Well we’ve reached November and you know what the word of the month is, right?
I’m sure one thing we can all agree on is that we have a lot to be thankful for.
The girls over at the The Blended Blog have come up with a new round of questions this month and as I read over them, they caused me to pause. For some reason this set of questions felt like they took more thought than previous months. Don’t get me wrong, I have much to be thankful for, but these caused me to scratch my head a little and really stop and think.
Even if you aren’t a blogger you can use this list to stop and think about just who and what you might be thankful for.
Things I am Thankful For…
1. A new friend – So as I thought about this question I realized there were multiple occasions for me this year that brought about new friendships. I couldn’t narrow it down to just one new friend. I’ve made new friends through this blog (you know who you are?). I made new friends through my Rodan + Fields business. I made new friends through some of my old friends.
2. Something shiny – Well I feel just a little shallow actually answering this, but I am thankful that my sweet family thought to get me a special bauble for my 50th birthday.
3. Someone unexpected – I’m going to have to say Benny’s girlfriend Erin. We didn’t know she’d be coming into our lives and feel she’s just such a sweet blessing to him and us.
4. Something ordinary – Things that I can easily take for granted like a washer and dryer.
5. A person you’ve known a long time – There are so many people I could name and I wouldn’t want anyone to feel slighted.
6. Somewhere you go everyday – that would have to be home. Some days I don’t even leave the house.
7. Someone who’s taught you something – I’ve learned so much from some of the sweetest friends I’ve made through this blog. You all have taught me how to be encouraging and made me realize how good it feels to have someone affirm you. I’m so grateful for that.
8. A far away place – This one will be a shocker to y’all, but Nashville. Getting to go spend time there with my kids and so many good friends is really a life saver for me. I really miss being close to friends and family and visiting helps me keep my lease on life.
9. Something that’s saving your life right now – This is a head scratcher for sure. I have no idea what the answer is.
10. Someone you see everyday – Well that’s easy. There’s only one person I for sure see everyday.
11. Something you enjoy doing – Hanging out with Katie when she’s at home. It’s amazing how she’s turned into my best friend.
12. Someone female – That’s easy… my mom. She’s my oldest (as in longest) friend. She’s taught me all I know and shown me by example how to be a good mother and wife. I consider her to be among my greatest blessings.
13. A special place – We have had the most incredible week in Hawaii and I am definitely not ready to see it end, but I’m thankful I have the kids coming home in a few weeks to look forward to.
14. Someone male – I am thankful every single day that I was raised by this sweet man. My daddy! He’s my greatest champion, cheerleader and loves me unconditionally.
15. Something warm – Our home
OK y’all. I’ve missed you. I’ve missed reading your blogs and finding out what’s going on with your lives. I’m headed home today and hope to get back in the groove. I will say that it’s been nice to take a break from reality and all that comes with it. I hope your week is off to a wonderful start.
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