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Friday Favorites #96

Hey friends! Here we are the last Friday of February. Unbelievable. The weather is just wacky all over the place. Where it’s normally warm, it’s cold and where it’s normally cold, it’s warm. Go figure.I’m trying to take advantage of the cooler temperatures and wear my layers. We’ve had to cover our citrus plants almost every night this week because the temps were dropping and didn’t want them to freeze. How’s the weather where you are?

It wouldn’t feel like Friday without Friday Favorites and we all know we want it to feel like Friday, so who am I to take that away from anyone? Hahaha! I’ve got a lot of goodness to share with you this week. 

The trees have started to bloom and there’s just something about the blooms that bring a feeling of hope and happiness. Too sappy?  Sorry. It does put a little spring in your step though when you see the gorgeous colors and realize spring truly is around the corner. And how about this gorgeous color of pink?! This beautiful color is also showing up in fashion this spring and I’ve picked out a few things to inspire you.


What’s your favorite thing about Costco? Please tell me you are going to Costco? If you’re not, then get yourself on over there. There are treasures to be discovered and even as an “empty nester” I still buy my meat and most of our produce there. We were there a couple of weeks ago and they were sampling these Coconut Clusters. I tried them fully expecting they’d be nasty, but oh man was I wrong. These things are delicious. They are great just to grab a handful and crunch on or add them to yogurt. We’ve almost finished our second bag. Yep, they’re that good.

The Nordstrom Winter Sale is going on for two more days, so make sure you take advantage of some great end of the season deals. I did a post Monday devoted to it here.


I have one pair of Nickel & Suede earrings and I’ve been lusting after this leopard pair for a while. Well they offered free shipping a couple of weeks ago so I took the opportunity to make them mine. Can I just tell you, I LOVE THEM!!!! Not only are these earring so stinking cute, they are light as can be. You get the bang and look of a big earring without even realizing you’re wearing them a stretching your ear holes. Cuz, who wants long ear holes? Not this girl!

I’ve been wearing and buying jewelry from Kinsley Armelle for a while and love them too. They have a lot of fun and unique pieces. They have also now being carried in a few Macy’s around the country. They were having a giveaway on Instagram last week and low and behold I won 2 bracelets. I got to pick them out and so I chose these two. On a side note, they don’t come with the big knot in them. I have really small wrists and fingers and so I had to figure out a way to make them fit. I knotted the cord and voila, perfect fit! Check out their website and if you see something you like use the code COASTTOCOAST2 for 15% off your order.


Now for some really exciting news. I haven’t talked about Rodan & Fields in a while. This week we’ve got a great deal. Honestly, I’ve never seen R&F make an offer like this. One of my all time favorite products is our Microdermabrasion Paste. I’m not even kidding when I tell you it makes your skin feel like a baby’s skin. Until the end of the month when you sign up as a new Preferred Customer and purchase any one of our 4 regimens, you will get a FREE tub of Microdermabrasion Paste. An $80 retail value. I use this 3 nights a week and a container lasts about a year. A lot of people also use it on their arms, chest, elbows and feet.


If you have been thinking about trying one of these regimens, this is a great time to do it. You can also get the same deal when you purchase a bundled  regimen with our Active Hydration Serum for 20% off both in addition to the 10% Preferred Customer discount. (this makes the Active Hydration Serum about half price)

If you’ve been thinking about trying Lash Boost the same special applies. You can bundle Lash Boost with any regimen for 20% off both in addition to the 10% Preferred Customer discount. (this makes the Lash Boost about half price)


What’s your biggest skin care concern? Take THIS super quick 5 question quiz to find out the best regimen for your skin type and email yourself the results at the end.

Email me with any questions or concerns. I’m here to help.

As always, thank you for taking time out of your busy day to stop by and read and comment. A special thank you to those of you who let me know about the issues with receiving email notifications and Bloglovin’ feed issues. I’m hopeful those are all ironed out. Be sure to follow me using the cute little blue social media icons below and I’d love for you to help spread the word and  share any of my posts on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.  Y’all are the best!❤️

Happy Weekend!


View Comments

  • I haven't purchased a pair of Nickel & Suede earrings yet, but I think these might be my first pair! Gosh, this Leopard Queen loves those!!!

    • Time to get on the N&S train girlfriend. They are AWESOME! You would LOVE them. Have a wonderful spring break!!! XOXO

  • No big ear holes hear either, I bought the cork and champagne ones and forgot to share today. Had I seen the leopard, well, 3 pairs would’ve came my way. That tree is gorgeous, we are in flood land drab! Yay you winner winner chicken dinner, I just like saying that, lol, but a big super YAY to winning those darling bracelets. Have a super duper weekend beautiful!

    • Amen, sister. Oh the cork ones are so cute. I think the champagne might be my other pair. LOVE them. You guys have the best weekend! XOXO

  • It has been nothing but hot, hot, hot here. Like 15 degrees higher than it's supposed to be and that's predicted through next week! Well, look at you just winning all kinds of things lately, You better be playing the lotto, lol. We love Costco but I'm afraid to try those coconut clusters for fear of liking them too much. They look yummy and like something I'd be grabbing by the handful!
    I thought the microdermabrasion paste was for your eyes? What? I'm supposed to be using it on my face? Just kidding, I need to use that sample you gave me. I got a little gun shy after I screwed up the last time. I swear you can't take me anywhere.
    Have a wonderful weekend gorgeous friend!!!

    • I'm ready for it to warm back up here. I'm much happier when it's warm. I should be playing the lotto...LOL The coconut clusters are a little dangerous. Try the paste. You'll love it. Happy Weekend!!!! XOOX

  • Hey you should definitely do a post exclusively on skin care - I am JUST starting to take this seriously at 40 and could do with some tips - I am really fishing for them at the moment - just bought a smart phone for the first time in many years and WOW it picks everything up! Love you blog - the shirt you are wearing in your bio pic is fab - you look BRILL! Europafox x

    • That's a great idea. I'll have to make a note and do that sometime. I wish I'd started taking my skin care seriously earlier too. Sooner is definitely better than later when it comes to getting rid of wrinkles. Thanks for all the sweet words. Have a wonderful weekend! XO

  • You are sharing too much temptation here in this post! :) I do have some Kinsley Armelle pieces and love them. The Nickel & Suede earrings are on my list.

    • LOL...I'm happy you liked it. I'm afraid I may be getting an addiction to the N&S earrings. Kinsley Armelle has some fun stuff. Have a great weekend!

  • Yay for blooming trees! I can't wait for spring and for things to start blooming around here! That is a gorgeous shade of pink! :)

    • Of course it’s cooled off crazy around here now. I’m ready for spring to come and stay too, Jess. Have a great week! XO

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