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Friday Favorites #124

Hey y’all! It’s Fri-nally Friday. Yes, I said Fri-nally on purpose. HA! This has been a long week for me. Monday seems like it was way more than 4 days ago.

I ran a lot of errands this week and you’d think that would make for quite the list of Friday Favorites, but I didn’t find myself feeling particularly inspired, so I decided to take look back at some easy fall fashions. Sometimes when I’m going through the pictures on my phone or computer, I’ll see an outfit I wore in the past and think, I need to wear that again. It’s easy to forget different combinations I’ve worn and liked and opt for the same old thing.

While the exact pieces in these outfits may not still be available, they are all easily recreatable looks. I like to have a lot of basics in my wardrobe that I can then mix and match.

When I’m buying new pieces, I try to avoid things that will only go with “this pair of pants” or “that skirt”. I always feel like when I do that, my outfits tend to feel rather “Garanimal” like. Do you remember Garanimals? I know WalMart still carries them, but I remember when I was a kid Sears carried them and I thought they were soooo cool. You could just match the tags and have an outfit. You know, like match the monkey bottom to the monkey top. Speaking of Sears, you may have heard that this week they declared bankruptcy. They have been hanging on by a thread for so many years and it finally broke. They’ve been around for 132 years. WOW! So sad to see a retailer that was once so prominent have to close their doors. #itsasadday

Jeans, a plaid shirt, a long cardigan and animal print, make for a no-fail formula in my book. You could take any plaid, and any solid cardi and recreate this. These leopard flats are on the spendy side, but I’m here to tell you that they are comfortable and when I’m going to be doing a lot of walking, I don’t hesitate to wear them. 

A cute sweater, jeans, riding boots and accessories. I bet you have all of these in your closet right now. This is a Lou & Gray sweater and I’m pretty sure they make the softest clothes on the planet.

Are you noticing a pattern? If you said jeans, then you hit the nail on the head. I wear jeans 99% of the time. Even with my other options, I still find myself reaching for my jeans. I also love the color gray and find myself drawn to it and black most frequently, but lately I’m also noticing that I’m adding more burgundy to my closet. 

Vests are a great transitional piece or for those of living in more temperate climates, they are all we often need, even in winter. While a printed vest is fun, a solid is so versatile and can be paired with another solid or print. Adding leopard in some form is one of my favorites, being followed pretty closely by camo. Leopard and camo have pretty much become neutrals making them great staples to have, especially in the form of accessories. 

I already mentioned I’ve been adding burgundy to my closet, but another color I’m crushing on is mustard. It looks great with olive, denim, black, burgundy and brown, so it’s extremely versatile. Military jackets have been on the scene for a long time and are hanging in there and so is the vest form. A military or utility vest is a great light layer to add-on fall days when it’s too warm for a coat, but a little chilly with just a light shirt or sweater. Early in the day adding a scarf not only adds warmth, but another layer of interest. Remember the “rule of three” from this post? This outfit is a prime example of that theory.

I never shared how we liked  ‘A Star Is Born’. Well…….we liked it. Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga both did an amazing job, and who knew Bradley could sing like that? I also heard or read somewhere that he learned to talk deeper for the part and spent a year learning to play the guitar. I think it’s incredible he was able to learn that in just a year if what I read was at all accurate. The only thing I would say as a warning is it is full of profanity, particularly the F-bomb. Call me a prude, but I don’t get what it adds to any movie? #sorrynotsorry

Have a great weekend friends!




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  • I love all these looks, Lisa, and I especially like seeing the taller boots on you! I hope you have a relaxed weekend!

    P.S. yes, I do remember garanimals! They still make them? At Walmart?! I haven’t seen them, but then again, I haven’t shopped kids clothes in a while! Nice to see the 80s still exist!

    • Well thanks friend. I still feel like I look like a giant walking turkey leg like you get at Disney when I wear boots. LOL. The 80’s ROCK friend and we lived to tell about it!!! XO

  • I'm with you -- jeans are the best! So many of my friends complain about them but they are what I reach for every single day. I think the key is to finding pairs that are comfortable, which usually involves investing in denim but it's so worth it!

    • AMEN to jeans! I’m glad you found the maternity pair you’d been wanting. Congrats. Hope you love them!! XO

  • I felt the same way about Star is Born. I liked it, but I wasn't crying at the end like so many who saw it. I agree about the F-bombs. It just didn't seem necessary. Have a wonderful weekend.

    • I wonder how many people feel like us? I bet more than you’d think. Hope you have a great week. I’m so jealous Shelly got to have lunch with you last weekend. One day…we’ll all get together. ;) XO

  • This walk down Lisa Fashion memory lane made me smile. #2 and 5 are my favorites and I have all the twiny pieces in 5! Feel same about ASIB. But oh how I adored that movie and keep listening to the soundtrack. You have the sweetest weekend ya hear sweet friend! xo

    • Well thank you sweet thing. Yes, how could we not love ASIB? That Bradley…oh my. Hope your week is off to a great start!! XO

  • You know how much I love your hair curled so of course that is my very favorite look -ha!! Actually all of these looks are so fall fantastic on you. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be able to honestly wear fall clothing soon without sweating to death.
    I was sad to hear about Sears. While I haven't shopped there in ages I have fond memories of looking through the catalog and picking out clothes and then of course going to the store and trying on Toughskins!!! Now that's a memory!
    Happy Friday friend!

    • Oh my gosh yes! Long live Toughskins! My brother wore those and of course I’m pretty sure I had a Dallas Cowboys jacket with the silver sleeves…remember those? LOL. Thanks friend. I’m really contemplating taking some length off my hair and wearing it curled more. Hmmm….what say you? Happy weekend!!! XOXO

  • We went and saw A Star Is Born last weekend and I loved it! His voice WAS deep in it! When they sang Shallow in it... oh, gosh. Wow. Love! I really love the look with the long duster. I wear jeans almost 24/7, too!


    • It’s hard not to love. That Bradley Cooper is awesome. I need to get the soundtrack and listen to it. Have a great week! XO

    • Oh thanks so much Jill! It’s so heavy that the curl falls out easily. I’m really contemplating taking some length off and curling it more. Have a wonderful week. XO

  • Loving all of your fall outfits Lisa! And what great photos! I am totally with you on excessive use of the F word. I get it in war/action type movies. I haven't seen a Star is Born but from what I know about the seems a little less necessary. BUT, I've read that filmmakers do it to get the R rating because they think adults don't want to see if if it's not R rated!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

    • Thanks Gina! That’s interesting about the theory behind R ratings. I shared it with my husband when we were walking Saturday. Have a great week. XO

  • How do I pick a favorite? There are so many cute outfits! I always forget to add long necklaces when I put on jeans and a sweater, but they really make such a difference!

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