Let’s hear it for four day weeks!!!
Who else would vote for every weekend to be a three day weekend?
Ready, set, go…
Time to link up with Erika, Narci and Andrea for you guessed it
We started off our weekend by going to watch this girl right here team up with her senior classmates last Friday night for a fun game of
Powder Puff football.
She had a great time playing and the seniors WON!!!
And you know I had to Snapchat about it with my Snapchat buddies.
Katie loves sushi and Kent and I like it too, but it’s just really hard for him to get full when we eat it. Does anyone else’s husband have that issue? Sunday after church we tried a little sushi place near our house for lunch so he wasn’t totally starved and that worked out well.
We don’t really do the hard core raw stuff. (insert wigged out face here) We’re kinda wimpy that way and stick to more California Roll type things, but those are yummy!
The one in the middle was by far my favorite. The crab in it is so sweet and delicious.
I received a sample of this in with something I ordered recently and tried it. I had a feeling I’d like it because I like things that smell like coconut.
I was right…this smells like the beach and just makes you have happy beach thoughts.
I am really seeing a difference in my skin since I started using Rodan + Fields.
I talked in my All things beauty post about which products I’ve been using and how.
Up until the last year I’ve never been one to spend a lot of money on skin care, but now I’m a believer!!!
I think when you’re in your 30’s and even early 40’s you think you probably don’t need to worry about your skin, but that’s really when you should start seriously thinking about it and making adjustments to your skin care routine (if not even earlier). I wish I had been more proactive and then I wouldn’t be trying to undo what Father Time has done quite so much.
I find myself talking to other women now and noticing their skin and wanting to tell them about R+F and how it could help them, but not offend them.
These pictures are of me (gulp) and there’s no filter or touch ups.
Notice the lines under my eyes are soooo much better, the reduction in brown spots and sun damage and the overall texture of my skin looks so much better.
If you are interested in taking better care of your skin, undoing sun damage, managing acne, reducing fine lines and wrinkles then I’d love to help you.
Feel free to check out my website and take the Solution Tool to see what products would be best for you. You can pick and choose parts to suit your needs or budget and if you need help figuring out where to start, I’m here to help. You can have the results emailed to yourself so that you can remember what is recommended.
Iced Coffee
with half sugar free vanilla, half sugar free caramel and skim milk. 🙂
Yesterday I ran over to the outlets (Yes, we are lucky and have outlets about 3 miles from our house).
I had a return to make and then just wanted to take a lap around to see what was new. It’s been really hot here this week so I decided to treat myself to an iced coffee and enjoy my browsing.
Did you know if you connect your Starbucks gift card to a Starbucks app and use it whenever you pay you earn “stars” that then in turn get you rewards? Mine is a “GOLD” card (not as big a deal as you think…LOL) but it does get you free refills on iced coffee and brewed coffee in the same visit.
So anyway that’s my FIVE for this week.
Thanks for taking time to stop by and see what I’ve been up to.
Let me know what your favorites are in the comments and maybe they’ll become a Friday favorite for me too.
Have a wonderful weekend and check out these other link ups to see what else is going on in the blogoshpere.
High Five for FRIDAY / Five on Friday / Friday Favorites / oh hey FRIDAY
I will have to look for that shampoo at the store soon! Yay for a powderpuff win! Jess at Just Jess