Happy Monday friends! How many times have you grabbed a shirt to put on only to find it has somehow developed a small hole? I can’t tell you how many tee’s I’ve ruined from holes in front right, at my waistband. I finally figured out they were coming from my shirts rubbing against the buttons on my jeans and the granite countertop in the kitchen. I found these button covers and I think I’m going to order them to #savetheshirts. UGH! So very frustrating.
Well I recently had a hole show up in a shirt I’d worn maybe twice on the shoulder. Thankfully I’d gotten a great deal on it, so I didn’t feel quite as upset as I otherwise would have. I grew up in a house with a mom who was a jack of all trades, and thankfully I seemed to have picked up some of that.
Sometimes you can make a little repair and salvage the item. That’s what I did this time. I thought some of you might like to know my method. It’s super easy and pretty dog-on quick too.
Here’s the hole on the shoulder of my shirt. How it got there, is beyond me. Maybe it was there when I got it? Who knows. All you need to fix it is some fusible we called Stitch Witchery and a small piece of black fabric. I actually used a piece of ribbon because that’s what I happened to have.
This product is great just to have around in general. You can use it to fix holes, repair a hem, add trim to curtains or decorative items and probably find some other ways to use it too. A roll of it lasts forever.
Cut a piece of cloth (ribbon) a little larger than the area of the hole and a matching piece of the fusible web.
Flatten out the fabric and push (smoosh) the hole closed as much as possible. (it looks like there’s a lump in mine, but I promise I flattened it out)
Put the fusible web over the hole and then lay the fabric or ribbon on top of that. Put a thin cloth (like an old t-shirt) over it and then iron on cotton setting for 15-30 seconds. Checking to see if it has fused together. Checking and continuing to iron until it’s completely fused together.
And there you go, all better. This method works best on dark fabrics, but can be used on thicker light colored fabrics.
I’m also joining my friend Laura for her Three Things prompt today.
1 – Luck! Well this is kind of funny. My husband has a saying, “it’s better to be lucky than smart”. Maybe that’s true. It does seem some people are luckier than others, so I guess I do believe in luck.
2 – My favorite thing about yesterday? This may sound simple, and it is. My favorite thing about yesterday was just running around doing this and that with Kent. That was put into perspective for me last night when I was talking with a friend who goes to church with a family who will likely lose a child today. A college aged daughter who was involved in a car accident on her way home from school for spring break. She had a severe brain injury and they will probably have to make a decision to take her off of life support today. No parent should have to make that decision. We have lived through a very similar situation in our own family and it is literally the worst. Prayers for this girl, her family and the doctors taking care of her, and if you are a praying person, I’m sure they’d appreciate as many prayers as they can muster.
3 – I took this and put it on my Instagram story last night. I love it when the days are longer. I feel more productive. I’d be perfectly happy if it was daylight savings all the time.
Here’s to a great week friends!!!!
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Okay, I need to get some Stitch Witchery ASAP!! The "hole in shirt" thing happens all the time with my kids and I had no idea there was such an easy way to repair it! Thanks for sharing!
Gina || On the Daily Express
YEP, no home should be without it. LOL. Happy I could share something new! XO
Those button overs are brilliant! I said the same tings, some are just more luckier than others. Days running around with my man are some of the best days. My hearts aches for those parents, ending prayers and love to them, most difficult thing ever!! I hope this Monday brings you joy sweet friend!
Aren’t they! I’ve ruined a couple of my favorite Loft tees and it makes me so dang sad. Thanks for the prayers. I don’t know them, but if it was me, I’d want all the prayers!!! XO
Do you know how many shirts I have thrown away because of small holes?? I need to order this stuff right now.
YES. Do it! or pick it up at the fabric store. I love it. XO
Holy cow, this is brilliant! I am always finding small holes in my shirts, in weird places. I need that stitch witchery and those button covers - genius!
Also, I am so sorry to hear about that young girl and her parents having to make that tough decision. How horrible. I will keep them in my prayers, I cannot even imagine what they are going through. Ugh.
Well thank you friend! I’ve been doing this forever. Isn’t that just the saddest. I couldn’t bear it. Just heartbreaking. Hope your week started off well. XO
Well, you are certainly my favorite Jack of all trades, Sister! Thanks so much for sharing this little how to AND for joining me today for 3 Things! Prayers for that family and the situation they are going through today. I just said a prayer for them. Love you!
Aw, thanks girl! Thanks for the prayers too. I don’t know them, but if I was in that situation I’d want anyone and everyone praying. XO
I can't believe I didn't know this trick...although my mom probably does and she's probably told me before.
That young girl story is heartbreaking. It reminds me to enjoy every day because there is so much sadness..
LOL. I’m glad I can offer something new!!! Thanks for the prayers for that family. XO
I haven't gone this route with repairs, but I'll consider it, now. Good fix, Lisa. I think it's more of the quality of the fabric these days than our buttons, etc. That's part of the reason I like thrifting, you can get some older, better quality pieces.
Thanks Kim! I’ve been using this method for years. Hope your week is off to a great start!
I have this happen a lot, especially with really thin layering type of tees! Thanks so much for this tip!!!! Oh gosh, prayers for that family. That is just every families nightmare!
They live in Wildwood. I bet that’s pretty close to you? Yes, so sad. Hope this tip comes in handy sometime. XOXO
Yes, that is very close to where I am. I have an aunt/uncle in Wildwood.
I am right there with you with longer days- bring it on!
YES!!!! Enjoyed eating in daylight last night. Woohoo!!! XO
That is great! I have some of that stitch witchery lying around, too. I'm not much of a seamstress, but having these little tricks up my sleeves is always handy!
Yes, you’ll have to give it a try! :)