It’s official! Fall is here, or as I like to call it Flummer. Fall in the morning and summer in the afternoon making it extremely hard to figure out what to wear. I know you know what I’m talking about. All I can say is thank goodness for cardigans.??
We had our normal empty nester weekend of coming and going as we please. I’m telling y’all, this empty nest thing in some ways is awesome. Yes, I absolutely miss having the kids here and knowing all about their days and just hanging out with them around the house. But I’m also here to tell ya’ that flying by the seat of your pants isn’t so bad either and eating out is much cheaper. #lookforthesilverlining
We popped in Target Friday night and look what we found.
You know I’m all about me some Halo Top and well pumpkin…duh. Here’s the “skinny” on it (see what I did?) If I’m using Andrea’s pumpkin scale I’d have to say
4 on a scale of 5. This was pretty darn good. The only think I couldn’t quite figure out was the texture. It had little bits in it that I assume were supposed to be “crust”. We of course topped ours with whipped cream and YUM!
Then Saturday we were out and I was on the hunt for these two pumpkin treats.
Tammy did a great tutorial video on how she makes her own PSL using this coffee. (she actually used Pumpkin Pie, but I found this one) I came home and recreated it and it was delicious and I can promise it will be my afternoon treat for the next little bit. I also picked up these Pumpkin Biscotti after Andrea named them a favorite. These little nuggets are perfect with my PSL and I’m thinking about dipping the bottoms in dark chocolate because…why not?!
I’d also been on the hunt for this yogurt that Andrea and Laura had both recommended. It must be good because Target was all out of the small ones, so I just had to bite the bullet and get a big one. I’m thinking I’ll try this today, so stay tuned.
These two were in Atlanta at my brothers this weekend and he sent me this picture. Them being close was a long time coming and mama’s if your little people can barely tolerate each other I’m here to tell you not to lose hope. Now these two monkey’s of mine are great buddies and protectors of each other.
Erin was with them and they all went to a sporting goods store. So while the boys were shopping, the girls were sending me these on Snapchat and cracking me up.
Kent and I were on our way back from our bagel walk and not to be outdone, I sent them these.
I don’t know if they girls thought they were funny, but I did…LOL
If you follow me on Instagram you saw this yesterday.
Y’all this dress is seriously one of my all time favorite dresses. (and on super sale) I had another friend text me yesterday and she had just ordered it too. It’s really that cute! I wore my blush cardigan with it to church so I could take it on and then off and then and off and….you get the picture. #thankyouhotflashes
And this cozy tunic is on SALE! I bought it last year and loved it and it’s available again this year with a few colors being on sale.
I’ve also gone ahead and rounded up some other great transitional pieces that are all currently marked down.
So there you have it. A weekend review with a lot of good finds.
Hope you have a great week!
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