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What’s Up Wednesday

Well I’m back and happily exhausted. Honestly, it’s the best exhaustion I can remember since probably having babies. The wedding was how shall I say, GLORIOUS! Everyone had the best time and the newlyweds are off on their honeymoon. I’ve shared pictures on Instagram and Facebook, so I hope you were able to see some of the festivities. Just as I suspected, I was really great about putting things on my story the first couple of days, but after that I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off and forgot to add to my story. #sorryfriends

Can you even believe it’s the last Wednesday of May? WHAT?! Friday will be June and that means we will be approaching the half way mark for 2018. Ca-razy! In the meantime, it’s What’s Up Wednesday and I’m joining Mel, Shay and Sheaffer to find out what’s new and what’s up.

Here are some of the things you “might” find out.

What we’re eating this week…

Wow, that’s a good question. Since we’ve been eating like there was no tomorrow for the last few days, it will likely be on the much lighter side. I’d have to guess there will be lots of fish, proteins and veggies on our plates for the next few days.

Like Fish Taco Salad (recipe coming soon)

Cod with Bock Choy (recipe here)

What I’m reminiscing about…

I’m guessing you can answer that one for yourself. All things wedding.

Mr. & Mrs. Richardson x 2❤️

Just to put Katie’s boyfriends height into perspective. Kent is 6’2″ tall and looks short. ?

What I’m loving…

Katie now has a sister and I have another daughter to love!

What we’ve been up to…

See what I’m reminiscing about?

What I’m dreading…

This is our first summer with no kids home for the summer. Kent and I are legit empty nesters now, and not that I mind the empty nest, but I do miss having my playmate here for a few months.

What I’m working on…

Catching my breath. I’ve got several projects around my house I need to do, like painting a piece of furniture I’ve been saying I was going to paint for the last 5 years. #staytunedtoseeifitgetsdone

I’ve also got to do some major research and figure out this whole GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) thing going on now. This is so not my bag and going to take some effort, but apparently it’s something I need to do for this here blog.

What I’m excited about…


Y’all know nothing thrills me more than a good sale and that’s exactly what these items from Rodan + Fields are. A PHENOMENAL value. These two regimens when bundled with the AMP MD are normally 20% off and right now they are an additional 20 % off. Add your PC discount of another 10% and your talking almost HALF PRICE. Here’s the deal though, the deal ends tomorrow night at midnight. With our 60 day money back guarantee, you literally have nothing to lose but wrinkles. YES, please!!!

Find out which regimen is for you HERE.

Already using a regimen and want to bump up your results? Add the AMP MD system. The micro-needling roller preps your skin for cell turnover, increases collagen and preps it to make the most of your products. It’s currently 20% off (which I’ve never seen them offer before). I love my roller and the Intensive Renewing Serum makes your skin feel like velvet, all while doing something wonderful for you!

Email me with any questions or visit my website

What I’m watching (since we all know I’m not a big reader)

I started watching Madam Secretary on the plane last week, now I just need to get Kent to watch it with me.

I’ve had quite a few people recommend Suits. I’m going to go out on a limb here and predict this one has a real resurgence now that Meghan Markel is a Royal.

What I’m listening to…

We have an Echo Dot in our bathroom and an Echo downstairs. I love that I can just say, “Alexa, play country music” and she does. I’m also bossy with her and tell her to skip songs, like when Chris Stapleton comes on. I don’t know why, but for some reason he is just not my bag. #sorrystapletonfans

What I’m wearing…

I wore this top twice on my trip and loved it and it’s so cute with these jeans.

This top with the halter neckline was a big hit. I think this neckline is one of my all time favorites for spring and summer.

And I finally got to wear my LBD. The ruffles on the top and hem were so fun and I felt great in it.

What I’m doing this weekend…

No idea!

What I’m looking forward to next month…

Kellyann (This Blonde’s Shopping Bag) is taking a family vacation to San Francisco and we are going to finally meet in person. YIPPEE!!!

What else is new…

Not that I really had time to do blogging while I was gone, but my computer was acting up. It seems fine now and I’m crossing my fingers it was just a super weird glitch. It would say I was connected to the internet, but then pages wouldn’t load. So aggravating. UGH!

Yay, I did it. Pulled this post together. Just FYI…I got over half way through and accidentally hit a new page and lost 80% of it and had to redo it. Are you kidding me? Of course not, that’s totally how I roll. HA!



