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Friday Favorites #125

“If I could turn back time. If I could find a way”. Are you singing that? If you’re a Cher fan, then you probably are. Well if I could turn back time, I’d turn it back to this time last year when we were getting ready to go to Hawaii for our 25th anniversary trip.  We had the best time, and in some ways I can’t believe it’s been a year, but in other ways it seems much longer. That’s the funny thing about time, isn’t it? It can feel both ways at the same time.

This week I’ve come up with a whole lot of random goodness to share with you so without further ado, let’s get right to it.


Fall is slowly showing up over here on the West Coast. I actually wore a sweater twice this week, but what I’m really dying to wear is this beautiful hot pink fleecy sweater. Y’all know how I feel about cozy clothes. I am completely obsessed. Don’t believe me? See #5. ?Anyway, back to this cozy sweater, not only is it super soft it’s also on sale for a song and you need it.


Have you seen any of my Instagram stories lately? (your missing out if you haven’t?) I’ve been sharing my latest obsession of Vital Proteins. I kept hearing all these good things about them, and all the benefits and couldn’t resist trying them any longer.

I decided the best place to get the low down on them was the Vital Proteins website and here’s what I found….

Collagen is the vital building block of our bodies including skin, hair, nails, bones, and joints. Our bodies cannot synthesize enough collagen on their own and our diets today contain minimal collagen.**

Glowing skin**
A more youthful appearance**
Joint health**
Tendon & bone strength**
Healthy cartilage**
Increased athletic performance**
Improved digestion**
Gut health**
Deeper sleep**

Sounds pretty good, huh? I’m hoping to help my knees not be so noisy (they sound like a Barbie dolls when you bend them) and I’d like to think I can restore some of the collagen in my skin. I guess time will tell, but for now, I’m going for it. I’ve been adding them into my afternoon coffee and my yogurt. I’m happy to report they have no taste and dissolve completely. You’d never even know they are in there. They are a great source of protein and no carbs. Sound like a miracle product, don’t they?

If you have access to a Costco, they have the large container I got for $45 and that’s a great deal. If not, Amazon has them.


One of our favorite cuts of meat around here is a flank steak. They are so easy to prepare and with very little prep you can get a delicious flavor. I’ve been using this marinade for years. Actually for about the last 18 months I had just been rubbing spices on our flank steak with my whole “clean eating” approach, but I had company last month and decided to pull this yummy concoction out again and we had forgotten just how delicious it was.

Here are a couple of tips:
1) Make the marinade in a gallon Ziploc bag for easy clean up
2) Before placing the meat in the bag, stab it all over on both sides with a fork to tenderize it. Trust me, it really works and if you’re frustrated, you’ll feel better. HA!


New running shoes!!! Do you think I needed a pair? YES, the two in the picture are the exact same shoe. I’m always amazed how much wear and tear they take. I do wear them 5-6 days a week when I work out, and Kent and I go for pretty long walks on the weekends, so they get a lot of miles on them. My personal favorites are Saucony’s. I’ve been wearing this brand for a good 10 years. Every couple of years I go to the running store and get fitted to make sure they are still the best option for my pronating feet. I buy the initial pair from store and then for the next few pairs I can just order them from Amazon or where ever I find the same shoes for a better deal. I love slipping my tootsies into a nice new pair of cushy tennies.


Another piece I’ve had hanging in my closet ever since the Nordstrom sale this summer is this incredibly soft Wubby Fleeece Pullover. That’s just fun to say. Wubby Fleece. Well it’s even more fun to wear. Holy softness, Batman. This thing is ahhh-mazing. It just might be soft enough to make your kids want to cuddle with you, and oh man is it going to feel so good on a chilly day. I can’t wait to cuddle up with it and my favorite leggings on and drink my coffee in my favorite corner of the couch. See, everything in this description is a total favorite and if that’s not enough, it’s back on sale just like it was when I got it. Have I mentioned Christmas is two short months away? Think Christmas presents friends.


Another thing I put on Instagram and Facebook this week is my current lip trio I’m loving. If one lip color is good then it only makes sense that three would be 3X as good. I layer them in the order they’re listed and they last the better part of the day. Love that.

On a side note…check out my lashes would you?! Wondering if Lash Boost is for real? I’ve been using it  for 2 years and could not be more thrilled with the results.  I barely even had lashes before starting Lash Boost. To say I LOVE IT is an absolute understatement. If you want to see a dramatic change in your lashes, then let’s get you started. You can expect a little difference in 4 weeks, noticeable in 8 weeks and WOW in 12 weeks. Need even more proof? Look at Katie’s lashes. They are in-sane!!! If you’re ready to try it, let me know and I’ll get you all set up.

Okay friends, I think that about wraps it up. What I can’t wrap, is my brain around it being the last Friday in October. Things are about ramp up and get busy.

Have a great weekend and as always, thanks so much for taking a few minutes out of your day to stop over here and see what I have to say. It really means the world to me. I love your comments and getting to interact with y’all.




View Comments

  • First, can I just say thanks for writing" without further *ado.* In my experience, 9 out of 10 bloggers seem to think it's "Adieu." It's not. LOL!! So you're already winning with this post, and then you added all the lip and lash goodness! And the cozy fleece pullover! Great post from start to finish!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

    • Awww, thanks Gina. It was quite the mash-up. I’m glad you liked it. Have a great Friday! XO

  • That wubby fleece pullover looks so cozy and totally a much needed item this Fall/Winter! The grey cooler is a nice one too as it can pair with so many other items. Wow, your lashes looks so long and beautiful! I am jealy! My son and hubby have the longer lashes and I pout every time! I need to check out those Saucony running shoes. Mine are Nike but pretty old. I actually notice that my feet ache a bit after running so it's time to replace them. Well, I hope your day is going well so far and happy Friday!

