
My Top 4 Tips for Organizing

Hi friends! Happy President’s Day! Do you ever feel like every other day is some kind of “blank Day”? I guess that’s not a bad thing. I hope you had a good Valentine’s Day yesterday. Ours was laid back…like every weekend, but we did have a yummy dinner of Penne A’la Vodka and a homemade Chocolate Chunk Cheesecake. Enough about me. HA! Today is another day when I’m teaming up with some of my best gal pals and we are sharing tips and tricks for organization, so I’m going to share my top 4 tips for organizing.

I L O V E organizing. So much so, I considered an organization business. I didn’t pursue it because I was afraid of being totally wigged out by what I might get myself into though. You know what I mean? Not everyone has a passion or even an aptitude for organization, and that’s okay. I truly believe it’s almost a gene, and you’re either born with it, or you’re not. You can learn and get ideas though by doing things like you’re doing right now, and reading blogs, etc…

A Lazy Susan is your best friend. This is seriously my favorite organization optimizer of all time, and one I learned from my mom. She had Lazy Susans in our fridge and all kinds of cabinets, and guess what? So do I.

Ways to use Lazy Susans

  • Keep bottles easily accessible in fridge
  • Keep bottles of oils, vinegars, extracts, etc… together in cabinets
  • Use under bathroom sinks for bottles
  • Use in laundry room cabinets for starch, stain removers, etc…


Clear plastic bins to organize like items in fridge and under cabinets. Are you seeing a theme here? Not only do they keep things looking neat and tidy, if anything leaks it’s much easier to clean out one bin than an entire shelf or shelves, should there be a leak down.

Junk drawers! Do you have one…or more? I’ve heard some people say a junk drawer is a southern thing. We always had them in our house growing up, and so naturally that bled over into my own home. It’s soooo easy to let these get out of control. Every few years you have to do a good clean out. I have 3 junk drawers in my kitchen. Yes, THREE. I cleaned them out last month. I went to Target and got a bunch of new little bins, grabbed my trash can and went to work.

Here are two of the three drawers before I cleaned them out and organized them.

Are you ready for the afters?

Two words….Command Hooks. These are great for using all over the place. They are the Lazy Susan of wall organization. I have them all over the place too. They’re also a must when moving a child into a dorm.

Ways to use Command Hooks

  • Hold hats on walls or back of doors
  • Hang belts
  • Hang necklaces
  • Hold wreaths or other light decor objects
  • On the backs of doors for hanging items of clothing like robes
  • Hang keys by door
  • Inside cabinet doors for cleaning brushes with handles
  • Around the ceiling to hold lights
  • Hanging lightweight curtains
  • Use to hang things in the shower


If you’ve made it this far (THANK YOU), and still want more tips, here’s an old post I did a while back.

Now that you’ve read my top 4 tips for organizing, head to my girlfriends blogs and see what kind of great tips they are sharing.


View Comments

  • ALL about this my fellow organizing queen. Working on pantry now and just awaiting a few more items, feels sooo good to be organized. Great products here too!! Love ya!!

  • I am an organizing guru and all of my friends have told me I should do it as a business. But then it doesn't become as fun! I love all these above mentioned things! Happy Monday!

  • I definitely have that organizing gene! We have one junk drawer in our kitchen but were just talking about moving that out of there to make more room for utensils... only problem is that I can't figure out where to move all the items from the junk drawer to (yet!).

  • Great tips! We have 3 junk drawers in our house too! I'm hoping to reorganize our freezer and pantry next month.

  • Ooooo this is perfect timing because I have a few areas (nightstand, desk) that really need to be better organized! I'm going to check out some of the bins etc. that you posted! Also, we def have a junk drawer situation here on the East Coast, haha. In fact, one contains such things as a vintage glass candy bowl, VHS tapes, and a doily. Like, has anyone gone in there since 1992?? Actually, probably not--I found my childhood Book It 10th Anniversary pin in there not long ago--and Book It's 10th Anniversary was 1994! Too funny.

  • I need all the tips, tricks and hacks for organizing my home as possible! The command strips are magical! They can do so much!!! xoxo cindyh

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