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Friday Favorites #115

Here we are friends, it’s already Friday and it’s already August. Slow your roll 2018. I’m not ready for fall (although I know a lot of you girls are). Maybe it’s because living in California and having such moderate temps all year I have the opportunity to mix my wardrobe up and I’m not as seasonally confined.

I’ll tell you that being back home this week has been nice, but given the chance I’d hop right back down to the beach in hot second. I tried to convince Kent that I should stay for about a month and he could come visit, but would you believe he didn’t buy that idea? LOL

Joining all my blogging friends to share things that have been tickling my fancy lately. Be sure to check the Link Ups tab up top and see who I’m partying with today.

We had to opportunity to go into the city and meet Nathaniel for a quick tour of San Francisco yesterday. He’s the son of  some of our dearest friends, and was returning from a 7 week mission trip in Fiji. He had a 10 hour layover, so rather than sit in the airport he hopped on the Bart and met us for some sightseeing. We had a ball showing him around and of course feeding him some of our favorite things. ??I always wear my Fitbit when we go in so just for fun to see how far we walked. We walked 16,000 steps and it said we did the equivalent of 62 flights of stairs. If you’ve ever been to San Francisco, you know just how hilly it is and the elevations register as stairs.

I wore one of my new scores from the Nordstrom sale, this Free People tee. (excuse the cami all bunched up underneath) Y’ALL, it’s like wearing a hug. #socheesy But seriously it’s so soft. I ordered two and before we left yesterday, I ordered another one. I want them all. At this very moment it says sold out, but it’s been cycling in and out of stock, so keep checking. (the sale ends Sunday) You can wear it down and it covers all the areas or tie it in a knot for a cute variation.

And here it is in black with my new Spanx Faux Leather leggings and Vince booties. This is my best Sandra Dee minus the makeup. LOL

You can shop my outfit from yesterday or my all black here, and Macy’s has the tee in different colors, so I linked that too.



When I got home from vacation Sunday night these were all waiting for me. Some of them were from the very first order I placed for the Nordstrom sale. It was really weird how long it took for some of the stuff to come in. One of the things was a bathing suit I wanted for vacation, so that’s definitely going back. Oh well.

If I have to look for a bright side of Katie being gone I guess this is it. Her room is a “holding place” for all my sale finds. I’ve got them all in there and once everything has come and I’ve done all the trying on, I’ll decide what to keep and what goes back. There were some real hits and some definite misses. Kent looked in there yesterday and said it looked like a department store blew up. HA!

Here’s a pretty good summary of what’s in the piles…

Click on any of the images to see if the items are still in stock. A piece of advice: If you saw something you wanted and missed it, check back continually. There were several things I didn’t get first time around and I’ve been able to grab them during brief restocks. It’s not impossible, you just have to be persistent. See, I knew my tenacity in life would eventually pay off. ?

While we were at the beach the kids ran to store to get ice cream and came back with this. OH.MY.WORD!!! Sooooo good. I think it’s a good thing we don’t have access to Blue Bell here in CA or I’d be needing to order new pants. Give this a try and then thank me for bringing it into your life. (or maybe hate me…when you can’t stop eating it.) We ended up buying a second container if that tells you anything.

I shared these candles on Instagram this week. For the last couple of years since I’ve been shopping the Nordstrom sale I would see these and be tempted. Well this year I finally ordered some and they are so pretty and such a good size and will also be perfect to divide up and use as individual gifts. The only problem I see is me giving them up. HA! After I got the first set of 3, I ordered two more sets, a large and small. They also have several other candles in the sale I’ve ordered in the past as gifts that are wonderful too. Check out the candle selection here⬇️


This is kind of random, but yesterday I was cleaning the mirrors in one of the bathrooms and thought I should share this glass cleaner with y’all. It took me years to find a glass cleaner that actually worked. I was always frustrated because no matter what I used there would still be streaks. Well this is a foam that goes on and leaves my mirrors streak free. I also have to give partial credit to these paper towels. They are more like a cloth and are the best for cleaning mirrors with minimal lint left behind. I get them at Costco, but you can find them here, and how cool are the ones in a box!


Wednesday I shared about a new (to me) line of makeup cases. These are well made and great for organizing makeup among other things. If you missed that post, check it out here.

Last I’ve got share something that is definitely not a favorite, but more of a PSA.

Being a good southern girl means also loving a monogram and oh boy, do I love me a monogram. Katie has had a couple of the cute monogram necklaces and worn them to death. Literally, their death. I kept thinking I’d like to have one and so I finally ordered one from a girl/company I was following on Instagram. Julia Marie. I ordered the 2″ monogram necklace back in mid April and was told it would take 6 weeks since it was a custom-made item. No problem, I totally get that.

Fast forward and six weeks come and go, no necklace. I emailed to check on the status and after a week finally got a response saying they were behind in production and it would ship in the next 10 days.

Fast forward again and it’s been another two weeks with still no necklace. I checked again and didn’t get a response so I put it into dispute with my credit card company. What do you know, I finally get a response from Julia…it’ll be mailed in the next 5 days which came and went and still no necklace.

