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I guess I can be spontaneous

Happy Monday! We’re only one day away from it being officially spring. Can I get an OH YEAH!?  Now let me bring you up to speed on our weekend.

You’re never going to believe this one (unless you follow me on Instagram…and if you don’t, you need to do that now?) Y’all know I told you Katie had been sick for the last couple of weeks. I took her to the doctor last Tuesday and had a test done which wasn’t showing what we were thinking might be going on. She continued to feel yucky all week, so Friday morning I called the doctor’s office first thing and by the time I actually got to speak with him it was almost 4:00. I basically asked for blood work and we were able to squeeze into a lab just before they locked the doors. Well Friday night she seemed to bottom out and had absolutely zero energy what so ever. I’m talking we had reservations to go to a restaurant per her request and she didn’t even want to go. You know your girl is sick when she opts to stay home and have waffles. (they were delicious by the way)

You mama’s out there know you will stay curled up on the couch and snuggle with your kids at any age, but you sure hate to see them not feeling up to speed.

Anyway, I’m one of the least spontaneous people on the planet. I got up Saturday morning not having any idea that within 6 hours I’d be on a plane with Katie headed for Nashville. Kent and I decided we really weren’t comfortable with her traveling alone feeling so poorly, and she needed to get back to school,  so we checked and there was a seat available on her flight, we bought it and you just know it was a real bargain purchasing a ticket about 4 hours before take off.?#yeahright

This meant I had two hours to shower, get ready and PACK for a WEEK…a WEEK…do you understand what I’m saying?

Well, I’m met the challenge and off we went.


The Oakland airport doesn’t have full length mirrors for blogger selfies, so a half shot it was. HAHAHA!

As soon as I took this picture an older couple got on the plane at the last-minute and I ended up sitting in the center. Oh well.

Benny and Erin picked us up at the airport and we headed straight to one of our favorite spots to eat for dinner.

Are these three not the cutest?❤️

Katie and I spent Saturday night at Benny’s apartment and last night she went back to the dorm and I stayed with Benny. Can I just tell y’all its super weird being in “his” home? It’s the first time I’ve ever stayed with him and it’s a real bazaar feeling.

We are hopeful we’ll get Katie’s blood work back today or tomorrow and find out just what’s going on. She doesn’t feel bad, she just has no energy. Several of her friends have had mono and so that seems like the most likely culprit. Time will tell.

So for the rest of the week, I’ll just suffer through and spend time with my kids and friends here in the great state of Tennessee. Oh woe is me. I’m hoping to take the opportunity to continue the dress hunt. We hit 3 bridal stores last week with no luck. I’ve got one of the dresses I ordered from Nordstrom as a fall back, but I’m still not 100% sold and it’s going to require some major alterations to make it fit.

Y’all cross your fingers that we get the answers to why little missy is so tired (although she did seem more like herself yesterday) and that maybe I’ll find the absolute perfect dress.

I also want to say I’m so sorry to my girls whose blogs I regularly read that I’ve been MIA. With Katie home last week and my friend Elizabeth with us I’ve been pretty busy, and now after reading this you’ll see this week won’t be much different. I miss knowing what’s going on in your lives, but I’m not having much time to do my normal reading. Hopefully next week things will get back to normal.

Have the best week friends.


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  • I hope she feels better soon! You did the right thing flying out with her, and I bet she's happy you're there! Don't worry about the blog reading. I feel the same way after being on vacation for a week.

    • Thanks Tanya! It really was such a hard decision and thankfully all the results came back clear so who knows what’s been going on. Maybe some weird virus? Being so far away when they are sick is the worst part about going to college so far from home. I’m so happy I could just come on and make sure all was ok. Have a good week catching up! XO

  • I am so hoping that y'all find some answers for Katie's illness and that she is back to her self very soon! I've been thinking about y'all and so glad you got to fly out with her. Have fun in a Tennessee this week!!

    • Hey girl! Thanks so much for your sweet concern. All the tests came back clear. Crazy. Maybe some kind of virus? She’s definitely feeling much better, still tired but much more like herself. XO

  • What a terribly good but totally spontaneous thing to do. But if you hadn't followed Katie you'd be going crazy with worry, so it was best all round. Glad she's feeling a bit better. Y'all have a good time, now! Hugs for a happy bonus family week, x

    • Thank you sweet Mary! You are so right. I would have been out of my mind with worry if I hadn’t come along. Have a lovely week my friend! XO

  • Oh my goodness, sweet mama, yes I know this feeling and you totally did the right thing and looked cute on 2 hours notice. Yes, those 3 are darling and I am going to get off my stepper and get down on my knees and pray you get good news. I had mono in college and yuk but the relief of finding out what it is will be answered prayers! Bless her heart and bless yours! Hugs....BIG Hugs!

  • I am so impressed by your spontaneity! Actually I am so happy you went with her, and dang that doctor for not doing bloodwork in the first place! I hope you get some answers. My heart is bleeding for you my sweet friend having to be surrounded by your kids and friends for the week, oh well, we all do what we have to do, lol!!! Have a great time and I hope sweet KT bounces back from whatever is bugging her!

  • Oh no :( I'm so sorry to hear Katie has been so poorly! That's never a fun thing - you're a smart mama insisting on bloodwork! Also, I found that being a mama has boosted my spontaneity, which is a pretty cool thing! Have a great week!

    • Yeah, I guess you’re right Melissa. You have to just roll with the punches when you’re a mama. How’s the knee doing? Hope you’re getting along well. XOXO

  • Awww! I hope you get some answers. You are such a sweet mom to take a flight to go back to school with her and to keep an eye on her for a week. I think it's def. what you had to do!! Hope you get some dress shopping in and also a little time to relax.


    • Thanks Carrie! All the tests came back fine. Must have been a weird virus. Thankfully she seems to be back to herself and I’m back home. Hope you had a wonderful weekend! XO

  • I'm so sorry your daughter is sick - hope you get some answers soon. But at least you get some extra time with her! My older son was sick for about three weeks - just generally run down, with no energy. They tested him for mono but it was negative. He's finally just now feeling better. So much yucky stuff going around this winter.

    • Thanks Lana! Everything came back normal and thankfully about midweek she felt much better. Must have been a weird virus. Sounds an awful lot like what your son must have had. Hope you had a great weekend. XO

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