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Friday Favorites #116

Happy Fri-yay friends! What a week I’ve had. Let’s just call it a week of maintenance. There are some things in life we all need to do to ensure we stay healthy, one of which is seeing a dermatologist for regular skin checks. I’ll be totally transparent and tell you right up front that I’m not the best at this one. I only go when I think something might be iffy. I had a mole that I felt had changed, so I made an appointment to go see a new dermatologist on Monday.  Then on Wednesday I got my initiation into the nifty 50’s club with my first colonoscopy. Sorry it this is TMI, but it’s real life. I wish I could get my hands on some the anesthesia they give you because that is some gooood sleep. There’s your upside!

Now that you now all the intimate details of my middle-aged life, let’s get to this weeks Friday Favorites, which by the way is a reach since most of what I did this wasn’t what I’d call fun. LOL

As I’ve shared with y’all before, I’m not a big reader except for on vacation. I took this Elin Hilderbrand book to the beach and FINISHED it. Cue applause. I’ve read another EH book and liked it and a bunch of y’all like love her. I wanted to get another one of her books to start but couldn’t find one, so I ended up getting a Nicholas Sparks book.

I’m about half way done with this one and it’s a struggle. I’m going to finish it, but so far I can’t say I’m loving it. To be continued…

Here are some of my daily outfits from the last two weeks.

This one probably seems weird for summer, but we were going into the city and it’s always cooler in San Francisco so we have to dress for the wind. This is a Free People tee I got during the sale. I also got it in black. They are some of the softest shirts you will ever put on. I love the length, it’s long enough to wear with leggings and keep all the things covered.


Travel day. I always travel with a sweater because planes so are cold and my Barrington Tote holds all my travel essentials.

Shop the looks here…

Most days I have something along the lines of this for lunch. Right now I’m on a peach kick and have been mixing peaches and berries with vanilla Greek yogurt, a drizzle of raw honey and some of my favorite coconut clusters. YUMMMM!

Happy mail is always a favorite! I love my Rodan + Fields products and I love my business too. One of the biggest blessings from this business is the support and friendships that have come as a result of it. My sweet friend and sponsor sent me this package of goodies this week. I can’t wait to read this book. I’ve seen so many people reading it and loving it.  #thanksjami

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram (or any other Rodan + Fields consultant for that matter) then you know we just released a new product that is already taking the beauty and skin care world by storm.

 Active Hydration Body Replenish is powered by our 3D3P Molecular Matrix, a proprietary technology featuring 30% Glycerin and crosslinked Hyaluronic Acid. This exclusive combination attracts moisture from the air to keep skin soft and smooth all day long — without the sticky feel.

This breakthrough skin conditioner goes beyond traditional moisturizers and lotions by providing immediate, hydrating nourishment to every type of skin — from AM to PM. Regardless of age, gender or skin type, Active Hydration Body Replenish adjusts to individual skin needs, delivering a velvety drench of hydration to areas that need it most for long-lasting soft and smooth-feeling skin.

In short, this cream is helping with the appearance of crepey skin that comes from age, natural elements and over exposure to sun. Say goodbye to dry cracked heels and elbows and hello to smooth, silky skin.

Let’s have some fun. I’m having Freebie Friday. Take my solution tool here, email yourself the results and leave a comment with your email address below and I’ll send you a FREE mini facial to try. Nothing convinces you how great our products are like feeling them and seeing how your skin feels after using them. I have a limited number, so its first come, first serve.

If you have any questions, I’m happy to answer them. We have several bundles available that will get you some of our best sellers at a reduced price, plus 10% off and FREE shipping.

I’d be hard pressed to name my favorite product, but if I had to pick just one it would be Lash Boost. I never ever thought I could have such great lashes and owe it all to Lash Boost.

Hope y’all have a great weekend and are soaking up the last few weeks of summer.




View Comments

  • So many cute looks! I have to say your mirror selfie game is on point. I am working on trying to improve mine. :( Currently listening to "Girl, Wash Your Face" and am really enjoying it. Wow - that Active Hydration looks like some powerful stuff! Have a great weekend, Lisa.

