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How Your Face Shape Affects Your Wardrobe

Have you given much thought to the shape of your face? Did you know there are styles that are definitely more or less flattering because of your face shape? Yes, it’s true. I learned a long time ago that because my face is oval that a V-neckline looks much more flattering on me than a crew neck. In fact, it was yesterdays post that prompted me to do this one.

First lets find out how to determine your face shape, keeping in mind that no ones face falls perfectly into one of these categories. It’s not an exact science, but more of a general guideline. It’s also not a hard, fast rule that just because your face might fall into a certain category, you can’t wear a style you like.

So how do you figure out what shape your face is? Birchbox gives the instructions below on how to determine the shape of our face and they have a video here you can watch.

Step 1: Take a picture of yourself straight on, with your hair pulled away from your face.
Step 2: Print out the picture.
Step 3: Place dots at the top, bottom, and sides of your face. Trace between the dots to get a clear sense of your face shape.

Oval face shape: Your face is longer than it is wide. You have a curved jawline slightly narrower than your forehead.

Heart face shape: Your forehead is wider than your jaw line. Your chin is pointed and you may have a widow’s peak.

Diamond face shape: Similar to a heart face shape but with a tapered hairline.

Square face shape: Your face is roughly as long as it is wide. Your forehead and jawline are also roughly the same width. Your chin is less pointed than other face shapes and your jawline is squared.

Round face shape: Similar to a square face shape but with a rounded jawline.

Now that you know your face shape, here are the NECKLINES that will be the most flattering.

Image via Inside Out Style Blog

Round-shaped faces: Go for cowl-necked, scooped-neck, square-necked, V-necked, mock turtlenecks
Heart-shaped faces: You’ll want boat-neck and jewel-neck tops
Long-shaped faces: Get the turtlenecks and jewel-necks
Oval-shaped faces: You’ll look great in almost anything!

Here’s a good example of how a neckline can look totally different. (and now that I’m looking at these side by side like this, I’m thinking maybe I like the first dress better? Oops, looks like I need to order it again….what do you think?)

Of course if you don’t want to go to all the work of printing out a picture, you could probably just outline your face in/on the mirror with a dry-erase marker or better yet one of those lipsticks in the drawer you never use. HA!

You also just know “there’s an APP for that”. Just go to the App store and type in find your face shape. There are a lot of different options. I downloaded one and gave it a try. Oddly, it told me my face was heart shaped, which I feel like it’s really oval. So I wouldn’t say they are 100% accurate. Maybe they tell everyone they have a heart shaped face. If you use it, let me know what it says. ?

While doing research for this post I came across a pot of gold at the end of the blogging rainbow and found the Inside Out Style Blog. Let me just tell you that this lady has a ton of good information on dressing for your face and body shape. You really need to visit her and read for yourself.

So what other things are affected by the shape of your face? The style of glasses you should wear. (sorry about the resolution on the image, it didn’t blow up very well but you get the idea)

image via Google

There are several other factors that the shape of your face affects like hair styles and earrings. You can Google any of these and find numerous articles, pictures, and blog posts with information to help in these decisions. There are also apps for choosing hairstyles based on your face shape and I imagine some of them are a real HOOT if you are looking for entertainment.

So are you throughly confused now? I hope not. Just remember, half the battle is wearing what YOU feel GOOD in. It’s great to have some guidelines, but it all comes down to how you feel.







View Comments

  • Great information! When I was younger I always thought my face was round but now as I'm getting older (and older) I think it's more oval. I always prefer a v-neck to a boat neck and I think a lot of that has to do with my chest too. You did a great job including the shape of glasses too my friend! And kudos to you for doing some research, this is feeling very official!
    You're the best my sweet friend!!!
    p.s. I like the second dress better still!

    • Aw, you’re such a doll! This was one of those posts that was like going down a rabbit hole and every twist, turn, and new site I went to there was another thought I could have added. I just finally had to hit publish and be done. XO

  • I can't believe how quickly you were able to put this together! And I am glad you did! I have an oval face. It's funny because I've gravitated towards crewneck tees over v-necks for the longest time and now I know why!

    • Yeah, it took me by surprise too. LOL. I’m usually not that on the ball. I glad you found it helpful. XO

  • Add me to the list of readers bowled over by the speed you've put together this technically clever post. Well done. I was interested to se I got it right with necklines and specs. Phew! Hugs, x

    • You’re so cute, Mary!!! Thank you and of course you got it right. You’re one smart cookie. XO

  • Thanks for putting this great post together! That happened a lot sooner than I expected! LOL. I *think* I have a heart shaped face but I think I need to try the print-out and connect the dots method to confirm this. I also need to look up a "jewel" neckline. I'm not sure what that is! I do like boat necks, but v-necks are usually my favorite.
    Gina || On the Daily Express

    • LOL, it happened sooner than I expected too Gina. I should have included a graphic with all the necklines. Oops. I’m glad you like it. Happy Wednesday!! XO

  • I definitely notice the most difference with hairstyles! Having an oval face I absolutely hate when my hair is flat because I feel like it makes my face look so much longer! I never really thought about the necklines affecting face shape! Thanks for sharing! :)

    • Me too Kasey! You hit the nail on the head. I need a little fluff to offset my long face. Happy Wednesday!

  • Great post, Lisa! I'm pretty sure I have an oval face. What's so funny is that your post brought back memories of my high school home economics class. We spent a six weeks on makeup and face shapes, and skin care and all that jazz before we actually started sewing. Loved those classes and I don't think they even teach Home Ec anymore.

  • I seriously measured my face a few weeks back when I was researching face shape. I'm pretty sure I have a heart shaped face. Fun post! I never really thought about the necklines. And I'm with Kellyann...I still think you made the right choice on your black dress!

  • This is great info! I've always known face shape affects hairstyle and glasses choice, but never thought about necklines.

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