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Friday Favorites #80

Hey there sweet friends! Thanks so much for allowing me to be a part of your Friday. This week was all about getting back in the groove around here. There was grocery shopping to be done…at all the stores. Laundry to get caught up on. Boxes to open that had been delivered while I was gone. Mail to go through and so on. You get the picture. Right?

Now I have piles. Piles of clothes to put away, piles of things to return and piles of things that are just organized to be taken care of.


I did manage to find a few things to share as favorites, so let’s get to it.


This was good for a chuckle.



One of my many stops this week was of course Target. I cruised through the clothes and picked up 2 dresses to bring home and try on. (which I still need to do) I also saw this cute bell sleeve sweater and couldn’t resist trying it on. In store they also had it in gray. It was soft and cozy and all things a girl loves in a sweater. And oh yeah, hey Target, clean your mirrors.?


Nannying is giving this girl right here a little taste of the mom life and I’m how show we say, feeling validated. LOL On a side note. Check out her lashes! Are YOU ready to try Lash Boost???


Check this out! We love all things GODIVA! I was just cruising through WalMart minding my own business when I did a double take. GODIVA is now making pudding mixes?!?! I have no idea why this excites me, because frankly we don’t do much pudding eating around here, but I was all happy when I saw this.

I don’t know if you know this, but if you don’t you’re going to want to thank me here in a second.

Did you know…

If you join the GODIVA club and spend $10 a year you then earn a FREE piece of chocolate EVERY MONTH. Yep! Just walk into the GODIVA store and tell them you want your monthly piece. Easy as pie. That’s seriously a great deal. OH, and you get a $10 reward on your birthday, so really your getting CHOCOLATE FOR FREE!

?? ?? ??


And speaking of chocolate. If you missed Wednesday’s post about this decadent cake you should really check it out. After Kent saw the blog he came home saying, “maybe we should get some out of the freezer”.



These were some of the boxes that came while I was away.

I love the new redesigned AMP MD roller. Did you know that rolling aka micro-needling is beneficial for stimulating collagen reproduction? And collagen is what helps combat all those pesky little lines. The reformulated Intensive Renewing Serum contains RetinAl with a capital A because it has vitamin A in it. It’s 20X more potent than Retinol. This is the strongest retinoid you can get without a prescription. It’s specially formulated to deliver maximum results with reduced potential for irritation making it safe for even sensitive skin.

If you’ve been thinking about trying some of these amazing products, now’s the perfect time. I always love a gift with purchase and that’s what we’re offering. You get this great carrying bag when purchase the AMP MD system. If you purchase the AMP MD and a regimen then you get 20% off both plus 10% off for Preferred Customers and FREE shipping. (that’s a savings of almost $75…more than enough to get an eye cream ?)

Leave a comment, email me or visit my website for more info.


Okay, this next part wasn’t a favorite, but I wanted to share.

Northern California has been having terrible fires. A lot of people have lost their homes and some have lost their lives. It’s been really scary for this state. We live about an hour from where the fires have been. They have finally gotten them under control. THANKFULLY!

Tuesday when I went out to Target the air was really smokey and smelled terrible. I called Kent and he said the wind must have shifted up north and was carrying the smoke down here. Well when I got home I found out why it was so smokey. This hills behind our neighborhood had caught on fire. It was CRAZY. The big plane was flying so low right over our house and then dropping the flame retardant stuff on the fire. Fire trucks were coming up and down the streets and a few streets had to be evacuated. It was a little nerve racking.

Thankfully they got it put out and all is well. It burned about 40 acres. In the picture below you can see a small portion of the burnt area. 




This is my current favorite shirt. I love everything about it and get compliments and turned heads every single time I wear it. For the moment it’s sold out, but you girls who know Nordstrom know to keep checking because it can just as easily pop back up. These booties are back on sale too and they are a new favorite for sure. As for my jeans, well you know I’ve been loving my Old Navy jeans this year and these have built in sculpt and are on super sale.

P.S. EVERYTHING at LOFT is 40% off with code FRIENDS

EVERYTHING at ANTHROPOLOGIE is 25% off. No code needed.

WHEW, that about does. Every single week I sit down and wonder what I’m going to talk about and every single week I end up with quite the list.

Have a great weekend! I can hardly believe October is 2/3 over and in a little over a week we leave for Hawaii!



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