
My Favorite Affordable Neutral Lipsticks

Have you ever felt like finding the perfect neutral lipstick is about as likely as finding a unicorn? I’ve always been more of a one lipstick kinda gal. The problem with that is, you fall in love with a shade, wear it for years and then BAM, they quit making it.

My first favorite was this Clinique Honey Gloss. The perfect shade of peach with just the right amount of shimmer. I can’t even begin to guess how many years I wore this shade. Even when it was no longer available in the department stores, I could find it at the Clinique Outlet. I’d go in and buy as many tubes as I could get my hands on.

After I could no longer get this lipstick I was forced to branch out, but even then I stayed pretty safe and would follow the same MO. Find one I like and stick with it. This is where Kent would say, “this bodes well for me”. LOL Yes, it does. Stick with what you know and love.?

I’m not one to go out and buy a $30+ tube of lipstick on the off chance I might like it. That’s too risky for this girl. I have found one good way to try new colors is with “minis” that come packaged together from places like Sephora .

Ordering a set of Smashbox lip colors from Sephora is how I found some of my new go-to’s. I like a more neutral lip for the most part, but with a shine. I’m not into the matte look that is popular right now. Something about it just doesn’t work on me.

I think lipstick can also look completely different on than it does in the tube. Below are the ones I’ve got in my drawer that I’ve been using most recently.

The top two colors, Ballerina and St. Tropez are my toppers or finishers. Since all of these are matte shades, I wear something to add a slight shimmer or shine to them. I’ll also throw one of these on if I just want a little shine and color but I don’t feel like going full on made up.

The next five are all similar in feel and color. My current favorite is the Stila Angelo, and honestly I feel like it looks much peachier on my lips than my arm. I love it combined with the St. Tropez and wear it A LOT. If I want to be a little bolder I layer both of those over Tarte Bling.

Are you an equal opportunity user for lipsticks, or do you find what you love and stick with it? Feel free to leave me recommendations if you have something you think I’d like.

Happy Monday and here’s to a good week!


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  • Such perfect pretty neutral shades. I too use to be a one lipstick girl. Nothing is more frustrating when they stop making a make up product you love, especially if you're used to one particular shade. I Have know branched out to about five or six. My favorite neutral is MAC's Brave but I could totally get into the Smashbox shades, so pretty, And prettiest of all...your sweet face!!!! Happy Monday love! xoxo

    • Oooo, I should try that MAC color. A girl in Sephora told me the name of one she used by MAC and of course I didn’t write it down. When will I ever learn???? XOXO

  • oh I love this post- these are my favorite shades to wear so I thank you for the recommendations! Once in awhile I will put on a bold color but 98% of the time it is all about bare, beige and natural :)

  • These are gorgeous shades. I love neutral's and tend to wear a lot of lip glosses too. Thanks for the suggestions.

  • That Loreal Ballerina is SO pretty but gosh all of these colors are gorgeous!

    Black Coffee Beautiful

    • That’s one I’ve been wearing a long time and whenever I go to buy it, I hold my breath. I picked up 3 not too long ago…just in case. Thanks Laura!

  • You know how much I love lipstick! And I just can’t let go of my red lipstick, but I know the older I get, I need to begin using some neutral colors and I love the shades you’ve chosen!

    • Thanks girl! I still like a little more pink in the summer, but winter I’m much more neutral. Your red lipstick is PERFECT on you!!! XOXO

  • I love bright and bold lipstick colors! I feel like my lips are so pale on their own that I want to make them pop more with some color so I like anything from pink, to burgundy, to coral, to bright red! I used to have a neutral lipstick, but I ran out and never repurchased. They are nice to have around when you don't have time to apply those bolder colors correctly!

    • I love corals and some reds too (and burgundy), I think I’m just not use to wearing them. I definitely go with a brighter pink in the summer. XO

  • Great post, Lisa. I have several colors I like and wear, BUT I like having *the one* I don't have to think about. Honestly, right now I'm struggling (oh, the problems, I know) to find a new one. The one I'm wearing now came with a Clinique bonus and it's a bit too bright for winter.

    • Thanks Kim! Try layering a softer shade over it…that’s how I happened to find some of my favorite combos. XOXO

  • I now use Mac for years and one red lipstick of a brand I never heard of, but it is the most perfect red lipstick I have ever had!

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