
Friday Favorites – New Apartment Style

Happy Friday friends! I’m back home and just in time for Friday Favorites – new apartment style. Today I thought I’d share the progress Katie and I made on her apartment while I was in Nashville.

She was so excited for me to get there and make it a little more homey and I think we succeeded. Below are a couple of pictures of what we started with.

It was pretty bare bones.

Back in the spring I found 3 pieces of furniture on Facebook Marketplace and grabbed them up. They needed a facelift, but that was not going to be a problem. They came with a funny story too. When I saw the listing and the name of the seller I thought how crazy it was. Would you believe these belonged to my childhood friend and college roomie?

I used my favorite paint for transforming furniture. Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Country Gray. If you’ve never used it, you are missing out. There’s no prep work with this paint. No sanding, stripping or any of that. It covers well and then you use Annie Sloan wax to seal it. Every single time I paint something like this, I am amazed at what a transformation it is. I’ve used it on quite a few pieces of furniture and even my kitchen island and built in cabinets.

Here’s how the dresser looked before. The bones of it were great. I love pieces of furniture with curves and personality. They paint up beautifully.

Here’s how it turned out. We were thrilled with it. The hardware was perfect for the new paint color. I originally thought I’d spray paint them a bronze, but it looked like it was made to go with the color we chose. The lamps are O-L-D and on about their 4th or 5th life. I painted them with Graphite Annie Sloan paint and packed them in my suitcase.

I knew I wanted to hang something over the dresser and figured a mirror would help make the room feel larger. The barn wood looking frame compliments the paint on the dresser and gives the room a warm feeling.

I already shared our inspiration photos in this post and the bedding we had ordered. We plan to get a headboard, but I’m going to let the numbers on my credit card cool off before ordering that. LOL


The desk is from Target and Katie and I put it together. It turned out to be absolutely adorable and very sturdy. I had ordered two of these floor lamps. One for her bedroom and one for the living area. We still need a chair for her desk.

The grouping on the wall turned out super cute too. I had gone to Hobby Lobby and bought a bunch of things for the walls, not really knowing how’d they go together or if we’d use them all. HA! Of course we used them all. #whywouldntwe

We ordered this lamp for the bedside table, but it didn’t come in before I left. womp-womp

Of course we had to show the bathroom a little love too. A new shower curtain and rug, some botanical canvas prints, and the little hexagon wooden block are all new. Katie says the little plant in the hexagon was her inspiration for the feel of the room.

The metal and wood piece above the sofa was another one of the many pieces I bought. I originally thought we might use it for a headboard, but decided it looked better hanging here.

Katie’s roommates boyfriends parents #thatsamouthful gave them the plaid loveseat. They needed the extra seating, but the 90’s called and want their plaid back. LOL

We ordered this duck slipcover and it worked beautifully to give it an updated look. The pillows from the other sofa go perfectly on it. (of course I forgot to take a pic of the set up once we finished) #bloggerfail

The last big thing we accomplished was a tv stand. I’d been looking at TJMaxx and Home Goods, but ultimately decided to order a piece from Amazon. Having it delivered in a box was way easier for us than trying to figure out how to get one home from the store. We were able to assemble it in only an hour. #wereprosnow

I also bought some cute gray and white striped curtains for her room, but we’ll hang those when we go back in October. We had to leave something for Kent to do. ? Just like any “home”, we’ll continue to add to, and work on the apartment in the months to come.

When I was going to college I really wanted to study Interior Designer, but the school I wanted to go to didn’t offer that as a major. I ended up minoring in it, so doing projects like this are right up my alley. I always thought it would be fun to decorate and spend someone else’s money. LOL

You can shop many of the items we used below and for the ones I couldn’t link exactly, I tried to find similar options.

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View Comments

  • Good job momma! Katie's apartment is cute as a button, just like her! I love how painting a piece of furniture gives it new life, y'all were busy!

  • I am so proud of you!! You did so good and Katie can live her sweet senior year in style and comfort!! All the little details really make it homey too! Now, sending sweet girl and you momma, all my LOVE and positive vibes today!!

  • This looks so cute! I really enjoyed seeing how the little touches just really made this space so homey. The plaid love seat made me laugh because we had the same one in our den in the 90's. :)

  • It looks so GOOD!! I can't believe I will be decorating a dorm in 4 short years :( Why does time have to go by so fast?

  • You and Katie did a fabulous job, Mama! And you already know that I'm very partial to that bedroom furniture! I see Katie has a thing for bracelets just like her Mama! Have a great relaxing weekend!

  • This turned out beautifully, Lisa! You two certainly succeeded in making it look homey and comfortable. Great job, Mama!

    • Thanks so much Kim!!! I was really pleased and hope to add to it when we go in October!

  • Aw you and Katie did an amazing on job on her apartment. That is CRAZY that the dresser came from one of your college roomies! What are the odds! Hope you're settling back into everyday life!

  • You and your daughter did such a beautiful job decorating her apartment! It looks so cozy and welcoming! How fun that the dresser came from one of your old friends!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

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