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Who Says You Can’t Wear Your PJ’s All Day?

So do y’all want to know how exciting my life really is? I just told a friend the other day that my fork is barely on the counter from my last bite of dinner and I’m off to wash my face and put my PJ’s on. Before I sit down for the evening I want all the things done. I want my face washed, skincare taken care of and my pajama’s on. I want to be able to relax and not have to think about anything else.

Don’t you sometimes just wish you could spend the whole day in your jammies? Well guess what?! These adorable pants from Loft will make you feel like you are doing just that, but you’ll still look like you got gussied up. WINNER!

You know, it’s just crazy how this blogging gig has brought the most amazing people into my life. Kellyann and I now talk to each other pretty much every single day…on Snapchat. #middleagedwomenonsnapchat  Is that a hoot or what? It’s like we’ve been friends forever. We have so much in common. We’re in the same stage of life, share the same interests and both live on the coast. I mean sure, she’s on the East Coast and I’m on the West Coast,  polar opposite sides of the country, but what a friendship we’ve struck up. Anyway, when Loft had some good sales around Easter, we discovered we both ordered these red print flowy pants. Kellyann happened to get hers when they were 50% off #lucky and I got mine for 40% off #prettylucky. Of course we knew a collaboration was in order, so here ya’ go.

Naturally we both gravitated to black tops. I think part of that was a function of needing something a little more form-fitting with this style of pants. Since the pants are loose and flowy, a loose top really doesn’t do well with them. The pants are also available in petite and I wish I had ordered those. I think if I want to keep them, I should try those first.

I have this thing for old barns, so I hopped in the car and tooled down the road to this one to shoot some pictures. Of course you know I forgot my remote which meant a lot of back and forth on an uneven road in these shoes. HA! Thankfully no ankles were broken for this post. I really like the addition of a denim jacket with this outfit, and denim and black just look so good together. My jacket is several years old from American Eagle and they no longer have quite the same one, but this KUT from the Kloth denim jacket from Nordstrom is very similar and just like this one that I also have. The length is perfect and the weight is nice and light with a great amount of stretch, which sounds weird for a denim jacket, but you’ll just have to trust me on this one.

I’m happy we both  chose different shoe colors for this, so you can see the pants with a neutral and black. Either color works well.

I added my big bauble necklace from BaubleBar. I was worried when I ordered this necklace it would be too big for me and I wouldn’t wear it,  but I love it and find myself searching for new ways to wear it. Oh, and no surprise here. Who do you think I first saw wearing this necklace? You guessed it. Kellyann! Thanks friend!

Loft has a lot of cute styles to choose from this spring and I ordered a pretty good cross-section. I’ll share the rest of the haul with you in the next week or so.

Thanks for teaming up with me again Kellyann, and thanks for stopping by to see what’s happening Coast to Coast, friends. (HA…see what I did?) Don’t forget to hop over to her blog if you haven’t already and say hey!




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  • Okay, so I could literally NEVER pull off this look, but you look smashing! Also, I swear I'm a little old lady in a 32-year-old body haha I want my jammies on at 3 PM right after I get my boys from daycare haha I'm almost always in bed by 9 ;)

    • Oh you silly girl! Of course you could pull them off. You’d look darling. I feel ya’ on the early bedtime. When you’re keeping up with those little people all day, you’re exhausted by the end of the day. Youth is wasted on the young…LOL XO

  • Y'all look great, Lisa! Love the pants, but I'm afraid they would swallow me since I am so short! Great find!! And I am just like you! Everything has to be done and in its place before I can sit down and relax for the evening!

    • I wish I’d ordered the petites. I think they would have looked better. I kinda feel like these are too much for me too. Love the evening when everything is done and it’s time to chill!!!

  • There’s another one of my blonde babes! I just told Kellyann I wanted those pants but sold out, not sure if I could pull em off anyway. I am so in love with my B.B. Katerina necklace. Love that big bauble, lol. And love you, looking might cute by that old barn, I love em too!

    • If anyone could pull them off, it’s would be you sweet Andrea. There’s no doubt about that. XOXO

  • You look adorable in those pants! That necklace looks amazing with this outfit too! I need to check it out because a girl can always use more jewelry, right?! I am the same way at night. I need to have the kitchen cleaned and everything put away before I can sit down and watch tv or catch up on blogs. I always reward myself with dessert then too!

    • We use to have dessert on Thursday nights once the kids were in bed. It was a hoot because Katie would hear the spoon or whatever clanking and yell down, “what are y’all eating?” That girl!

  • I have always wanted pants like this but I'm a shrimp at barely 5'1". I love your new photo location!

    • I actually went back after this comment and added they come in petites. I wish I’d gotten the petites, but now they don’t have my size. They are currently in the should I keep them pile?! Hope you are having a great week!!! XO

  • You look really good in these Lisa! Try the petite but I really like them on you. The denim jacket was a great idea - I should have done that too. That necklace is stunning on you , I am so glad you got it - it isn't too big at all. We really are a couple of lunatics, I swear, it's a good thing snaps expire, lol!!!

    • Well thanks sweet friend. I’m still not sure about them. I LOVE this necklace and I’m so glad I took the plunge. It’s such a great piece. Yep, good thing those snaps go away…we can’t afford to have more proof of our goofiness around. LOL XO

  • How funny, I am sitting in my recliner, lounging clothes on, face washed, skin care done and totally relaxed. It's every night that we are home (which is most) that you will find me like this. It's really my favorite time of the day. Cute pants and I do love the denim jacket with them. But, as I've said, you could put on a paper bag and look cute!

    • Lea, you are so very kind! Thanks so much and yes, being all done for the day and in your comfy clothes is the best time of the day. XO

  • I can see how the trousers are perhaps difficult to style but you've done excellently adding a cute OTS to bring the perfect balance to the outfit. But my excitement is on your backdrop. I ? barns and sheds! I try to photograph at least one when on holiday and I can't rest until I've found The One, my perfect shed. So imagine how excited I was when touring Utah. Loads of barns AND set in snow. One made it on to the front of my Christmas card soon after! Hugs my pretty, x.

    • Aren’t barns just the best, Mary?! We’re just two peas in a pod. I’ve never been to Utah, but I do get excited when I see them anywhere. I always wanted a really cute pic of my kids in front of one….maybe some day I’ll have a pic of some sweet little grand babies in front of a red barn❤️

    • .a.hoot!!!! (I don’t know why that underlined?) We have the best time and talk all day on Snapchat. Thanks for the comment about the pics too…it’s hit or miss. LOL

  • i love seeing you and Kellyann in your Loft buys! fun! I think red looks fabulous on you and those pants are so cute. I am at home, so in the afternoon once i have gone out on errands, appts etc, i may be in a robe... we do like our pjs! love the fitted top wit this look.
    have a great day!
    jess xx

    • Thanks Jess! I’m getting a lot of comments validating my early jammie policy…lol Happy to know I’m in good company!

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