
What is LiketoKnow.it Day?

Hey friends! How’s this for odd? Me posting on a Thursday. It must be a special occasion. If you ever happen to check my stories, you may have seen me teasing LiketoKnow.it Day. What is it, you may ask? Great question. So great in fact, I thought a little info was in order.

This Sunday is the first ever LTK Day. Here’s the deal. You know I love a good sale. That’s never been a secret. LiketoKnow.it Day is going to be a one of a kind sale day. LTK Day is rewardStyle’s biggest shopping event to date, giving YOU access to shop summer’s best sales from favorite brands, exclusively in the LIKEtoKNOW.it app. You and all the other app users will have access to exclusive discounts and promo codes for one day only! It reminds a little of what Black Friday or Cyber Monday used to be before they turned into week long events.

The first thing you’ll want to do is make sure you have the LTK app. It makes shopping my looks and lots of other bloggers looks so incredibly easy. After you’ve downloaded the app, follow me.?

Need a little tutorial on using the LTK app once you’ve downloaded it? Head to my highlights and watch the LiketoKnow.it. reel here.

Once you’ve got the app, you are READY to SHOP! Your favorite influencers (like me #winkwink) who post LTK enabled images will be called out by a red ‘LTKDay’ tag on posts with products from brands participating is the sale. Brands like…

Sunday head to the LiketoKnowit app and check out the fashionistas you are following. Then all you need to do is
~ Tap on the products you are interested in and the LTK Day offer will pull up along with the promo code.
~ All you need to do is post the promo code in at check out to take advantage of the sale.

To make shopping easy on LTK Day, save posts with products you’re interested in by tapping the flag right under the picture on the right.

My friend Laura’s post was the first one I saw when I opened the app☺️Tap the flag to save the post.

You can also make a wishlist with items you are interested in. Just click an influencers post in LTK app, click an item under the pic and the menu will come up with options, one of which is wishlist. Then you’ll have things marked to check when the day of the sale rolls around to see if they are a bargain. Seem a little daunting? Don’t worry. This is a first for all of us and we’ll be figuring it out together.

Hopefully this post will encourage you to shop Sunday and make it a little easier to figure out. Let me know in the comments if you plan to shop Sunday. I can’t wait to see what kind of deals they offer.

If you aren’t already, I’d love for you to subscribe to receive my posts by email. Just scroll back up to the top and fill in the box on the left above my picture. You won’t get spammed, just an email anytime a new post is published, so you never miss out. I’d also love it if you’d follow me on InstagramFacebookPinterest and Twitter. Just click the little icons below or the links above and thanks a million!


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