View Comments

  • You look beautiful in that blue dress at the wedding! :) Sorry that this is your first summer as an empty-nester, I know that will be hard, but hopefully you'll be able to pamper yourself a bit during the Summer! :) Also, I haven't watched suits, but it's definitely on my list (it fills like such a long list lol)

    • Oh thank you so much Kasey! I need to get on planning our next trip so we have something to keep us busy and look forward to. XOXO

  • Yippee skippy, I can't wait for our vacation so I can give you a great big hug!!! Look at you gettin a post done the day after your return, you go girl! I am loving all the wedding goodness - I swear you and KT look like sisters! That bf of hers is so tall and so handsome, they make an adorable couple. These recipes look delish - must make them. I am pinning this post now!
    Chat with ya soon!

    • The countdown is on friend!!! Luke is one tall drink of water and a sweetie to boot. I know someone who has a birthday next week…Who could it be?!? XOXO

  • Eek, I’m so happy the wedding was wonderful and there is the dress! The twist front and color looked AMAZING on you! I LOVE IT!! So exciting you get to see Kellyann on her trip! The LBD is stunning on you and can I be your triplet? You, me and sweet girlie (I’m wearing a Gingham midi on the blog today) Take this week to relax and relish is the joys of this last week! BIG HUGS!

    • Thanks Andrea!!!! When it’s your turn, you can borrow it? YES, you can absolutely be our triplet. We’d love that! Glad to be back. Now to get caught up on all y’alls goings on. XO

  • That dress is so flattering and absolutely gorgeous on you!! You are killing it in that LBD too! Loving your green accessories. And oh my dear if you figure out GDPR please help a girl out. I don't think I collect data and the things that are installed on my blog that do collect data have separate disclosures so I think I may be covered but I am probably wrong! Where's the Blogging for Dummies book when you need it?!

    • Thanks Laura! I loved it. I have the blogging for dummies book. LOL Of course this whole crazy GDPR thing isn’t in it. So far, I have no idea what I’m going to do. UGH! Hopefully you’re right and we’re covered. I don’t even know how to figure out if I’m collecting data. HA!?

  • Loved the sneak peek of the wedding pics. Loved your dress and other outfits, especially TLBD, so pretty on you. Can't wait to hear more details!

  • I'm so excited about your meet up with Kellyann! Aww! I am sure it will be different to have no kids home this summer... but, maybe you can finally get caught up on some projects, like painting that piece of furniture! And, it seems like y'all talk a lot! Thank goodness for technology these days! You were SO DROP DEAD GORGEOUS at the wedding, love your dress and hair! So beautiful! That GDPR is giving me a migraine... I've been so busy that I haven't even had a chance to think about it.


    • Me too!!! Just a couple of weeks and we’ll get to hug in person! Thanks so much for the sweet words about the wedding. It was beyond wonderful!!! Let me know if you figure the GDPR thing out…I was going to email you about it. You’re so smart about this stuff and your hubby is such a help to you. #lucky

  • Loved seeing your pics on IG this past weekend, Lisa. You looked beautiful and just glowing! You know this curly haired girl totally digged those ringlets you had going on as well! Get some rest!

    • Thanks Laura!!! Your trip to Disney looked like it was a total success as well. Life is so fun!!!

  • Glad you're back, and the wedding did look glorious! You all look SO happy in all the pictures! I love all your outfits too!

  • Shut up! I can't believe you girls are meeting in person!! You look so amazing in all your pictures and the outfits you picked were all perfect for you. I love your hair curly. And don't get me started about computer friend Holly's blog got hacked this week...and I've somehow lost all admin privileges for my FB blog account..notta no access. URG!!

    • I know right?! So fun!!! Well thanks so much for the compliments. Oh my gosh…TECHNOLOGY! It’s great when it works, but man is it a headache when it doesn’t. YUCK!

  • Ooh so much to catch up on! So pleased that the wedding was so lovely. The bride and groom looked perfect and so happy, and as for Kent and you ... wow, what a dress! And I really hope I voted for the black ruffle dress, I think I did, you look gorgeous in that top. But your breaking news, you're meeting up with THE Kellyann. Oh you will have an amazing time together, looking so forward to the posts. But I'd better not take up any more of your time, you have some serious GDPR reading to do ? !

    • Hi Mary!!! Thank you sweet friend. YES, so excited to meet THE Kellyann. We will have a squealing good time. Happy Friday eve! XOXO

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