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The blended blog asks – beauty edition

Happy Monday y’all! Did you have a good weekend. Ours was WA-CKY. Saturday we had a HAIL storm. We were out running some errands and when we got home we could see there had been a significant amount of hail. This is the first time in our 5 years of living in California we had experienced that.

It was also really weird because it was much more concentrated in one part of the neighborhood. We drove around and were just checking things out and came across these 3 babies in another part of the neighborhood. This community we live in has about 1000 homes, so it’s a pretty big place as you can imagine.

Anyway, that was the most exciting part of the weekend. Now it’s the first Monday of March and time to link up with the girls over at The Blended Blog for The Blended Blog Asks. This months theme is beauty, so let’s see what everyone has to say, starting with me…LOL.


1. Eyelash Curler Yes or No?
Oh heck yeah!
First let me just tell you that I kid you not when I tell you I’ve have spent the majority of my life wishing I had long beautiful eyelashes. Enter Rodan + Fields Lash Boost. I started using this product about 16 months ago and it has completely changed my lashes. I now HAVE lashes and I’m totally in love with them. When even your husband is coming over to you and looking at your eyes in amazement, you know a product is legit!
These are my actual results and they’ve continued to improve and look even better today than they do in this last picture taken in February of 2017. If you’re interested, I’d love to help you get the best lashes of your life.
2. Favorite Nail Shade?
That depends on the season. I have worn French Nails for long periods of time in the last 12ish years, but in October before our trip to Hawaii, my nail girl convinced me to try dipped nails which I now love. I’ve talked about them here and here.  Since starting this type of nails I’ve been getting different colors, but I stick to more mainstream colors like taupey gray, dark burgundy or my favorite a neutral blush which is called Millenial Pink and I’ve been told it’s being discontinued. Of course! Why wouldn’t it??
3. Favorite Lipstick Shade?
Once upon a time I wore the same shade of lipstick all the time. Clinique Honey Gloss. Oh how I loved that lipstick, but as we’ve probably all experienced, we fall in love with a product and they quit making it. Insert all the sad emoji’s here.
Last year I got a Kat Von D everlasting liquid lipstick in bold fuchsia in one of my Sephora Play boxes. I took one look at it and though, “yeah, right”. Well I tried it layered under a Loreal lighter pink lipstick and loved it. It’s really is long wearing and I can just reapply the pink throughout the day to touch it up.
Lately I’ve been wearing another product I got in my latest subscription box from Ipsy. It’s a matte color which I’m not accustomed to wearing, but I actually have been liking it.
4. Blow Dry or Air Dry your hair?
Oh heavens yes. Nobody wants to see my mane air dried, it’s not a pretty sight.
5. Artificial Nails: Yes or No?
See question #2
6. Foundation: Yes or No?
I’m not a liquid foundation kinda gal, but I do like a powder. Once again for years I used the Lancome Dual Finish powder and loved it, but in the last year I’ve switched over to the Mineral Peptides powder from Rodan + Fields. Shocking, I know.? They give me a little coverage and an SPF of 20 so it’s winner-winner for me.
7. Hair Up or Hair Down?
97% off the time my hair is down, at least in public. That’s pretty specific wouldn’t you say. HA! I do sleep with it in a ponytail though because I can’t stand it down on my neck.
8. Bar Soap or Body Wash?
YES! I use both
9. Bath or Shower? 
Shower for sure. We have this huge tub in our bathroom that is basically a giant dust bowl.
10. Favorite Body lotion?
I don’t have a favorite, but always have some kind of body lotion from Bath and Body Works under my bathroom sink.
11. Do you wear perfume? Is so, favorite scent?
Yes, I love to smell pretty. My current favorites are Miss Dior and Coco Chanel. I like a floral scent with citrus undertones.
12. Do you shave your legs everyday? 
Do I really have to answer that? Okay, full transparency here friends. In the winter 2x a week tops. In the summer, maybe every other day. Being blonde is a real advantage in this department. The hair on my legs is soft and blonde so I can squeak by a lot easier than most.
13. Favorite Lip Balm? 
 Green Apple Chapstick. I put this on when I crawl into bed every night.
14. How old were you when you first started wearing make-up? 
My mom was a stickler on wearing makeup. All of my friends were wearing it and I wasn’t allowed to. Finally in 8th grade I was able to wear a teeny tiny amount of eyeliner & mascara. Maybe this is why I’ve never been a huge fan of the raccoon eye look. Sorry girls. Even now I prefer a more natural look. Less is sometimes more?
Okay friends, that’s it for today. We woke up to frost and it’s c-o-l-d. I’m so ready for spring and warm temps. For a girl who spent 3 loooong winters in Minnesota with the ground completely covered in snow for what felt like half the year, I’ve sure become desensitized and wimpy about the cold.
Have a wonderful week!

