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I’m Easily Entertained

Happy Monday friends! Here we are again and I swear wasn’t it just like 30 minutes ago we were saying Happy Friday?! Are you ready to talk entertainment? It’s time to link up with the girls from The Blended Blog, and they’ve given us all the entertainment things to think about. Man, are y’all going to get a glimpse into just how boring I am. LOL



1. Comedy or Drama? If you know me then you know I hate drama in my life and love to make people laugh. Well the same thing goes for movies and television. I’ll take a rom-com any day and leave the drama for the drama queens.
 2. Fiction or Non-Fiction? Does anyone else have trouble remembering which is which? Fiction or Non-Fiction is about as bad as Left or Right for me. #directionallychallenged  I’m going to go with Fiction because documentaries, biographies and the like make me want to snooze. ?
 3. Movies in Theater or At Home? So here’s the thing, I’m really not a movie person. Never have been. On the rare occasion when we do go I like it, but it’s never my first choice and now that we’ve experienced the theaters with recliners, I really only want to go to those theaters. I can tell you that my favorite movies are…
I might have a girl crush on Sandra Bullock.
4. Musical or Play? Musical hands down and the only one I’ve seen “live” is Wicked. Loved it and had no idea what the real story was until I saw it.
5. Which Meal of the day is your favorite to eat out? I’d have to say dinner for several reasons. I don’t eat breakfast and a very little lunch and by the end of the day it’s nice to just go out.
6. Favorite Book ever read? I’m embarrassed to say I don’t have one. I’m just not a reader.
7. Game Night: Yes or No? YES! We love to play games.
8. Favorite Outside Game to play? Miniature Golf
 9. Favorite TV Series ever?
10. Sitcoms growing up or Sitcoms of today? Growing up. Sitcoms today are so edgy I miss what we thought was edgy 20 years ago. Know what I mean?
11. Miniature Golf or Bowling? See number 8. I like to bowl, but it’s hard on my back.
12. Favorite Movie Theater Candy? 
13. How do you like your popcorn? In a bowl…hahaha! I couldn’t resist. I love movie popcorn, but can’t in good conscience eat it. #allthecalories Our favorite popcorn is this variety of microwave popcorn found at WalMart or Popcornopolis Nearly Naked ready to eat.
14. 3D movies with the glasses; Yes or No? I’ve never been to a 3D movie other than A Bug’s Life at Disney World. It was
fun though, so I’m not opposed to them.
15. Favorite Genre of Books to Read? When I do read, it is always some kind of romance. #imasap This is a great series if you like a story to continue and I think I ‘read’ another is coming to finish it off.
Hope your week gets off to a great start!

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  • Such a fun post, right? I do love Sandra Bullock too. And yes, to theaters with recliners. I swear every theater needs to update NOW. I'm spoiled. I do love a good musical, never saw Wicked though but I hear it's awesome. I have seen Phantom of the Opera twice which is rare for me because I don't like to see or read anything more than once!
    Happy Monday friend!

    • Any of those movies I’ll watch over and over and sitcoms, but everything else…eehhh. I want to see a Broadway show in NYC one of these days. I guess that can be the beginning of my bucket list. HA! Happy Monday! XO

  • Seeing a movie in seats that recline with surround sound is totally worth the trip! We have a few here in the city that we frequent and it's nice having an assigned seat and just enjoying your time almost like you're at home! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    • You are so right Biana! It’s also nice not having to worry about getting there early to get a good seat!

  • Yea for Junior Mints! I know what you mean about the sitcoms today. I must be getting old because I'm seriously shocked about the things they can show on prime time tv. :D

  • LOVE this to bits! Yes to Jr. Mints, Wicked, and that number “9” sticking up, lol. Well, all the Yeses, loved reading your answers! Let’s do this Monday thing pretty lady! Oh And a big YES to whaaat is it fiction or non fiction, realllly have to think, lol!

  • Yes!! Girl, I was in college before I learned right from left. My mom told me to remember that I write with my right hand, and it was like a lightbulb went off! Duh!! So yes, I still get fiction and non-fiction mixed up. I guess it's a blonde thing. We totally love Walmart's cheap microwave popcorn!

    • I’m not allowed to say left or right. Kent now requires a ‘visual’. HAHAHAHA!!! Pathetic. ?

  • I still haven't read a single Elin Hilderbrand book. Must get around to that!!

    • You would know I didn’t read them order, Stacey. I grabbed one for a trip once not realizing it was a trilogy. LOL Wish I could lend you mine!!

  • I love Wicked and have only seen it once, and would love to go again. I'd love you to join the #chicandstylish #linkup and also join the #GIVEAWAY Jacqui Mummabstylish

  • Oh, yes, give me a musical anytime and we never go to the movies and rarely watch them on TV. I eat that same microwave popcorn and eat Skinny Girl that's prepackaged. Happy new week Lisa!

    • I don’t think I’ve tried Skinny Girl. I’ve tried Skinny Pop, but like the Nearly Naked better. I need to go to Wally World and get some popcorn…we’re out? Have a great week!! XO

  • You are not boring! I honestly can't stay awake in most movies, so I don't see the point in paying to go to the grimy theater half the time! (Unless it's something fun like Jurassic Park with the whole family!) Trip will totally be your movie candy theater buddy- that kid can down a pack of Junior Mints in a second! Definitely need to add mini-golf to our family fun list- haven't gone in years! Hope you have a great week!

    • You get me! That’s why we’re buds. I have to tell you that I have still have the shortcut to your blog bookmarked on my iPad and miss hitting it?. I’ll happily take Trip to the movies and we can share Jr. Mints. I guess we are now really and truly officially empty nesters since Katie isn’t coming home for summers any more. Woe is me. I bet you are counting the days til the end of school. YIPPEE!!! Have a great week! XOXO

    • Of course game night needs something sweet! I think I want to be Sandra Bullock when I grown up. HA!

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