    Maureen |

    • Oh my goodness Maureen, it’s so soft and now I just need a nice cool day to wear it. I was in Nordstrom today and the girls complimented my lashes. I loved it. You should totally try the Lash Boost. It is so good. I really like the Sauconys, especially if you do pronate. I can tell my shoes need replacing when my feet start aching too. Have a great weekend. XO

  • Oh, Lisa! You got me missing Hawaii this morning, too! Gosh, what I wouldn’t give to go back!! Guess what I’m wearing this weekend! My FP red swing top that you have in olive! Love it, but I hope the weather stays cool so I can enjoy it! We love a great flank steak, too, but I certainly need to check out that marinade!!

    • Maybe that’s where our next trip should be.?? I wish I could wear mine. There’s a new style out with a little gathering on the front and back that looks adorable. I bet the red is too cute on you! Ask Adelle to play Michael Buble. HAHAHAHA!!! I told Kent I’d been having fun playing with my friends this afternoon. LOL Have a great weekend. XOXO

  • I love these Friday Favorites - totally on board with trying the marinade and those lips look divine - love that trio! Your wubby pullover looks so cozy, I am totally wising we had cool weather!
    Love ya friend!

    • Thanks friend! I’ll tell you, I was almost a puddle when I finished taking those pics. I sure fake looking cold well. LOL!!!! Happy weekend. XOXO

  • You are sooo Wubby Bubbly and CA-UTE! Love that pullover. You have reignited my love for that marinade, I just put it on the grocery list. Yummy. Prettiest lips and smile in all of Cali right there! Enjoy your weekend sweet girlfriend!

    • That wubby would be so perfect for your ballgame warmth. I’m dying to wear it, but it’s going to have to cool off. I about melted just taking the pics. LOL. Have a great weekend cutie!!! XO

  • I just bought a wubby pullover in the prettiest olive/cream color ( it says Matcha) and Oh My Lanta I can't wait for it to cool off so I can wear it!

    • Oooooo, I bet that will be super cute. I am loving the color olive. I was about to bust a sweat just taking those pics. LOL.

  • I would love to go back to Hawaii one day (soon)! I've been taking collagen peptides for almost a year. It's made a huge difference with my joint pain, skin, hair and nails! That wubby pullover looks so cozy! Have a great weekend!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    • Too funny, Jill. Kent and I were just talking about that a few minutes ago. I’m so happy to hear the peptides have made a difference for you, I hope I’ll have the same success. They seem like a wonder! That wubby is insanely soft. Now I just need a chilly day to wear it. Happy weekend! XO

  • Hawaii is on my bucket list! My hubby has been there, tho. :P I heard Amanda talk about Collagen Peptides a lot when I was actively with her FASTer Way group. I take these gummy collagen supplements, but I'm sure the kind you blend in your drink is way better. I love how it even helps with deeper sleep! I'm going to pin it and look for it at Costco. That Lash Boost always looks so amazing!! Do you mind me asking how much it costs for a tube and how long it lasts? I used to do some heavy duty long distance running (not anymore!) and I love Brooks running shoes. I haven't heard of Saucony. I found out the hard way that wearing the wrong shoes is not good!! And, that coffee maker does froth, too? I have a Keurig and I know it is all the hype, but I've been kind of disappointed in it ever since I got it a couple of years ago. Not sure if I want to spend the $$ on a new one yet. LOL. Have a good weekend!!!!


    • Well as far as Hawaii goes, surely he hasn’t been to all the islands? AND we’d go right back to Maui without blinking an eye. LOL Yes, look for the peptides at Costco and look for a Nespresso machine there. They usually have them this time year. I got mine at Williams Sonoma last year on a good deal. I think I got it and the milk frother for $150. I also have a Keurig and keep both out in the winter. We both use the Keurig in the morning, but in fall and winter I have a cup from my Nespresso in the afternoon. (weird, I know?) The Lash Boost is $135 PC price. (Preferred Customer) It lasts a minimum of 4 months (sometimes longer…it’s weird how sometimes mine will last longer.) To me it’s worth every penny, because I just love my lashes so much and they are something I always wanted and never had. Yesterday I was in Nordstrom and the girls waiting on me commented on my lashes. I LOVED it!!! If you want any more info, just let me know and I’ll email it to you. Have a great weekend!!! XOXO

      • I'll have to check out Costco for the Nespresso machine, too! Gotta love Costco. It's funny, because I never go in there... I just give my husband a list! I need to go with him sometime! Lol! Thank you for letting me know about the Lash Boost price! Hmm! I will have to think about that. I would like to maybe try it eventually. It really works for you!! Your lashes are AH-mazing!


        • YES! I bet they’ll get some for Christmas. I kinda had my eye out at ours the other day, but didn’t see any but stuff varies from store to store…and they might have them online. Thanks for the lash compliment too. I really do love it and IMHO it’s worth every penny? XO

  • Happy weekend Lisa! Now I am singing "If I Could Turn Back Time" haha! I'm jealous of all your super cute and cozy sweaters! You're living the dream!

    • Thanks Jess!!! LOL, about singing in your head. Don’t you want to smack me. HA! I am living the dream girl. I’ve got nothing to complain about XOXO

  • I like the idea of the lipstick layering. Once in awhile I'll do two and it feels like too much, I guess I've been using the wrong brand(s).

    • Hi Kim! Thank you! I don’t know if this might help, but I do lightly blot between layers. May be worth a try.

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