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What a weekend!

Happy Eclipse Day!!!!

Since I’m sure you’re just dying of curiosity as to what I’ve been up to here’s a super quick pictorial recap…

We checked out Katie’s dorm on Friday once we finally got to Nashville. (see this post for travel details.)

It has that “new house smell”?

They have their own bathroom. So the shower curtain rod was obviously hung by a man. (apologies to any men reading this) It was hung at the top and since these are extra tall showers that means the shower curtain lacks about a foot at the bottom. What the heck? I’m going to buy a shower curtain rod and just use it.

Friday night we had a girls night out with Kelsey, Cassie, Katie, Rosalee  and then myself and Kim (Cassie’s mom…my college roommate) Read the tale of us and our girls here.

My college roomie and bestie Kim

Her stuff being stored in our friends basement.

Ready for move in!

Making progress…

Katie’s car arrived Saturday afternoon.

Bridal shower for Rachel (in white) on Sunday afternoon. 

One of my BFF’s…Dawn.

I’m staying with her for part of the week in Franklin, KY and then going back to Nashville.

 This picture is taken through the lens of the eclipse glasses.↑↑↑

These were taken just holding up my camera without the glasses.

I was pretty much indifferent about the whole eclipse phenomenon and really didn’t “get it”…



It was really so cool. I’m so sad Kent didn’t get to experience it and I wish I would have had the knowledge to figure out the best way to photograph it. Watching it progress was amazing and sitting in the dark and what felt like night at 2:00 in the afternoon was absolutely crazy. The crickets were chirping and the temperature dropped and I felt it was time to go to bed.

Were you in a good area to view it? What did you think? 

Check the link ups tab at the top to see who I’m linking up with today.





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  • Katie's dorm is so pretty and CLEAN!!! Nolan's place is about 100 years old, I don't think it will ever look clean and it will NEVER smell clean with 4 boys living there. One of the moms brought a vacuum for the boys, hahahaha!!!! I don't think it will ever get used. I am so glad you all finally made it and it looks like you are having a great time. The eclipse was anti climactic here because it didn't get dark - that would be cool - it just looked a little over cast. Oh well, maybe next time !
    Enjoy your vacay friend - you deserve it after all your travel headaches. Best wishes to Katie on a fabulous Fall semester!

    • Hey sweet friend! Her room is coming along but we need to "homey" it up a bit before I leave. I'm having a ball here. The vacuum?. Um yeah, that will get used...not. I think Katie's roommate might have brought one too...doubt that it will get much if an use either. I wish you could have experienced the eclipse. It was so cool, but hard to understand without witnessing it. Hope you've been having a great week. XOXO

  • Amazing photos, Lisa. I watched it on telly over here live from Oregon. We had one here some years ago and it is a very interesting experience. I was down on the beach and suddenly it went dark and cold and instantly the birds stopped squawking. An absolute eerie silence. You had an amazing view, thanks for sharing.

    • It's truly so hard to explain to someone who didn't get to witness it. Amazing is the perfect word! Hope you have been having a wonderful week!!!

  • Whew, I was wondering where you were today and I was so hoping you were going to view the eclipse because I knew you were in Nashville. Katie's room is coming along, that floral dress of yours is spot on spectacular on boy you are packing it in during your time in Nashville! The eclipse sure was a sight to behold and so are you!!

    • HI!!! That eclipse isn't even explainable to someone who didn't see it. So crazy. I'm having a blast down here in the south with my people. Hope you're week is being great to you sweet friend!!!

  • Omg! That dorm is a hotel suite! Ok didn't know there was a Franklin, KY AND a TN! Hope you're having fun! There were no glasses left in the city of Houston, and then the clouds covered the skies, so we didn't get a good view.

    • You are actually right!!!! They built it with the intention of using it for lectureships in the summer to house people. It's great. I'm sorry y'all didn't get a good view. It's really not something you can even explain. It was AWESOME!

  • Aw! Love Katie's new dorm and the way she decorated. This makes me sad for Stephanie's old dorm/apartment and her roomies! Time just flies by! I still can't get over how dark it got where y'all were! It never got that dark here in Louisiana. I was just amazed all afternoon by God's creativity!

    • We still need to do some work on her room when I go back later this week. The eclipse was AMAZING!!! I'm so glad I was on this side of the country. Kent said it was pretty anticlimactic in CA. You are so right, God's creativity and power is something else!

  • The eclipse was so cool! We only got to about 92% coverage, but it was really interesting. Glad you got your girl all settled!

    • Thanks Lana!!! I'm so glad I got to see it...I could really have cared less until it got started and I looked through the glasses the first time...then I was hooked!

  • We were at 95% covered and it wasn't too dark. The temperature dropped here too and I loved it :) It was neat to see the changes in lighting but I didn't see much of what was happening with the sun. College move in is in full swing around here too. All the kid and parents are hitting up the Target and out and about.

    • It really is. We need to do some serious decorating and make it homey but it's so nice, clean and new.. The eclipse was unexplainable if you didn't see it personally. So happy I did!

  • This brings back so many college moving day memories! Her room is really nice and I'm sure it must be comforting to you to have friends close by for her.

    • It really is nice and CLEAN!!! I can't begin to tell you just how comforting it is to know there are so many people close by who love her and would help her in a second. We are blessed to have that. Makes the distance much easier to take

  • Her dorm looks awesome! A clean, nice dorm with great roommates can seriously make your year. I hope she has a wonderful year, learns lots and makes tons of wonderful memories. :) I think you get best mom award!

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