  • Your daily looks are all adorable and now I feel like a slug! Ha! Those dresses you wore are my faves. That lunch looks yummy too! I just ordered some books from the library and I can't wait to get my hands on them. I love to read at night but I'm tired of spending money on books for my Kindle - after I read them they just sit there, I like to pass books on. Okay, that new R&F product looks good, I'm going to have to check that out.
    Happy weekend friend, I'm all kinds of excited that Publix has Halo Top 3 for $10 and I have a $1.50 off coupon!! It's the little things, right?

  • Oh, you are so right about that twilight med they give you for a colonoscopy, it is AMAZING! But, have mercy, it should be after that horrible prep. I've had 3 and they've never found a thing so I'm hoping I never have to do it again. Hope! Hope! Love all your outfits. Enjoy your weekend!

  • Welcome to the club! I beg my doc to give me the pill prep every time, and I lose that battle every time. UGH! I hope that all of your tests come back with good news! Have a great weekend!

    • Thank you!!!! Hmmm, I wonder why your doc is anti pill? Kent went to the same dr in January and it wasn’t an option for him then, so it must be something they’ve just started offering at this practice. YAY me. Have a wonderful weekend!!! XO

    • Hi Monica!!!
      Thank you and thanks for using the tool. Send me your address and I’ll drop a mini-facial in the mail for you to try. REVERSE was the regimen I started with and I still use it in the morning. Love it! Have a wonderful weekend!!! XOXO

  • Great daily looks. This fall I'll be joining the 50 club so I know the colonoscopy is in my future. I try to go to the dermatologist every year, but skipped last year after all the flooding craziness. Time to get back on track. Have a fabulous weekend.

    • Well it’s no where near what you fear. Actually it’s easy. The worst part is the inconvenience of not eating the day before. Nothing makes you want to eat like being told you can’t. HA! I’m not very vigilant about skin checks at the dr unless I happen to notice something. More every few years. Enjoy your weekend! XO

  • I'm only 3 years away from the 50 club... Not. excited. at. all. I've always had good skin-almost no blemishes to speak of. But I think too many years of not taking proper care of my skin (removing makeup and cleansing at night) is taking its toll. I'm on the lookout for great skin care products. I hope it's not too late to improve my skin.

    • Hi Nikki! It’s NEVER too late! I was about your age when I started using R+F. We can undo sun-damage and reduce lines and wrinkles. I’m more about holding what I’ve got. Aging is inevitable, but we can try to look our best? The REDEFINE regimen is what I use at night (with the roller) I love it. Send me your address and I’ll drop a mini-facial in the mail for you to try. Have a great weekend!!!! XOXO (Thanks for using the solution tool)

  •! As a skin cancer survivor I can preach skin checks and I do but my one horrible vice is I still tan. Ugh but I feel soooo much better with color. Hoping for good news on what my dad calls the roto rooter, lol. Just love the Leith cardi with the gingham! I’ll have to try that! SUPER CUTE looks! And wishing you, my gorgeous friend, a super sweet weekend!

    • I know, right? I just feel like I look so much healthier and have a “glow” when I’m tan. I always use my sunscreen though. Happy to have this week “behind" me!?? Have a marvelous weekend!

  • Oh my, I love ALL your outfits, Lisa! Especially your daisy-fresh dresses. Did the test, now have to read through the comprehensive analysis. Hugs my dear x.

    • Aw, thank you sweet Mary! I see it recommended the regimen I use at night. Love it. Send me your address and I’ll send you a mini facial. There’s only one catch, we currently aren’t available in the UK, but we are going into new countries quickly. Currently we’re in US, Canada and Australia. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!! XOXO

  • Your outfits are all so cute! I've never read an Elin Hilderbrand book, but I will have to check her out! Thanks for the recommendation! Hope you are having a great weekend!

    • Thanks Laura! I’m a sucker for a good romance. I think most of her books (if not all) are set in Nantucket. Happy weekend! Good luck settling into the new house❤️ XO

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