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Friday Favorites #101

Hey friends and happy Friday! Were you on spring break this week? I know a lot of our friends were and my bible study was off. I’m not exactly sure where the week went or what I did, but here I am and it’s Friday again. We are going to have a rainy weekend, but I’ll take that over the snow some northern parts of the country are getting. I’ve got a few things to share with you that made my favorites this week. Check the link ups tab and see who I’m linking up with.

This is kinda a two-fer. I’ve been wanting to get a Popsocket for a while. Well YIPPEE, I reached a milestone with Rodan + Fields and was rewarded with what else? A Popsocket! Gotta’ tell ya’, I’m loving it. It really makes holding your phone easy and working with just one hand easier too.

See it in action. Makes holding my phone a breeze and hopefully I’m less likely to drop it. Yesterday I tried on my haul from Loft that arrived and this adorable smocked off the shoulder top was just one of the things I ordered.


While I was visiting Katie at school a couple of weeks ago and letting her buy me coffee with my own money (LOL), I tried a new drink that went straight to the top of my Starbucks favorites. A Hazelnut  Mocha Coconut Macchiato. It’s a mouthful to order, but oh so delicious. Next time you hit up Starbucks you should give this a try. The other thing I love about it besides the taste is that it’s pretty low in calories.

You know your a grown up when a new pot excites you. Another thing I discovered while I was visiting Katie, was Calphalon non-stick cookware. I was making a bunch (as in 6 batches) of Rice Krispie Treats. Elizabeth had a pot like this and WOW did it work well. I’ve always hated making them in my pots because they are such a mess to clean up. Well this cookware made it soooo easy. The sticky deliciousness just slid right out and clean up was a breeze. I decided I needed one, and I’ve seen them in TJMaxx and Marshalls before, so I was keeping an eye out. I hit the jackpot yesterday when I stumbled on this one. I thought it was a real deal, and I was oh so right. I did some price comparing when I got home and found this…

Do you want to guess what I paid for mine? The exact same pot. Are you ready? $39.99. WHAT?!?! Yes! Now that TJMaxx has online shopping, I checked online and found several other Calphalon pots, so if you’ve been thinking you’d like one, grab one before they are gone.


Look at these Easter cuties. Enough said?


I mentioned in Wednesday’s post that Rodan + Fields has a spring special. You get some of my favorite products all bundled together in a beautiful gift box for 25% off. Basically you are getting the new improved Lip Renewing Serum for $1 when you order the Intensive Renewing Serum and Multi-Function Eye Cream.

The closest you can get to prescription-strength Vitamin A without a prescription. Loaded with Retinal-MD™ Technology, which is 20 times stronger than Retinol, this serum harnesses the skin’s own renewing powers to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and loss of firmness. 60 capsules

An all-in-one serum designed to maintain, or reclaim, healthy and youthful-looking lips. Enriched with Peptides and Vitamin E, our formula is specifically designed to moisturize lips, with Shea Butter and oils that provide a conditioning layer to soothe and calm lips. 60 capsules

?MULTI FUNCTION EYE CREAM Powerful Peptides minimize the appearance of expression lines while rich antioxidants and optical filters noticeably firm the area under the eye for a more vibrant and youthful appearance. This formula is ideal for maintaining the delicate skin around the eyes. Lasts about 4 months.

Packaged in this beautiful spring box for just $145! (Preferred Customer Pricing)

All three priced individually would be $194 at your current PC price (or $217 retail) . This is a savings of $49. Don’t miss it!

If you are interested in finding out more about Rodan+Fields, I’d love to answer any questions. If you want to take my Solution Tool and find out which regimen would be right for you, I’ll send the first 5 people who use the tool a FREE Mini-facial. All I’ll ask in return is for you to tell me what you think about the products you try. Take the quiz, email yourself the results and then send me an email with your address and let me know you used  the tool.



I’m also doing a giveaway this month. Everyone who orders one of the gift sets during the month of April will be entered into a drawing for a REDEFINE Triple Defense Treatment with SPF 30. ($84 Retail value) Each gift box purchased will earn one entry. Order 2, 2 entries, etc…

Check out my other posts from this week.

