So here we are. The first Monday in September and with a heavy sigh I say…
I always hate to see summer draw to a close.
Do you know what Labor Day really is all about? For some strange reason I’ve always felt like it was a patriotic holiday. Maybe because it’s the bookend to summer along with Memorial Day, but it has nothing to do with being patriotic. I turned to my good friend Google and here’s what he had to say about Labor Day…
a public holiday or day of festivities held in honor of working people, in the US and Canada on the first Monday in September.
YASSSS!!!! A day off for no other reason than because we deserve it. I’m all about that! AND a good SALE, because we all know Labor Day comes along with lots of sales. Make sure you read to the bottom of the post where I’ve highlighted some of the best sales right now.
Summer is now officially over and it’s truly back to reality for me. After 2 1/2 weeks of playing with my kids and friends in my beloved southern part of the country it’s time for me to go home. BUT that’s okay, I’ll be back in a month for another round. LOL
My friends over at The Blended Blog are hosting another edition of “The Blended Blog Asks” and it’s all things back-to-school. Read along as I answer the following questions:
1 – Love school or hate it? I loved being with my friends, but could certainly do without the work
2 – Start school before or after Labor Day? ??After??
3 – Wake up: Eager beaver or slow poke? Eager beaver
4 – Favorite breakfast? Tasty cake cupcakes. Yes, in high school I’d eat whatever for breakfast and frequently it would be something like this. I would still take something sweet over savory any day of the week if I was a breakfast eater.
5 – Favorite cereal? Probably Lucky Charms or Fruit Loops
6 – School uniform or no school uniform? No uniforms
7 – New outfit for first day or no? Sometimes yes and sometimes no
8 – Walk to school or ride the bus? I always wanted to walk to middle school and I did one time. My mom didn’t want us crossing a “busy” road, but all the cool kids walked to school. I basically remember the grass being wet…LOL
9 – Backpack, tote, or messenger bag? Backpacks were just coming in when I was at the end of my high school career so I always carried my books, but in college I had a backpack.
10 – Eat school lunch or pack lunch? In elementary and middle school my mom packed our lunches. In high school I had stellar eating habits and usually had french fries and an ice cream bar for lunch. Thank heavens for good metabolism back then.
11 – Remember the little milk cartons? White or chocolate? White, which is surprising since I’m such a chocoholic
12 – Paper bag or lunch box? Elementary I had a Barbie lunch box.
13 – Favorite thing to do at recess? Not play dodge ball?
14 – Favorite back to school item? NEW CRAYONS…I still love new crayons!
15 – Chalkboard or dry erase board? Chalk board. Maybe that’s why all us women about my age have such an infatuation with chalk board decor now. hahaha
16 – Regular pencil or mechanical? Mechanical. Keeping regular pencils sharpened is such a pain.
17 – Homework as soon as you got home or after dinner? After dinner. I don’t remember having anywhere near the amount of homework my poor kids have always had and thank goodness for that. It was a struggle for me to do the little amount I had.
18 – Favorite after school snack? Palm to forehead here while shaking my head, but chips and dip. I’m telling you, it’s a wonder I didn’t weigh 200 pounds in high school.
19 – Favorite after school show? The Guiding Light. Who’s with me and went home to watch their favorite “soap opera”? These girls and their Netflix today don’t know what they are missing?
20 – Favorite subject in school? Chorus. I was in show choir and loved that!
21 – Least favorite school subject? Anything science
22 – Name of your best friend in high school? Teisha and Lisa C.
23 – High school mascot type? Lancers. What the heck? A guy on a horse.
24 – SAT or ACT? Both, and they were equally terrible!
25 – Favorite year in school? I loved high school but I’d probably have to say junior or senior year.
26 – Class ring or no class ring? Yes of course, but I sold it at a gold party over 10 years ago. Cash is king!
27 – Attend or not attend high school reunions? NOPE. I was a not party girl in high school and I’m still not, so those just don’t appeal to me. There are a handful of people I’d love to see and catch up with, but honestly I have a feeling our reunions are probably pretty lame.
I hope you’ll share some of your back-to-school memories and answers in the comments.
Have a wonderful day celebrating with your friends and family and check out the sales listed below. Now’s the perfect time to score some great bargains for next summer and possibly a few things for now.
OH!!!! And cross your fingers and say a prayer that the travel gods smile on us today. With my recent history, I need all the luck I can get!
