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Friday Favorites #130

Hey, hey Friday. I blinked and the week was gone. I have a sneaky feeling that’s how the rest of the year is going to play out. I have loved Thanksgiving being early this year. Can we order that every year? I feel like I’m in pretty good shape and I gotta’ tell ya’, that’s not a bad feeling. Ya’ know?!

I’m basically done with shopping except for a few little things to order, but at least I know what they are. The big thing  now is getting all the goodies wrapped. I have a love/hate relationship with wrapping. I love doing it, but man does it kill my back! If only I had a dedicated place like my friend Andrea does in her craft room. (sneak a peak here)

I’m joining all kinds of friends for Friday Favorites and I’ve got some good stuff to share. Are you ready? Let’s go.

My sweet daughter-in-law sent me a picture of their precious little tree. So not only is the tree cute as can be, the story behind will melt your heart.❤️ This belonged to her mom and dad early in their marriage. Is that the sweetest? I just adore that.

My Erin Condren planner arrived this week and I “unboxed” it on my Instagram story.  (follow me here…PLEASE?) This is my 3rd year for one of the EC planners and I love them. This year I’m even more excited because the months came with tabs. YASSS!!! I am old school and still like to keep things written down and use colorful ink. I feel a little validated that this is still relevant today because Katie even uses a planner…so I’m not such a dinosaur after all. Go MOM! HA!

Something else I shared on Instagram this week was these two cuties. (see what you’re missing if your not following along?) They went to a fraternity Christmas party last weekend and it was an “ugly sweater” theme. They’re so cute they even make goofy Christmas sweaters look good. If you have one of these party’s to go to and haven’t found the perfect sweater yet, here are some to help you out. 

Running into one of Katie’s high school besties at Target and actually remembering to send Katie a Snapchat with her.  Kam goes to college locally and I run into her here and there and she’s always so sweet to give me a hug. I love that.

Here’s something new…how about things I’ve ordered this week. Kent…you might want to turn a blind eye here. HA!

So if there are a few things we can all take away from this collage it’s that I love tunic style tops, I have a thing for leopard and I’m currently crushing on this saddle colored suede.

Being totally honest here friends, I ordered these UGG slippers and just wasn’t loving the feel of them. Well if I’m going to pay close to $100 for slippers, they’d better make my feet happy. Those are going back and these are on their way to see if they are any better.

My leopard flats have lived a good life and are starting to show their age, so it’s time to call a new pair into service. You KNOW a pair of shoes is good when you wear them out and still love them enough to buy a new pair…especially when they fall into the pricier category. Seriously y’all, if you want a super comfy, very versatile shoe, order these!!!

I’ve been wanting the heeled version of my flats for quite a while. I actually bought a pair at one point and in true Lisa fashion, returned them. Not this time. I’m keeping these because I’m forever getting dressed and wishing I had them.

My friend Shelly has this gray v-neck sweater and loves it. The length makes it legging friendly and I’m all about that, and at $15 and some change, what do I have to lose?

Y’all know I have a couple of these Free People tees and luv them. There’s a new version with this cute little gathered, almost smocked front yoke out of the same material and I had to order one. Best part is that they are currently 40% off. ??

Last but certainly not least, another Free People tunic that has received rave reviews. Macy’s has them 25% off right now, so I’m going to see if it’s all that.

Here’s the deal. No need to freak out, there’s a good chance, like really good, that some of this will go back. That’s the life of a blogger. We buy, we return. HA! But you never know if you don’t try.


The gift giving season is in full swing…duh! Rodan + Fields released 3 new gift bundles this week that all include a FREEBIE!!!! Who doesn’t love FREE?

Purchase Micro-Dermabrasion Paste and Active Hydration Body Replenish and get a FREE Foaming Sunless Tanner.

I love, love, love all 3 of these. We all need to exfoliate our skin to remove dead skin cells and prep our skin to make the most of our products. Not kidding, this paste will make your skin feel like a babies. #seriously

Purchase our new Radiant Defense Perfecting Liquid and Active Hydration Bright Eye Complex and receive a FREE glammed mirror.

Purchase Radiant Defense Perfecting Liquid and Lash Boost (too awesome for words) and receive a FREE special blingy makeup brush. (this is a really great brush and works beautifully for applying the Radiant Defense…or other foundation)

Questions? Just ask away and I’m always happy to answer or help.

