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Monday Musings and Weekend Wrap Up

Happy Monday friends! It’s been a while since I’ve done a wrap up type post, so let me bring you up to speed on life in the Richardson house.

Thursday night I got a very sad, panicked FaceTime call from Katie. She’d started to get down off her bed and the mattress topper slid causing her to fall off and land face first on her Keurig leaving a DENT about the size of your thumb in the side of her nose. Well who knew a Keurig was such a fighter. This morning she’s having a CT scan to determine if her nose is broken. She’s got a nasty black eye and you can only imagine how devastating that is to a college girl.

Feel free to say a prayer for her and that nothing will need to be done other than time healing it.

Benny ran his first half marathon on Saturday and Erin, Katie and Luke were there to cheer him on. I wish his dad and I could have been with them. He ran really well and finished in the top 10%. Not bad for a first timer.

You may have seen there are fires in both northern and southern California and we are being impacted with smoke. I am absolutely amazed how the smoke will travel so far. You can smell it and it makes your eyes and throat irritated if you have to be outside for very long. I can’t even imagine how awful it must be for people who live much closer than we do.

 Saturday morning we had to forgo our walk, but on the upside the weather has finally cooled and I’m getting to wear some of the things I’ve been stock piling.

The best way to start the weekend in my opinion is with my coffee, a comfy cozy fleece and my computer. This quarter zip pullover is still available in some sizes and on sale. Don’t be surprised if you see me in this all.winter.long. Not even kidding, it’s the softest thing ever.

These Free People tees have been calling to me ever since the Nordstrom sale this summer. I wore them two days in a row and if I had more colors, I’d have probably kept going. Y’all know I have a love/hate relationship with tees, but these have won my heart. They are super soft and honestly more like wearing a PJ top that a shirt. I pair them with my new bralettes that are also amazingly comfortable. Being a smaller chested girl, I don’t have to wear a bra with them and I’m at a loss for a word descriptive enough to do them justice. Maybe EPIC…LOL. 

I’m starting to feel like a broken record. Here’s another one of those awesome sweaters from Old Navy I keep yammering on about. Again, y’all are just going to have to trust me and go with it. Order one or three for yourself and then let me know if you agree with me.

I also wore this new poncho twice this week and adored it both times. It goes with everything and if you don’t believe me, you’ll just have to wait and see because I’ve styled it a couple of ways to share with you soon

Hope your week gets off to a super start. We’re excited. We leave a week from today to begin our Thanksgiving vacation. Woohoo!!



View Comments

  • Definitely praying for sweet Katie today, bless her heart! She is really the cutest girl even with that shiner! And how about your Benny, top 10%, whoa!!! Praying for CA too - those fires are just horrendous and so devastating, I cannot even imagine it. Glad you got your cozy on over the weekend, we have a HEAT index of 94 today, CRAZY!!! UGH!
    Love ya friend,

    • Thanks friend. She’s doing great and not even trying to cover it with makeup. What a champ. Hoping we get the CT results tomorrow and find out what if anything is next. XOXO

  • Oh I too have been thinking of sweet Katie and hope the appt. goes well. Just love the sign Erin made for Benny, what a great accomplishment, I bet he felt so good after. I am so sad for these dang fires and the loss. You are just the cutest bralette babe ever!!!! Happy Monday precious friend! xo

    • Thanks sweet friend. She’s been a real trooper. Wearing one of my barrettes today and I didn’t even need to. HA! XO

  • Awww praying for your Katie ! And yay for Benny, I'd love to run a marathon one day. I've always wanted to but the training is what gets me ! I have been wondering if the smoke has gotten your way. Praying that you all stay safe !

    • Thanks so much Tammy! She’s been a real trooper. I’d love to run a marathon too, but that’s about as likely as me winning the lottery. LOL. The smoke here is much better today, thankfully. Have a great week! XO

  • Lisa, I will most certainly be sending prayers up for Katie today! Her poor eye! Gosh, it makes my own eye hurt just looking at it, but I certainly hope everything will be fine. I was wondering how close you were to the fires and it amazes me too how y'all are getting some of smoke in your area. Stay inside, girl, and stay warm!!

    • Thanks friend. She’s been a real trooper! Now we just wait for the CT results to see what if anything has to be done. Happy Monday!!! XO

  • Sending prayers! I love how you see the bright side of things. We have huge fires in Idaho every summer and we always get the terrible smokey air. I feel for you.

    • Thank you so much Cheryl! Thankfully the air is much better today. It’s just so horrific for all those people. XO

  • I know I already said it, but I'm so sorry to hear about Katie's poor nose! Fingers crossed it's not broken. Poor girl :( that's such a random trauma but just icky! Also, I have to say that your posts on Old Navy have inspired me so much! I've actually spent some money on ME - and on color! Shocking! Happy Monday!

    • Thanks again. Now we’re just waiting on the CT results. I think it is broken, it’s just how bad. :( This was the sweetest comment. I’m so glad the ON posts have been helpful. You deserve to treat yourself little mama. XO

  • Poor Katie! Also, I love those Free People tees! I love Old Navy and love your finds and how you style them. Happy Monday!

  • Poor Katie - I hope she will be ok! Stay safe with all those fires and smoke. Love your cozy fleece top!

  • Looking so cosy in all this knitwear and fleeceage, Lisa, but poor Katie, that looks painful, hope her eye is ok. My thoughts are with her and those affected by the fires.
    Hugs, Mary x.

    • Thank you Mary. Thankfully our air is much better today. It’s so tragic. We’re waiting on the results from her CT scan. Fingers crossed. XO

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