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Friday Favorites #108

Hey, hey, hey, it is  Fri-day!!! Whew, am I ready for the weekend. We haven’t had a “normal weekend” in about a month. We’ve had a busy couple of weeks and are ready to welcome with open arms a normal, quiet, do whatever the fancy strikes us weekend. I am all in!

I also feel like it’s been a month of Sunday’s or should I say Friday’s since I did a Friday Favorites post. So without further ado let’s just see what I have to share this fine Friday.

Does anyone else get excited over new soap? The last time I was in Bath and Body the girl told me she really liked this new soap so I drank the Kool-aid and bought it. Yep, it’s good alright. It has these little exfoliating beads in it, smells wonderful and leaves your hands feeling so soft.

These two are now both working at UPS. Erin’s been working there since January and Katie started last week. She finished her CNA class (Certified Nursing Assistant) a few weeks ago, but the process of getting a job is taking for-ever! She needed to be making some money and UPS was hiring so now they are working together. I’d love to be a fly on the wall and see their antics.

 Southern girls love their Pimento Cheese, or at least this southern girl does. The sweet woman who hosted Erin’s Bride’s Maid Brunch had done what she considered a “cheat” and used store bought pimento cheese. I love all things cheese and this stuff was definitely no exception. You can find it at Publix and oh how I wish we had Publix in CA. (and not just for the pimento cheese) You can bet when we make our trip to the beach next month, there will be this container in the fridge!

I’ve been meaning to share this for several weeks. I am so excited that the Loft Outlet is finally going to be available to shop online for those who don’t have access to a store. We have one just down the road and every time I’m in there I wish I could share things with y’all. Well apparently, my wish is their command. LOL. Since the closing of the Loft at our mall, this is even more exciting to me now.

I made a trip to Lowe’s yesterday and came home with plants for my two big pots on the patio. I’m way behind this year with getting them done and can’t wait to have some pretty flowers out back to look at. I guess we know one thing I’ll be doing this weekend. Do you love going to the garden center and looking at all the beautiful flowers available? I like going during the week because Saturday’s are always so crazy at the home stores.

If you missed my other posts this week you can find them all here…

Where Have I Been?

Fish Taco Salad

Back to Basics

In an effort to drink more water I’ve tried several brands of sparkling water. I know a lot of people just love La Croix and I’ve tried it, but just can’t seem to get on board. My husband likes plain seltzer water. #gross I recently tried this Spindrift brand and it’s much more tolerable. I still don’t just love it, but I can at least tolerate it. Drinking through a cute paper straw makes anything taste better, so of course that’s what I do. Also on a positive note, I found it at our Costco.????


Well that’s a wrap folks. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I hope ours is as non-eventful as it was eventful last weekend.

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Thanks a million y’all! (that’s how many followers I want…LOL)




View Comments

  • I always love your Friday Favorites!!! The problem is by the time I get to the comments I have forgotten what I was going to say first! #imaginethat Anyway, a Loft Outlet just opened in our mall (actually replaced a regular Loft store) and I am planning to go use my birthday reward there (hopefully I find something).
    How sweet that Erin and KT are working together! I'll be they are having fun!
    Cheers for a weekend wide open, I need one of those myself but that is not happening any time soon around here.
    Love the flowers from Lowe's!! So pretty. Next time I'm in Publix (today sometime, lol) I am looking for that cheese. I need another snacking option like I need a hole in my head. I am also dying to try the fish taco salad! I am hoping to get to TJ's tomorrow but who knows if that will happen. It's not too close by.
    Well, that's it for my mini blog post today - I am so happy you are back!!!

    • Gosh, you are just so sweet!. I just got an email that the Loft outlet online is only 3 days away. WHOOP! Kent says the girls are probably like cats playing together…LOL. Okay friend, we are in the countdown. 8 days til’ I get to actually give you a big squeeze and your boys get to see me fly my freak flag. HAHAHA! Can’t wait!!!! XO

  • I hope y’all have the perfect weekend!! I use that same brand of pimento cheese at my soirées. I remember explaining to Stephanie that pimento cheese was just a Southern thing and every party or get together needed to have it.

  • I hope y’all have the perfect weekend!! I use that same brand of pimento cheese at my soirées. I remember explaining to Stephanie that pimento cheese was just a Southern thing and every party or get together needed to have it.

    • We will have to get us some PC when we go to Nashville? You and Wayne have a relaxing weekend too. Like the song says, "You can’t keep a good man down”, but maybe you can make him rest XOXO

  • oh my goodness... you look amazing in the black and white outfit!!!... and your hair!!!! you must do a tutorial ... I need to have my hair looking like that!!! :)

  • so happy to be making the cod salad ... yum yum... also... would you consider doing a tutorial on how you got your hair looking so amazing in the picture with the black and white... looks like you curled... I want mine lookin' like that!!! please tell us the secret... wand, curling iron, hot rollers, ??? you look amazing!!! <3

    • I hope you love it as much as we do Sherri. Thanks for the sweet words about my hair. I use a 1’ curling iron. I have a ton of hair so I usually end up doing it in 4 layers starting with the bottom and clipping the rest up. Turn the curling iron toward my face on the front pieces and then alternate front to back the rest of the way around. When I remember (LOL) I spray each layer with hair spray. Then once I’m done, I just “finger comb” it. Hope this helps. XO

  • I saw the Spindrift at Costco and almost bought it. Now I need to go back and pick it up. There's nothing wrong with store bought pimento cheese...yum. Hope you have a very relaxing weekend!

    • Don’t you just hate it when that happens? LOL. You have a great weekend too with your empty nest?

  • My husband drinks sparkling water, to avoid soda and I just can't seem to get on the sparkling water kick. I prefer just regular water with lemon juice (natural) or hot tea. I don't think I've ever had Pimento Cheese, but I've seen it at the store here. I'll have to try it... but, I'm not sure what to put it on. I may have to Google that. Ha!


    • If you love cheese, you’ll love the pimento cheese. I usually eat it on crackers, but you can also put it on celery and make it a little healthier. (HA). At the shower it was on soft little rolls. So delicious. I’ve also seen it made into “finger sandwiches” like for a tea. So yummy!!!

  • I am going to have to look for that sparkling water; sounds delicious! I like the sound of that hand soap too.

    • It’s definitely the best of the sparkling waters I’ve tried. I guess I know I’m old when hand soap excites me…LOL Hope you are having a great week so far!

  • My dad also drinks plain seltzer water haha! Or "seltzer with lime" if he's feeling fancy :D That hand soap flavor sounds delicious! Hope you're having a great weekend, Lisa!

    • I think the plain kind is just nasty. HA! I can stomach it with a little flavor better. The Spindrift is definitely the best I’ve tried. Hope you’re having a great week too, Jess! XO

  • Oh, we have that brand of pimento cheese here and it's the only one I buy except I buy the one with jalapenos in it. But, I just cannot do seltzer or sparking water, just gags me. I just drink good ole plain cold water. Happy week Lisa!

    • Oh my goodness, all this Pimento Cheese talk is killing me. I just went to the store locator and of course it’s no where to be found out here. I have got to get myself back to the south where I belong. LOL. I’m honestly not an any kind of water drinker, sadly. I’m so proud of myself when I actually drink it in any form. Hope your week is off to a great start!!! XO

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