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The Look for Less

Hello friends! Here we are in the middle of the week and the middle of the month. August is flying by.

Today I thought I’d share with you a few thoughts on shopping and finding alternatives to items that are a little more pricey and perhaps a little more trendy.

I think many of us like to have items in our closet that are trending in the fashion world but due to budget limitations (we all have them) we don’t necessarily want to spend a fortune on something that may only be around a season or two.

More times than not, there is a good alternative for most pricey items. I was recently browsing some websites I frequent and noticed some pretty darn good dupes. Naturally I had to share them with you.

So how do you know when to “save” and when to “spend”? Well that will most likely be determined by several factors:

*Your personal budget

*Is it a WANT or a NEED?

*How trendy is it? Will it be around a while?

*How much will you use it? {i.e. – Is it a purse you’re going to carry every single day or just from time to time?}

*Do you want it for the label or because you love it?

Some of the best places to check for a high-end look for less: Target, Amazon, DSW, TJMaxx, Marshalls & Ross. The latter 3 may even have the exact same item at a deep discount.

How do you decide what’s worth spending a little more or when to buy an alternative?

Shop these Save vs. Spend items here:



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  • Hi Lisa!
    I have been enjoying on-line thrifting for a few years now, and find the look for less, also using some of the discounted sites. I just bought a few pair of Fall boots from 6pm. Love the examples you have, and so right, its good to know whether it is a need or "want'... my hubby might say everything i buy now, is a 'want' but he isnt into fashion!
    Enjoy your day!
    jess xx

    • I love a good bargain and think sometimes those are the things you end up enjoying the most. Hope you’re having a great week. XOXO

  • I love all these suggestions! I tend to err on the frugal side, but I've found that ThredUp is my go-to for walking that fine line. I can get high-end items that are (very) slightly used, and I love it! Also, I have to say that Target also has fantastic knock-offs and copies of the more expensive items I love, so it's a win-win. :)

  • Amen to adorable pieces where I often like the look of the save one much better! That Amazon boho beauty of a top might just land in my cart!!! CUTE in all Caps!!!

    • I thought that top was a great alternative. I want to do some more of these posts…now to find the “stuff” Happy Wednesday. Hope you’re settling back into your new normal.

  • This is such an awesome post! I love your graphic and all those dupes are spot on! Nice job my friend!

  • Omg!! I just bought those SAME leopard loafers from Zulilly last night! Can’t wait to get them in!

  • Well I prefer the top on the left, but no surprise, I'm a cheap date! Nice post Lisa, and some nice choices. I shop cheap when something looks like it might be faddy. Hugs, x.

  • I just got those leopard mules in my trunk from trunk club and have been debating on whether or not I want to spend so much on them. I may just try your save version instead! These are great saves!

    Pumps and Push-Ups

  • I just got some booties similar to #3 at Target a few months ago. I've been waiting for the fall to wear them! I love these kinds of posts!


    • Thanks Carrie! I’d like to do more if I can come up with more good “dupes”. Happy Wednesday! XO

  • I have had my eye on the free people shoes for over a year but haven't bought them. Thank you for showing the dupe!!

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