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DIY Candle Makeover

Candles! I love candles, especially Capri Blue Volcano candles. Have you ever walked into Anthropologie and just inhaled that wonderful smell? That! That smell is from all the Volcano candles. Not only do they smell so good, they come in really pretty glass jars. They’re pricey (in my opinion), but worth the splurge. Here’s the thing, they tend to burn out before all the wax has been used. Well I found a way to get more for your money with a DIY candle makeover so to speak.

Here is my “collection” of Volcano candles that all have about 20% of the wax left in the bottom. You’ve heard waste not, want not. Well that applies to these babies too.

You can take all the leftover wax in the candles, melt it down, and combine them in one jar. #easypeasy I had enough wax from 3, and part of another, to make a full candle.

Start by putting enough water in the bottom of a small pot to come up about an inch on the candle jar. Bring to a simmer, and watch the wax begin to melt. Decide which container you want to use for all the wax, and start with that one first.

You’ll want wicks like these to replace the one you remove.

Once the wax is softened, use a pair of pliers to remove the wick. After you take it out, place a new one in the spot where you removed the other one.

Put another candle in the simmering water and let it melt completely.

Then pour on top of the new wick in the other container.

Continue melting the wax in all the containers and adding it to the one with the new wick.

Allow the wax to cool and solidify, then trim the wick. Tah-dah! A brand new candle. Do you have candles like this sitting around your house? Try this DIY candle makaeover, and then let me know how it goes.



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