Thank y’all so much for all the kind words about the new blog design. I’m so happy you like it as much as I do. I’m trying to work out some glitches with the comments, so if you don’t get a response it’s not because I’m not responding (man that’s repetitive). I’m working on a system that will email my comment back to you automatically when I respond to your comments on here. Does that make any sense? LOL Point being, hang in there with me.
As Valentine’s Day is now less than a week away and spring is just around the corner I went looking for “all the pink things”. I had to finally make myself STOP. I’m telling ya’ friends, pink is where it’s at this spring. While Pantone may have named PURPLE the IT color of the year, I’m naming PINK my IT color. (I know this makes you want to run right out and get ya’ some.)
So here’s what I’ve rounded up and the things that have me wanting to wear something pink every single day. If you are feeling extra generous, you can PIN this image and help me get some traffic on Pinterest. #imshameless #helpabloggerout
I personally have several of these pretty pink things. Like 9, 11 & 12 but I’d love to add a few of the others to my collection as well. Oh and here’s a little tip, I usually buy my perfume on eBay. I get a much better deal. Perfume is so stinkin’ (HAHAHA) expensive. There are a lot of testers for sale that have never been opened. (I wouldn’t buy an open one). Back to the collage. I have the tan version of the the wedge sandal from last year and they are so unbelievably comfortable that I’m seriously thinking about adding this pretty pair to my closet. As for the sweet ruffled slip ons, well they are a real steal. I’m talking just under $36. I also have major heart eyes for the Tory Burch bag. Pink and tassels? Yes please!
Tie Front Sweater / Drapey Cardigan / Perforated Bootie / Ruffled Slip On / Wedge / Nail Polish / Lipstick /Swell Bottle / Tory Burch Bag / Blush Cardigan / Perfume / Coat
So have you bought into blush yet? Maybe one of these things will be just the push you need OR maybe you can just leave your computer open with all these on the screen and a not so subtle Post It on it with the numbers you’d like for a ginormous hint.
I also want to thank Jacqueline & Larissa from Stylin In St. Louis and Living In Color Style for featuring me today on their blogs. I was so excited to get an email from them yesterday letting me know about this. Pop over and say hey to these cute girls. I also want to thank all you other sweet bloggers who have recently given me a feature or shout out. It sure makes a girl feel good, and I’m honored each and every time.
Click on one or ALL?of the pretty new social media buttons below and be sure to follow me, and don’t forget about LIKEtoKNOWit so you can shop daily looks that don’t always make it on here.
Happy Thursday friends!
If you figure out that comment thing, let me know! Right now I’m just replying in email, but really like to read other comment replies on the blog. I was going to switch to Disqus, but would like to find an easier way!
Listen friend, I am super impressed with your post! I’ll be calling you for help! I LOVE it and it looks like you’ve got it worked out. I want one of everything you featured and I pinned it too! You know I’d be happy to wear pink each and every day. That Tory Burch bag? Come. To. Momma. Ha!
And you are seriously killin it with your cute looks – I am so happy when I see your beautiful self featured in a blog! Mind you I see this at 5am my time and all I want to do is text you or message you and say “Look!!!! There you are!!!” But it would be the middle of the night your time so I refrain. I’d like not to get on Kent’s bad side before I even meet the man, ya know?! Anyway, I am so happy for you – a new design and lots of blog love, couldn’t happen to a nicer person!
OH! Thanks for pinning it. Apparently Pinterest traffic is supposed to be a real winner for us bloggers. I’d LOVE that TB bag. It’s darling!!! Thanks for being such a sweet friend and great supporter of my endeavors. I can’t wait for us to meet in real life one of these days. It will be a hoot. And…my phone is always on silent during the night so text away. I usually wake up to a screen full of stuff since all my peeps live on that side of the country. Happy Friday Eve!! XOXO
This is a test…
Let’s order in bulk and see if we can get a deal. LOL! You are so sweet and have been such a support during this whole thing. I can’t thank you enough. Have a super weekend! Looks like you had a great night tonight. XOXO
I love, love the color blush and love, love #2. Great job on your blog! I assume you designed it yourself. Well, I wouldn’t know where to start so I pay big bucks to have mine down. Ugh! Happy, happy weekend Lisa!
Thanks so much Lea! I’m still working to get a few things figured out, but I’ll hopefully get there sooner rather than later. I had someone do it for me. (I did design the header…that was easy), but I had someone else do the rest and it was very reasonable. Have a great weekend! XO
Oh so many cute blush pieces!
It’s so hard to pick a favourite, as I love pink accessoires (wearing a pink bag today actually!)
Hope you’ve been having a lovely week! Another busy one here, but not as stressful as last week so that’s nice
Good luck with the technical issues!
Thank you Mica! When you aren’t very tech savvy, it sure makes it challenging. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! XO
I am such a fan of pink! I’m absolutely swooning over here! Happy Friday! Wishing you a wonderful weekend to come!
Me too! Hope you have a wonderful weekend too, Brenda! XO
I just put that swell bottle in my cart, it’ll be perfect for my office since I am a water girl. Oh how I adore pink! I need that TB bag like need…bad, lol!
I’m trying to be better about being a water girl. That bottle is PERFECT for your office. I love pink too. Have a wonderful weekend!!! XOXO
So many cute pink things to throw in my shopping cart! All the shoes can go in first.
The new blog design looks so clean and fresh. Love it! Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday!
Jennie – A Pocketful of Polka Dots
Hey, I would love to have you co-host with me sometime!
Yep, shoes and children first! LOL Have a great week Jennie and thanks for hosting such a great link up! XO
Did I respond to this???? I swear, I’m losing my mind. I’d love to co-host with you sometime!!! XOXO
Haha – yes, you did respond! Have you ever considered Disqus to handle your comments? I have used it from practically the very beginning and just love it. I really like it is easy to use, comments can be shared on social media and can be upvoted. Just a thought. I will email you this week about setting up a date to co-host.
I spent most of the weekend trying to get it Disqus installed. It should be really straightforward, but the installation key they gave me doesn’t work. I’ve contacted everyone I can think of and just get a bunch of finger pointing that no one wants to be responsible. I’d love to use it if I could get it to work. Sounds good about the guest hosting! Thanks for the advice. ?
Give me all the pink! I’m loving those ruffled slip ons. Blog design looks great!
Thank you! Yes! Pink, pink, and more pink. I’d order those shoes, but I’m afraid they’d be to wide for me