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Friday Favorites #118 – Back in the South

Hey friends and Happy Friday! Well apparently last Friday was a false alarm. What do I mean? Thankfully some of y’all are more in tune with your calendars than I apparently am. I tried to steal an entire week of summer from you. Sorry about that.? So this week when I say that a week from tomorrow is the first day of September, I really mean it. HAHAHA!

In case you missed it, I’m on a little get away to Kentucky and Nashville to visit some friends and my kids. The weather has been glorious and of course the company is even better, so I’d have to say this week gets ?!

As always, Friday means Friday Favorites. I’m going to keep it kind of short and sweet,  so let’s get to it.

One of my favorite things to do is lay out in the sun. (of course with my sunscreen on) It’s no secret that! I don’t know what there is about it, but being out in the sun, by a pool is just one of my absolute happiest places. Throw in one of my very best friends to talk to, and this girl is in hog heaven. There is more of this in my future today and tomorrow too, so you can imagine I’m pretty happy this week.

I shared this outfit last week. Love the combo of navy and white. So crisp and clean. I also talked about how much I love this statement necklace. It amps up any outfit you put it with, but the exact one is sold out. Well guess what?! I found one that is soooo similar. I think you’ll love it.

Isn’t it great?! As if the fact that they are practically twins separated at birth isn’t enough, it’s also currently 25% off (along with the entire Accessory Concierge site) when you use the code ABC123.

Accessory Concierge is one of my favorite places to get fun accessories. Here are some of the pieces I have and love to wear, along with a few on my wish list.


I’ve shared a post I did last summer on my fitness journey several times. Well just this week I had another friend about my age talking about how she just couldn’t lose weight. I gotta’ tell you girls that a lot of this is our age, hormones and just our place in life. Give yourself some grace, but don’t misunderstand, in no way am I suggesting that any of us just throw in the towel. I’m actually a huge proponent for exercise and trying to eat healthier.  I’m planning to do a post on my experience with menopause and middle age before long, but until then I really want to encourage you to not give up. I know it’s hard. I think for anyone who happens to be in this “phase” of life the Faster Way To Fat Loss might be the program to help get you started.

FWTFL is a program based on intermittent fasting, carb cycling, eating clean and an exercise plan with varying levels to go hand in hand with the eating. You learn to “track your macros”, which means learning the right balance of carbohydrates, protein and fats to fuel your body for maximum efficiency.

I stuck to this plan very rigidly while I was enrolled in it and now I do a modified version. I’ve implemented a lot of what I learned into our diets and I continue to do the workouts. If you are finding yourself stuck where you are, think about doing a round of the FWTFL and see if maybe it gets you back on track. The next round starts September 17th. You can use this link: Faster Way To Fat Loss to sign up. (this is an affiliate link)

Hope y’all have a great weekend! I know I’m going to!


View Comments

  • Have fun in KY & TN!! I saw your “error” last week but just thought you were having a “Blonde Moment.” Those are pretty regular for me!

  • I know you are having a blast on your vacay! Love that blue and white outfit on you - stunning!

  • I keep hearing people singing praises about FWTFL. I really want to look into it when I have a chance. It sounds interesting! Maybe when my husband is done with his crazy travel schedule in late October it's something we can do together! Hope you had a wonderful and relaxing week!

    • Thank you Laura! I go home tomorrow…but only for a week and we have a little getaway planned. (rough life. HA)I think it’s a great tool for getting a grasp on better eating and forming that habit. Sometimes they have a couples challenge. XO

  • That navy blue top is my faaaave. It's so gorgeous! I also love the necklace option you showed for the one that you and Kellyann have! Very tempting! Glad you had a great time in KY!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

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