Have a great weekend friends!!!



View Comments

  • Oh my goodness, Katie and Luke are precious! Such a stunning couple. Love Erin and Benny's tree too, they will have to keep that sweet tree forever! You ordered some great things but I'm with you about the Ugg slippers - for that price they better massage your feet and end it with a pedicure, ya know? Love ya friend!

    • Well thank you. I know I’m biased, but I think so. That tree wins the sweetness award. Amen to the UGG slippers, of course Andrea said she had to get used to hers and now I’m wondering if I didn’t give them a fair shake. Hmmm?! Have a wonderful weekend. XO

  • These kids make even me LOVE Ugly sweaters cause there is nothing ugly there, only 110% CUTENESS!!! I hie you like your slippers, UGG slippers take me some time getting used to and then I end up loving them, I have 3 pair and 2 are bout worn out. Let me know how you like the FP tunic, they look great but I wasn't sure about the neck. Oh friend I'll order an early Thanksgiving and a December slow down thank you very much! LOVE these, Love you! xo

    • PS. TY for including my craft space. I used to wrap on the floor of the basement in our old house. So I get the aching back. You should see that craft island now, boxes stacked to the ceiling ha ha

    • Don’t they though?! Hmmm, well now I feel like maybe I rushed my judgment on the UGG slippers. I wish Thanksgiving was early every year. It’s so nice having that extra week. I hope you have a wonderful weekend sweet friend. XO

  • Did I tell you I made it to our Dillard's and decided on the black FP tunic (because they no longer had the gray)? So now I have the red and the black and I just love them. Almost wore one to work today. And you know I love those leopard flats! Mine are SO worn out and I desparately need a new pair, too! I'm considering the Erin Condren planner, too, but I get overwhelmed with planners. Should I buy it or not?

    • NO! YAY. I love the black one even more than the green. Your red is so cute though. You should get the planner. It’s not like some of the ones on steroids…it’s pretty straight forward/calendary. Have a great weekend. XO

  • Oh you're cracking me up at "the life of the blogger...we buy, we return." Ain't that the truth! I've always wanted to go to an Ugly Sweater Party! Guess I don't hang out at enough frat houses these days! LOL!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

    • Kent’s just sure my picture is on the wall in some retailers saying “look out for this woman”. I assure him I’m small potatoes compared to some of the big bloggers. HAHAHA! I’m dying at your not hanging out at frat houses, comment. LOL Happy weekend. XO

  • Those two really do make those sweaters look a ton cuter! I wore my new black sweater with my faux leather leggings and a fur vest to a party this week and it was super cute! Hope you love it.

  • Ugly Christmas sweaters are so much fun. Yes, we buy, we return. I always tell my husband when he's raising an eyebrow at the packages- most of this is probably going back!

    • Kent’s just sure my picture is on the wall in some retailers saying “look out for this woman”. I assure him I’m small potatoes compared to some of the big bloggers. HAHAHA!

  • I really need to have a fun ugly sweater party sometime!! They have such cute ones now, that aren't too ugly. LOL. I was going to order a Free People tee last week (without the gathers) and they were out of the color I wanted! I'll prob check again after the holidays. I hate wrapping, too and I usually do it on the floor, which isn't very comfy!


    • Yeah, ugly sweaters are so ugly they’re cute. LOL Where were you looking at the FP tee? Macy’s and Nordstrom have them if you only checked one, you might check the other. Have a great weekend! XO

  • That little tree is so cute and sentimental. Michael has an ugly sweater contest at work this week, and he ordered a real doozie from Amazon. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  • I have a paper planner too! I just can't convert to electronic. It's visually easier for me to see it all at once. I can't really explain it. But I think I will be a paper calendar person until the day I die!

  • I laughed at the Elf Christmas knit, so fun! That little tree is such a cute sentimental piece to have each Christmas too! :)

    The year is flying by so quickly! I have everything purchased but I still need to wrap it all - I'm not the best at wrapping, but I enjoy doing it. Even if the results don't look very impressive, haha!

    Hope that you are having a great weekend :) We are heading down to my parents today to spend time with the family :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

    • Wasn’t it cute?! That little tree is beyond precious. (I didn’t write about this in the post, but her father passed away when she was 12, so it really means even more because of that) I’m sure your gifts are beautiful and the recipients are thrilled with the wrapping. Hope you’ve been enjoying your time with your parents this weekend. XO

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