We have played this little game for 3 months and finally it was delivered while we were on vacation. I opened it and the chain is totally janky. I would never wear a necklace that was old and looked like this, let alone a new piece. Now I can’t even get a response from her and my credit card company is still disputing it. Moral of the story is, please do not order from this company or you are in for a real headache.

Have you ever ordered from her and what was your experience? I feel like such a Debbie Downer to share this, but I don’t want anyone to go through the aggravation I have. We’re talking almost $100 here. Really?

That’s a wrap friends! Hope you have an awesome weekend and squeezing all you can out of what’s left of the summer.



View Comments

  • That Blue Bell flavor sounds amazing—and probably dangerous too! Ha! Ha! I live in the South so it’s in every store here but we usually buy the homemade vanilla. And I have to be very careful to not overdo it!

    • I kept finding myself with a spoon in my hand…LOL Just one more thing to look forward when we get to come back to the south. Happy weekend!! XO

  • Morning Lisa!
    Love your buys from the Nordstrom sale, boy you are a power shopper! Those vince camuto booties are fab and i love your leather leggings. I am debating about a pair for Fall. Do the Spanx leggings run TTS? Are they tight feeling?
    I just bought a makeup organizer for my bathroom as I was going nuts keeping things on the bathroom sink, ( there isn't enough storage in my house) . Love the one you got too! So fun to be organized. I love ice cream and boy, that would be like a combo of mine and hubbys fav flavors! I love cookie dough, he loves peanut butter chocolate!
    Enjoy your weekend!
    jess xx

    • Hey Jess!!! Happy Friday! I did make a haul and now I’ve got to make some decisions. UGH.? You would look great in a pari of the Spanx leggings. I ordered a medium and they fit great. I’m pretty much a 6 when it comes to bottoms. They are tight, but not uncomfortable. Y’all will have to try that ice cream…I’m so happy it’s not available here. HA! Have the best weekend! XOXO

  • You always have the best shopping finds! That's so disappointing about the necklace!

  • Oh friend, that ice cream! I may need to give it a try but I'm so obsessed with Halo Top it'll be hard. I love your Free People tee and you in all the black? LOVE. You hot momma you!
    I think it's awesome y'all were able to do a quick tour with Nathaniel, he's a cutie pie!
    I have had that glass cleaner before but maybe I need to try it with the paper towels too. I cannot stand streaks!
    Those candles are so pretty, I usually order them but didn't this year. They make great gifts!
    Love ya friend!

    • He is the son of our friends in OK and they have 3 boys…we’d love to do an "arranged marriage “ with one of them and Heidi would be an awesome MIL?. Guess we’ll just how everything shakes out, if you know what I mean and I know you do. Have the best weekend!! XO

  • That is just awful about the necklace. I hope they make it right for you. I love that Katie’s room is the “holding room”!! You look so very cute in your Free People. You know when I first started liking this brand I thought it was “Free The People!” LOL. Have a splendid weekend gorgeous!

    • You’re so cute!!! Thank you. I know you and I share a love of “free the people”? I still haven’t heard back from her since Sunday in response to the bad chain. Horrible customer service. I’m hopeful my credit card company can resolve it. Have a great weekend friend!!! XO

  • That Blue Bell is supposedly the best flavor! I have bought it to serve at every birthday and get together this year and everyone raves about it (I wish I could eat ice cream!) Have a fun weekend!

    • Bless your heart! Yes, it’s so good and could be really easy to become addicted to. Are you back to school yet? Hope you guys have a great weekend!!! XOXO

      • 2 days next week and then 2 weeks of staff development before kids start on the 27th. Not ready to go back yet!

  • Thanks for the heads up on that IG seller! I also love that Blue Bell flavor when I remember to take my Lactaid (ughhh). So I own a cleaning service and that is the only glass cleaner we have ever used. I can share with you Walmart makes a generic version and it is just as good! It will save you roughly 50 cents to buy the generic but well worth it! You're so cute! xo

    • Hi Amanda! Awesome, thanks for sharing the WM brand. I’ll look for that for sure. Get you some lactic and then some ice cream?. YUM. I was hesitant to share negativity, but I really hate for anyone else to go through the same aggravation. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!! XO

  • Oh no! I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with that IG seller! I've only had good experiences with other shops thus far, but I'm so picky. I stick to my favorite Made by Mary on etsy ;) By the way, I'm so glad you shared that glass cleaner! I'm desperate for a new one that will tackle the streaks in this horrible rental house haha have the BEST weekend, beautiful Lisa!

    • Hi cutie! Well yay, I’m happy to help. Streaky glass is the worst. So are y’all still trying to get out of that lease? What a pain. I’m just so excited about your big news. So sweet. Have a great weekend sweet friend! XO

  • How funny, my daughter was using that exact glass cleaner this past week while we were there visiting and I asked her about it. I've never seen it. And, that ice cream, oh, my, we do have that and I've resisted thus far. It looks so delicious! You really did rack up at the N sale. I scored a couple of items but since I needed nothing I guess that's not so bad. :o)) So sorry about the necklace. Stuff like that really aggravates me for sure. Happy weekend Lisa!

    • Hi Lea! Today I’m making a bunch of returns. I’m like a sale hoarder. HA! Give the glass cleaner a try and I swear by those towels. I got them when I was painting some furniture at the recommendation of a class I took. They are great for so many things. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! XO

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