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The Blended Blog Asks – April Edition

Well how many April Fools Day jokes did you fall for? I kinda think it was maybe a good thing it and Easter fell on the same day this year. I think there was much more focus on Easter and the meaning of the day that the Tom Foolery that usually accompanies April 1. We went to church and then over to some friends for lunch. They had baby bunnies that were so cute.

My head is reeling a little bit that we are actually now in the month of April though. I mean, time is flying by at warped speed. I have to admit I don’t hate that spring is here. I love spring! I mean like really love it. I have a little extra pep in my step when it’s warmer, sunnier and the days are longer. Yes ma’am!

Being the first Monday of a new month means the gals over at The Blended Blog have come up with a new round of questions for us to ponder and answer. I love reading the answers my blogger friends give too. I usually find myself thinking, “why didn’t I say that?”. Anyone else? Are you ready to learn a little more about what makes me tick?

1.What 3 colors remind you most of Spring?

Pink, Lavender, Mint Green

2.What is the first thing you add to your wardrobe in Spring?

Yikes! I don’t know. I typically think I just start looking at all the new things. I like to add some new tops and usually shoes.

Here are some things I’ve ordered or I’m thinking about ordering

3. What is the first wardrobe item you ditch in spring?


4.Who mows the grass where you live?

This one is a hoot for us now. Our front yard is probably the size of your breakfast table…or a postage stamp. HA! Maybe not quite that small, but pretty small. We aren’t responsible for mowing that, but we do have to take of the backyard. Kent loves that it’s small. He can take care of all the yard work pretty much in less time than it takes me to vacuum just he upstairs. It’s crazy!

5.What’s spring like where you live?

The weather in California is by far the best thing about it. We are really spoiled. It warms up a little faster than, oh say the south, which I love, but then  it takes us a little while to get to summer temps. For a lot of people that’s okay, but I like it WARM!

6.What’s your favorite thing about spring?

Everything blooming. I just love all the beautiful flowers and trees. Here in California spring is also about the only time the hills are green, and I love the way the green looks against the blue sky. Beautiful!

7. Are you a spring cleaner?

Nope. I’m a clean as you go kind-a girl.

8. Are you a baseball fan?

I don’t like to watch it on TV, but I do think it’s fun to go to a game every now and then.

image via Google

9. Tulips or Daffodils?

10. Favorite outdoor spring activity?

Walking or lying out in the sun.

11. Flowers in the ground or pots?

Both, but I really do love plants in pots.

12. Favorite bird?

I think swans and flamingos are both so pretty.

13. Car wash or wash vehicle at home?

It’s funny how many of these questions have different answers now that we live in California than they did before. I would always wash my own car, but the first 3 years we lived here we were in a drought so that wasn’t possible. We also have a super tiny driveway and it’s like being on display, so I don’t really like feeling like I’m being watched, so car wash it is.

14. When do you pull out your sandals?

As soon as humanly possible. LOL I love wearing sandals and once I start wearing them I don’t want to go back to “shoes”. In case you missed it, I did a post you can read here on  must have shoes for spring and summer.

Okay friends, that about wraps it up for today. Be sure to hop over to The Blended Blog and see what other bloggers have to share about spring and also wish our sweet friend Andrea from Living on Cloud Nine a most wonderful birthday!!!!


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  • I'm a clean-as-you-go girl, too! Except for my Woman Cave! That's where things go to die! Looks like you and Kent had a fun Easter!

    • I did bathrooms today. Hahaha. I love it when they’re clean. We had a great weekend and it looks like y’all did too. YAY!!!

  • You live in such a beautiful place! Oh my goodness, it's gorgeous. I think I'd love the temps there. Warm is okay but I don't like HOT,HOT,HOT like we have! I love flowers in pots but have the worst luck with keeping them alive. We just have too much sun and the plants that grow in the sun are just kind of meh to me. Those pots are beautiful!
    I almost forgot, the baby bunnies are precious!!!!

    • When it’s green it’s gorgeous…sadly most of the year it’s brown though. Plants don’t do well on the front side of our house either. It gets blasted with sun. Those bunnies were so darling. I knew me holding a bunny would freak my kids out…lol.

  • Look at all that green! We’re still so brown, yuck! Send me some stat! Baby bunnies to hold, so precious and I am majorly swooning over those pots of posies! Happy Happy week to you pretty lady!

    • Well I hope you are all tucked into bed with visions of birthday grandeur in your head sweet friend.

  • I do the same thing when I read these...why didn't I think of that or say that?! Love your list, and I bet spring in California is just gorgeous! Our spring here in Tx quickly morphs into summer, so I better enjoy these days while I can. I wondered where the bunnies were from when I saw them on cute!

    • You’re going to be able to enjoy your beautiful refurbished pool soon and I’m going to be so jealous of that. Love your new fridge too. Have a great week Tanya!

  • Oh those baby bunnies. How could you not bring one home? Except they do grow up. Yes, to pep in the step with the emergence of Spring. Love all the flowers and blooming of Spring in your pics. Simply gorgeous!

    • For real, Carrie. They were so precious. If they’d stay tiny, I’d have brought one home for sure. Hope you had a great Easter sweet friend!

    • They were so cute. If they’d stay that tiny, I’d be tempted…lol
      Have a great week, Lea!

  • Ok now, was that a diss to us Aggies with that hat picture!?! You might just die when you hear what I'm doing tomorrow- coaching little league baseball! I love all of those potted plants- I wish I had a green thumb! I need to see your Easter outfit- from what I could see of the top, it was super cute! Have a fun week with great weather!

    • LOL…I didn’t even notice the A&M on the hat. Of course I would never dog y’all? Go get em’ coach! I need to blog about that top. I’ve had it hanging in my closet for weeks and never even tried it on. I really liked it. Have a great week!!!

  • We have so many similar answers! I love the green California hills. My grandma lived in Concord so I grew up going to her house often, and I just love that view. April 1 is my hubby's birthday, so we had a lot to focus on rather than April Fool's!

    • They are beautiful when they are green, but not so much most of the year when they are brown.

  • Ok, are those pot arrangements ones you've done? If so, you're a pro!!! I love when I have time to pick out several flowers/plants to make a beautiful pot arrangement, but the last few years I've been lazy and I've bought them already made up! I think I'm just a tired mom! LOL! I had to laugh about your front yard being so small! AND, oh!!! I recognize that top you're wearing on Easter. It's the b/w version of the plaid bow top that I have!!! I have been wondering if you'd show it on here soon!!


    • No, those are from Pinterest, but I have done some very similar. I’ll have to share sometime. You are good…that is the top like yours and I have every intention of sharing it as soon as I make a point to do photos. Easter was the first time I wore it…Can you believe that? It’s been hanging there for weeks.

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