
Top 10 Posts of 2019

Hi friends!!! Wow! I can not believe that we are only 3 days away from the year 2020. It’s mind blowing. I thought it would be fun to look back at the top 10 posts of 2019 before the year closes out.

I went MIA for Friday’s post. Last week while we were at my parents, I went to bed Christmas night and woke up in the night sick…BAM! The flu hit me like a Mac truck. I slept almost 24 hours straight before we had to get on a plane and head home. Luckily I slept for most of that day too. Yes, I was that person. The dreaded sick flyer, but what are you supposed to do when you have a plane ticket to fly cross country? Suck it up buttercup. Thankfully yesterday I joined the human race again and I’m on my way back to normal.

Now let’s take a walk down memory lane.

TJMaxx is Now Online

More TJMaxx New Arrivals Online

TJMaxx Has All the Rae Dunn

How to Easily Repair a Small Hole In a Shirt

Friday Favorites #144

Fast Friday Favorites

What I’m Loving Lately

Old Navy Try On

Every Friday Brings Favorites

Tiered Trays, T-shirts and Other Favorites

I wasn’t sure which posts would make the top 10 posts of 2019. It’s fun to look back and see what resonated with y’all. Thanks for coming back day after day and reading what I have to share. Y’all are why I do what I do. Why I continue to learn and grow and try to bring things that might interest you or be helpful.

I hope you’ll sign up to receive my posts by email. Just scroll back up to the top and fill in the box on the left above my picture. I’d also love it if you’d follow me on InstagramFacebookPinterest and Twitter. Just click the little icons below or the links in blue above and thanks a million!


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  • Oh hey, great minds! I did my top posts of the year today too. It's fun to learn from theses posts, even when others do them. Your Friday Favorites are always so full of good stuff - I'm not surprised several made your top 10! So sorry you had the flu last week!! Seems like it's been a really terrible strain this year!

  • Oh no; so sorry you had to fly home sick! But I always said the same thing to my husband because it seemed like each year we had a family vacation planned someone started coming down with something right before we had to leave-- what else can you do? As long as no one was vomiting or seriously sick like that we went... and prayed for the best.

  • Being sick is sure no fun, especially during the holidays and on a plane! It was fun to see that two of your big posts were TJ Maxx themed! Happy New Year!

  • Oh no, friend! I'm sorry the flu hit you so hard, but I'm glad to hear you're officially well (or at least fully on the mend!) Thanks for sharing all your top posts...I love going through and finding all the good stuff I might've missed ;) happy new year!

    • Oh hey Melissa!!! Happy New Year sweet friend!!! Y'all are living your best life and I'm loving watching it!!! XOXO

  • Oh no I hope you are feeling better, it's so hard being sick on Christmas! I managed to avoid it but hubby and the kids got a bit unwell - thankfully we had some downtime before Christmas booked in so we spent a couple days relaxing at home and they made it through all the festivities well!

    Hope that you have a happy new year and 2020 is off to a great start! :)

    Away From Blue

  • It's always so fun to take a look back and see what was most popular! Hope you have a Happy New Years! May 2020 bring you lots of happiness!

  • It’s been so fun to get to know you this year! I can’t wait to follow your journey in 2020! Cheers!

    • I totally feel the same Gentry! Looking forward to all the fun you're going to have this year. XO

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