Monday – The Blended Blog Asks

Tuesday – Ageless Style Link Up

Wednesday – Mini Loft and Old Navy Try On Sessions

Here’s to a great weekend! I’m crossing my fingers spring finds you and sticks around, and we don’t have to build an arc. They are calling for so much rain that Yosemite is actually closing for the weekend because of the flood risk.



View Comments

  • Well congratulations my friend on reaching your milestone! How is that I talk to you all day long and never congratulated you? I'm the worst! That smocked top is so cute on you, I am lovin' it! Love the deal on that pot you got (call me Dr. Suess). I think I'm gonna head to TJ Maxx today just to see what kind of trouble I can get into, that place is addictive!
    KT and her bf are so precious - LOVE!!!!!
    Talk with you soon my friend!

    • Well you probably didn’t know?. Oooo, can’t wait to see what you find at our friend TJM. I almost came home with a cute little purse, but managed to leave without it. It’s rainy here, so indoors for me today. XO

  • So proud of you. My goodness those are some CUTE kiddos, adorable couple. I really want a pop socket now. Smocked sweetie right there!! Have a beautiful weekend! Think of me freezing my butt off. I just got gas and with my gloves and winter coat on. Hugs! xo

  • Hey congrats on your milestone! I didn't really think I needed a pop socket but you are kinda making me reconsider. LOVE your new Loft top- so cute! And you styled it perfectly, too. I definitely need to try that drink (if I can remember the name! ha!). I've been liking their cinnamon almond milk macchiato, which is also lower in calories than a lot of their drinks. It's high in price though...although I guess that's to be expected at Starbucks. Nice that you had someone treat you this time...sort of!! ha!
    Gina || On the Daily Express</

    • Thank you Gina! I have to say, I really do love my pop socket. Now I want the thing to attach to my dash to hold my phone. That top would look darling on you. I bet the cinnamon almond milk drink it yummy too. It’s crazy how expensive a cup of coffee is. Hope you have a great weekend!!! XO

  • I love that top and I totally understand what you mean about a new pot. We got a new frying pan and have all been talking about how much we love it and need to get a few in other sizes as well. Nothing sticks to that sucker and I don't have to use oil or butter either. I just love it. They're by Trisha Yearwood and I happen to have found the one pan at Christmas Tree Shops. So now I'm on the hunt for others.

    • That’s funny Jodie! (and looking at your laughing profile picture just goes perfectly with this comment) Happy weekend! XO

  • We have a family wedding -- outdoors-- tomorrow and yea, the bride has had to go with plan B. still outside but under a huge awning. Well April showers and all that yada glad I made your blog a Favorite and now I can keep up with you beside FB and IG!! YAY! Love that smocked top. Adding it to my Wish List. LOL happy friday my friend and have a fabulous weekend. Our state is in such dire need for rain that I am NOT mad that we getting some! xo

    • Hey Kim!!! I’m so happy you made it a favorite too! Aww, that poor bride. I guess that’s always a risk this time of year…really anywhere. You are so right, we do need the rain. We’re actually hoping for a little thunder. We miss a good storm. Crazy, right?! Have fun at the wedding and a wonderful weekend!! XO

      • I grew up in Iowa and lived in Pennsylvania for a few years so I get you when you say you want a good thunderstorm!! I love thunder and lightening!

        • There’s just something about it, isn’t there? Happy Friday Eve. (better late than never on my responding?)

  • Katie and her man make such a good looking couple! Glad she's feeling better. Don't feel bad! It's bad weather here all weekend, too! Let's try to enjoy it!

  • I would get excited about that pot too! I hate hard clean up so a pot that can keep even rice krispies from sticking sounds like a winner to me! I also can't wait to see what else you picked up at Loft, that's the one place I feel like I always find something to love!


    pumps and push-ups

  • So good to see Katie looking like she's feeling 100% better again, and glowing next to her beau! Hugs, x.

    • So tardy with my responses…Thanks Mary!!!! She’s all better and I’m so glad. Hate seeing our kiddos sick. :(

  • And, Tuesday Morning has that brand at times too. Your daughter and her fiance are just the cutest! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

    • Good to know Lea! Sorry this has taken me so long to get to. Mr. Tall is just the boyfriend (for now?) Time will tell if it becomes more. I can only handle one kid getting married at a time…this time it’s Benny? LOL

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