Jeans

Have a great weekend friends!




Don’t forget to check out the favorites of some of these sweet girls.

The Slaughters / Grace and Love / Momfessionals

Bright on a Budget / Cup of Tea /  Della Devoted

Smidge of This / Carolina Charm / Hello Happiness

Style Elixir / Not Dressed As Lamb


View Comments

  • Hats off to Katie for her job a Starbuck's, I swear I could not do it - there are so many ways to order a drink there I'd be crying in the corner confused! Haha! Your bulletin board is precious! Hope you have the best weekend!

    • Thanks Kellyann! She comes home with lots of stories...LOL This is her second summer there. We love the perks...hahaha! PERKS! She brings us coffee and treats. You have an awesome weekend too!!!

  • I have had no clue what day of the week it was at any point!! TGIF indeed! :) And the last time I went swinging (swung??), I was so sore the next day! Darn adulthood!

    • Dear Jess, Today is Friday! I hope that helps...LOL ;) Get out there and get to swinging girlie. Have a great weekend!!!

  • The best post I've read today! I love everything. Is it every parent's dream for their child to work at Starbucks?? I have my fingers crossed :) You did a great job with that bulletin board. I'm horrible when it comes to creating ideas for those things. We had several at my last job that we had to decorate every couple months. I left it to the staff for all ideas. I'm sure your friend was so thankful for great work :)

    • Nicole, Thank you so much!!! You made me grin form ear to ear! Pinterest is my friend when it comes to looking for ideas for most things and it didn't fail me for the bulletin board. You definitely need a child to work at Starbucks!!! So many PERKS...hahaha. (I should have worked that into my post...sometimes I feel so much more clever commenting that actually writing. What the heck?) Have a marvelous weekend!!!

  • The bulletin board turned out great! And I've totally been discombobulated... weirdest week ever! Enjoy your weekend! :)

    • Thanks Jenny! I think stumbling on the cloud paper at Hobby Lobby was a great find. You have a great weekend too!!! XO

  • Did Katie quit the pool job for Starbucks? The bulletin board looks so cute- come do mine at my new school for me! My friend and I took the kids to the park recently and were just talking about how we can't swing any more because we get so nauseous now- to be 5 again! Happy Friday!

    • The whole pool job turned into a hot mess. She'd been home almost a month and done everything they required and still hadn't been contacted to train. She kept checking in with them and they kept saying "so and so will contact you". She finally decided to see if she could go back to her old Starbucks job from last summer and they said YES (hallelujah) of course that very day the pool wanted her to come in and train. Wouldn't you know it. But she wasn't going to get much work out of it at that point so she went back to Starbucks and everybody is happy! Bummer about getting nauseous when you swing. I can't do it as long as I used to, but I still love to go high! Have a great weekend. (I'd do your bulletin board if I could ;)

    • Well that makes 2 of us...I feel like a reject...LOL I haven't gotten mine either, but I've looked at it online.

  • I love that you have a connection to Starbucks. I hope she is hooking you up. So jealous. Happy Friday!!

    • Oh my goodness. We were so sad when she quit to go to school last year and thrilled she's back at it this summer. Lots of fun perks.☕️? Have a great weekend!!!

  • I am seriously still laughing at the stop it mom Starbucks pics! Priceless! I really wish we had a Nordstrom close by. I can't wait to see what you snag! Happy Weekend!

  • Love that bulletin board! It makes my former teacher self so happy :) And yay for a barista in the family! One of my roommates in college worked at Starbucks and OMG when she would bring home leftover pasties - phenomenal :)

    • Thank you Amanda!!! I've always loved arts & crafts, so bulletin boards are right up my alley. It's awesome when some fun Starbucks treats just happen to show up at our house and having her along when get drinks is pretty handy ;) Happy Weekend!!

  • I would love one of my kids working at Starbucks...the "perks" would be awesome! Way to go on the bulletin cute!

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