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Friday Favorites #112 – Healthy Eating Edition

Happy Friday friends!!! Are you ready for the weekend? I know I am. I’m also ready to leave for the beach a week from tomorrow. I’ve had bathing suits rolling in here all week long and I have a couple of strong contenders, so that’s good news. Of course the flip side of that coin is there were a lot of “yeah, right” one’s that showed up and got tried on. What’s the saying? You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince? I think the same theory applies to finding the right swim suit. You’re going to try on a lot of flops before finding one that actually brings a smile to your face. #keeptrying #youllfindit

This week I’m taking a little different approach to my typical Friday Favorites and talking about something a lot of us are focusing on these days. Eating healthier. That’s actually just another thing I love about blogging, finding new recipes from friends. I’m always more likely to try something if one of you has recommended it to me.

As I get older my style of cooking is constantly morphing to meet the needs of my ever changing metabolism. #solongbelovedcasserole #imissyou You ladies my age probably know exactly what I’m referring to, and you younger girls will sadly find out soon enough. #sorrytobethebearerofbadnews I’m always in search of new recipes that are healthier alternatives to some our old favorites and in the last couple of weeks I’ve tried a couple of new ones I’ve found on good ol’ Pinterest.

Zucchini Stuffed Lasagna (Photo from Pinterest Via Kristine’s Kitchen)

This recipe for Zucchini Stuffed lasagna was d.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s!  The filling was so creamy and flavorful. I think I did add a little extra parmesan and some Italian seasoning to the filling and I used my own homemade marinara. I would also recommend cutting down a little on the baking time, but I will definitely be making this again.

10 – Minute Lemon Garlic Butter Shrimp with Zucchini Noodles (Photo Via Eat Well 101)

Another recipe I actually tried for my own lunch one day was this yummy concoction. I’ve been eating a lot of zucchini ever since doing the Faster Way To Fat Loss last summer. (read about that experience here) Zucchini is known as a “thermic vegetable”, meaning it takes more calories for you body to burn than the vegetable actually has. This was a really yummy and relatively quick and easy lunch and I made a larger batch of shrimp to then use in the next recipe, killing two birds with one stone. I left out the broth/wine and it was still delicious.


Avocado Shrimp Salsa (Picture Via Natasha’s Kitchen)

I don’t know about you, but there are always recipes coming across my Facebook feed and a lot of them look so tempting. This Avocado Shrimp Salsa was one that recently came across mine and I saved it. Did you know you can hit the 3 little dots in the upper right corner of a post on FB and it will save it? It’s awesome for stuff just like this that you know you might want to find again.  Anyway, back to the salsa. I saw potential in this for a main dish if served as a lettuce wrap vs. chips and I was right. We ate if with a side of roasted veggies on Butter Lettuce leaves for a light, delicious, summer time meal.

Roasted veggies are showing up more nights than not at our house. I have several combinations that I’m fond of.

Most recently, we’ve been eating zucchini, yellow squash, asparagus and red/purple onion. I pour a little olive oil, salt, pepper and Italian seasoning on and roast at 400 degrees for about 10-15 or until desired tenderness.

Assorted bell peppers, zucchini, red/purple onion

Mushrooms and red/purple onion

Zucchini, carrots, assorted bell peppers, mushrooms, red/purple onion

All of these are made the same basic way with a little olive oil, S&P and any other seasoning you might like to add.

I do love to cook and I also love having good gadgets and tools in the kitchen. I’m also now having fun helping Benny and Erin stock their kitchen with tools for cooking. They enjoy cooking together and I love that, so it gives me a great excuse to buy things. #likeIneedanexcuse #icanjusttellkentitsforthekids #hahaha

Shop some of my favorites and kitchen must haves

So there’s a healthier version of Friday Favorites and I didn’t even mention the “you know what sale” once. Go me! LOL

Have the best weekend friends and eat something that’s good for you. #allthingsinmoderation


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  • I’m allergic to shellfish so the shrimp is out for me (gosh I miss it!) but gimmie everything else. My zucchini boats are in rotation in this house. When boys go back to school I’m getting even more serious about healthier eats. We do decent but can always be better, right. Loving all of Summer’s bounty of fresh produce and loving wishing you a GREAT WEEKEND!

    • OH NO…well we certainly need you having an allergic reaction. It is easier to eat healthy with no kids around. I’m not sure what’s left to remove from our diets other than desserts and that’s NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN? Hope you’re having a great weekend! XOXO

  • Love the look of that lasagne and may have to try that. And, I've been browsing the Nordstrom sale for two days and found some items I just had to have. Ugh! It's just so tempting!

    • It was so yummy. Oh good grief…I ordered sooo much, but I know I’ll take a bunch back. Happy weekend!!! XO

  • That Zucchini Stuffed Lasagna lasagna looks SO good and it also looks easier that the zucchini lasagna I normally make. Pinned! I love kitchen gadgets! When I was at Haven, someone was talking about an avocado kitchen tool. I need to google it!


    • It really was yummy. I’ve got a layered one pinned as well that I want to try (I’m just afraid it will get really wet)

  • I did enjoy scrolling through these delicious recipes, Lisa. I've been enjoying prawns this summer after discovering just how low they are in calories, and you have some yummy ideas for us here. My tummy and my thighs thank you. Hugs,x

    • Can’t go wrong with shrimp and low cals. Trying to get ready for the beach my friend. XOXO

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