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  • My mom was a stickler about makeup, too! Glad I wasn't the only one. I started wearing it a month before I turned 14, but only blue eyeshadow and mascara! Oh! And lipgloss! I don't think I've ever heard of Cally getting hail before! Wow!!

    • Sounds like our moms would have been friends too…LOL. Yes, it was the craziest thing. We were so amazed by it. I think this has been the “coldest” winter we’ve had since moving here. Not that hail is a sign of cold, but we can see snow on the mountains which is super unusual. Have a great week!! XO

  • I always enjoy reading about other's beauty regimes. :) The matte shade of lipstick you received in your Ipsy bag is really pretty. Very cool to see how the R&F Lash Boost has worked for you. I am with you on a more natural look with my makeup. When I really began wearing makeup Bobbi Brown was introducing nude color palettes and minimal makeup. When I try a smoky eye now I just think I look weird.

    • I’ve never tried a smokey eye, but I’m sure I’d look crazy with it. I think so much of it is just what we get use to. I haven’t used any BB products, but I should give them a try. Happy Monday, Jennie! XO

    • I think with makeup less is more. I love the neutrals too and I love to get some samples to try and find new things. XOXO

  • You would not like what been happen8ng in Indiana and that is some serious hail my friend. This was such a fun post, you are another one of those natural beauties I tell ya. I’m a big fan of Kat Von D lipsticks, not all her tattoos, but her lipsticks, lol. I want a cat eye so bad but it just looks like a point, lol. Have a great start to your week beautiful, hoping for some sunshine for ya!

    • You are so kind to me sweet Andrea. I want to try another color of the Kat Von D but I haven’t been able to figure out which one. Katie and I went into Sephora and tried a bunch, but I didn’t like any as well as this color. I’ll keep looking. Thanks for being such a sweet constant in my life! XOXO

  • I need to try that Kat Von D lip stuff. Have you ever tried lipsense? Everyone is wearing it but I'm afraid it's going to be so drying.
    Laughing about your raccoon eyes comment - I think that's me - I am all about the make up - hahahaha!!!
    You are a natural beauty my friend!

    • I tried Lipsense once. I was dying to try it and found a little boutique in Nashville that had so Elizabeth and I tried it there. I didn’t like it?. It made your lips tingly and felt tacky. So many people love it though. (when we go to Nashville maybe you can try it?) You have never looked like a raccoon my friend! Just a beauty. XOXO

  • Well, what a great description, a dust bowl! That's exactly what our spa tub looks like too. It's just wayyyy too much trouble to use and I wish you had just put a regular ole bathtub in our master bath. Ugh! And, yes, R & F Lash Boost is the greatest thing since sliced bread!! I use it on both lower and upper lashes and it makes my peepers so much bigger looking. Happy week Lisa!

    • Yep, had to rinse the dust down this week…hahaha. I hope I never have to go without my Lash Boost. I so happy you love it too! XOXO

  • Oh my gosh that weather is really wacky - talk about a micro-climate!! I tried dip nails once and didn't really work, but my new nail tech said she can do a better job and I really trust her so I'm going to try it one more time! Your lashes do look amazing!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    • For real Biana! You should give your new nail tech a try with the dipped nails. I love them…and I love my lashes? Thanks for the compliment! XO

  • I've never heard of nail dipping. Love that color, too! Nice to meet you through TBB!

    • I think it's relatively new. Maybe a few years old? I really like it. Thank you. Thanks for stopping by and reading and commenting too. XO

    • You too! I stopped by your blog and shared with a friend who’s a homeschooler too. Love your site.

    • It was so crazy. Closest thing to snow we’ve gotten…LOL
      My lashes are always a favorite now and I love the dipped nails. XO

  • The weather is going crazy all over the world this season!
    I'm very envious of not having to shave our legs so much with you being blonde lol. I'm most definitely a brunette.... no comment necessary lol!
    Suzy xx
    P.S My blog has had a re-vamp! Please come and check it out <3

    • Isn’t that the truth! I’m so ready for spring and warm temps. I should really live in Florida. I’ll hop over and check out your blog XO

  • Oh wow! That is a lot of hail and yeah, I would not think that is typical CA weather! Lol! I can't believe how great your lashes look. I mean, really... that is quite a difference! Your dipped nails look really great and I love that color. I hate when colors are discontinued! You are making me want to subscribe to Ipsy again!


    • I had never seen hail like that before. It’s the closest thing to snow we get here. I LOVE my lashes. I can’t even begin to tell you. I’m excited to get my next ipsy bag. I want to try FabFitFun eventually.

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