LOFT – 40% off in stores and online
NORDSTROM – new sale items recently added and some items from the big sale
OLD NAVY – 20% off your order on top of sale prices
WHITE HOUSE BLACK MARKET – End of season sale with additional discounts
J.CREW FACTORY – 50% off everything. Use code DELISH
J.CREW – 30% off purchase. Use code YESPLEASE
BANANA REPUBLIC – 40% off everything
ANTHROPOLOGIE – extra 40% off SALE, no code needed
ANN TAYLOR – 50% off sale and 50% off select new styles
GAP – 40% off everything and FREE shipping on all orders. Use code LABORDAY
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Yay, another sweet friend who sold that ring for cold hard cash, lol! And a soap opera girl! We'd have been grand friends in school, I just know it! Barbie lunch box and fresh crayons... I swoon! I wish you safe travels my friend, I know you are heading home with a full heart!! xoxo
Oh my goodness...I had a gold party probably 10 years ago and sold so much old jewelry. It was awesome. You invited friends to sell theirs and got a cut of the overall haul. I made like $1000 total between what I sold and friends. Super fun to go to a party and leave with money in hand. Made it home without incident. The spell is broken (hopefully) Have a beautiful week sweet lady!
Heck yes to the Guiding Light!!!! I was brought up on that show. I wanted to be Reva Shayne forever and I loved Josh. Such a good soap. Also, I would have weighed well over 200 pounds if not for a good metabolism, I ate so much junk.
Prayers for you and an easy travel day. Back to reality my friend but so glad you had a nice long vacation and you'll be headed back that way soon!
Reva and Josh were totally my favs!!! I won a Guiding Light nightshirt at a department store once (pretty much the only thing I've ever won) I think I wore that thing to death. We made it home with zero problems. Yippee!!! Now the countdown is on til' I go back. LOL Have a great day sweet friend! XOXO (good luck with the nail-polish bully?)
I love love this !!! I will try and do my post this evening on Back To School Edition ! Thanks for sharing so many fun facts :) I haven't attended any class reunions, I went to a small school and still keep in touch with so many on Facebook. Thanks for sharing Lisa :)
I loved reading yours too Tammy! I keep in touch with a few through FB also...the ones that I really care about?. Hoping school goes great today and you come home excited!!!
There is a reason we are Soul Sisters!! Yes to cupcakes for breakfast! I always took Swiss Rolls for a snack at recess! Also, yes to chips and dip after school! Doritos and French onion dip! Makes my skin crawl now at all the dip I could put away back then! Have a safe and hopefully uneventful trip home! We're headed home, too, as I type!
I actually made French Onion dip while I was in Nashville to go with burgers when my brother was visiting because I know he loves it. It was soooo good. Wish I could still eat it frequently, but it's too dangerous to even make and have a bag a chips near by?? Have a great week lady!!!
Totally need a day where I adopt your high school breakfasts! :) Have a safe and uneventful trip home!
Just do it!!! You only live once? I used to eat cake, pie, whatever for breakfast until my metabolism decided to go on strike. Made it home without a hitch. Hallelujah!
Yes, to the crayons! My class ring looked exactly like that!
My class ring looked just like that one too, Carrie! Was that your birthstone? It was/is mine. I still LOVE new crayons. Have a great week!!!
Cupcakes for breakfast?? haha!!! I was never into soap operas but I had a friend in college who loved GH and sometimes I'd watch it with her but she had to explain what was going on since I didn't know the back story... Thanks for linking up with the Blended Blog!
I used to be an equal opportunity "sweets" eater for breakfast and I still would be were it not for my darn metabolism trying to take a permanent vacation.
Our mascot was a giant clipper ship... yep, a ship! That was weird. Needless to say we never had an actual mascot because who could dress up like a ship?
Some school mascots just don't make any sense. I mean come on, someones got to be able to dress up like whatever it is and run around at games...LOL
I still love new crayons too! The colors and the smell :). Hope your travels home went well - have a great week!
Made it home without a hitch. Hopefully the spell is broken! I still grab boxes of crayons when I find them on sale and keep them when I need a quick little gift for kids with a new coloring book. Happy Tuesday Lana! (how's the FWTFL going?)
I didn't know you were in show choir! I was a show choir junkie in high school.
Hahaha! Yes ma'am. We were actually one of the best on the East Coast! Loved it! Hope you are adjusting and Ella has a great week! XOXO