Hey friends! Long time, no read. Hahaha! I couldn’t let 2018 come to a close without one more post. I hope y’all have been enjoying the last week as much as I have. We had a wonderful Christmas. Benny and Erin have come and gone, but thankfully I have Katie a few more days. I’m not looking forward to dropping her off on Saturday to go back to school. I’m quite sure, she doesn’t share that feeling though. You remember when you were in college and couldn’t wait to get back to “your life” and “your friends”?! She’ll be ready to go, but she’s enjoyed being home and even remarked how quickly the time has gone. That makes me very happy.
I can barley wrap my brain around today being the last day of 2018. I’m here to tell you that the old saying, the older you get, the faster time goes is absolutely true. I must have been punchy last night when I was writing this. I was looking for something funny to share and found these. The first one made me really laugh and Kent was pretty sure I was losing it. So, moral of the story is, it was funny to me and I hope it is to you.

All of that confetti that falls in Times Square stresses me out. HA! I mean seriously, who cleans all that up? Confetti and glitter fall into the same category and that is…it’s pretty in someone else’s house. LOL. The only glitter exception is the Christmas tree and even that’s a stretch for me.
I was trying to decide what to post today and considered a Christmas recap, but then I saw on my friend Andrea’s Instagram that she was doing a most popular posts recap and thought….GENIUS! Yes, Andrea has the best ideas, and if you aren’t stopping by to read them, you should add that to 2019 list of things to do.
I’ll be completely honest with y’all, I mean when am I ever not? I am an open book. I rarely (read never) check to see what posts are most popular. I’m not into the analytics of my blog (while I probably should be), so I was super surprised to find out what the most popular post was myself. I decided to reveal them in descending order from 10 – 1. I’m also thinking (not literally) that I should just post of Fridays. You’ll see why by the end. ?

#10 – Friday Favorites #126 – A lot of randomness from Instant Pots to fashion. Speaking of Instant Pots. I made my Italian Chicken Noodle Soup again over the weekend and it was de-licious.
#9 – Gift Guide for Her – This year I did quite a few gift guides and had a fun time rounding up things I would like to give and receive. My kids gifted me #5 and I love it. Numbers 10, 12, 13, 14 & 16 continue to be some of my personal favorites and items I wear weekly, if not daily.
#8 – A Look Around Our Christmas Home – Just like I said in this post, I love to look in other peoples homes. Call me nosy. I shared our home all decked out for Christmas. Last night we took the tree down, the last of the major Christmas decorations. I hated to do it, but the house feels more airy and clean now, and I love that.
#7 – Friday Favorites #130 – A sampling of Christmas, fashion and skincare. All good things.
#6 – Work to Play Outfit – Part 2 – I love pieces that can be worn multiple ways and making more bang for your buck. This post was a great example of that.
#5 – Friday Favorites #129 – When is cheese ever wrong? LOL Metal and wood tiered trays, cheese, more skin care, gift guides, candles and of course fashion.
#4 – Friday Favorites #127 – Old Navy Picks – Oooo, I was excited to see this and have an opportunity to share it again. Most of the items I shared in this post are still available. YES!
#3 – Friday Favorites #128 – Lots of Good Stuff – Dyson hand held vacuums, tiered trays, my favorite sweatshirt and some great picks from Sephora are all in this post.
#2 – Friday Favorites #125 – More favorites. I guess we all like to gain insight on what we “need”. This one was full of lots of randomness. A favorite cute albeit cozy outfit, my love of Collagen Peptides, a milk frother (cheaper option) for delicious coffee drinks, a favorite meat marinade, my favorite combo of lip colors and more. This one was chocked full of good stuff.
#1 – Uniqlo Bra Review – I was utterly shocked to find out this was the #1 post, especially since it was from May of 2017. I’m happy to report I am still wearing this bra and ordered two more after trying it. I actually could really use to replace these. They are super comfy and have held up great.
Thanks for sharing this year with me friends. Whatever you’re doing to ring in the new year tonight, be safe and have fun. I’m looking forward to seeing what 2019 brings and sharing it with YOU!!!
I saw this title and immediately thought “Yep great minds think a like as I did a post like this today too” and then I saw the shout out and I was like aww that’s so sweet! I aww ya a lot round here cause you are so darn awesome and equally full of great ideas! Enjoy these last few days with Katie. I hope your New Year’s eve is fun and fabulous. Here’s to 2019 and seeing each other‘s faces again in person! Love you!
Well I truly did have to thank you for the idea. Your post was awesome. You always do such a great job. And you come up with such great content every single time. You enjoy what’s left with your guys too. This week is going to zoom by and then the funk is going to set in. I guess I’d (or we’d?) better get a trip on the books pronto. Happy New Year. Love you right back!! XO
Ha! That is so funny that your Friday Favorites dominated this post! I am actually with you on not diving into analytics that much. It’s for reasons like the fact that your bra post was #1…what do you do with that information? Blog about bras only?!? LOL. Anyway, this was fun recap – glad you are enjoying your family time this holiday season!
Gina || On the Daily Express
HAHAHA! Yeah, write about bras every day. I love it. I guess I’d better up my FF game if those are the most popular posts. Oh good grief. LOL. Happy New Year!!! XO
This is why we are friends,I laughed too at the pizza thing! Ha!!! And I feel ya friend, Nolan has been bored and I know he loves being home but misses his friends, it’s so tough. I have not touched the computer in days and it’ s been so nice. I am working on my Wednesday post.
Also, Times Square? Oh HECK NO! That gives me anxiety just watching. I would be the person who gets in the middle of the crowd and then has to go to the bathroom, lol. We always go to our friends house or they come here.
I keep seeing all the top 10 posts and the Instagram photos, how fun to see what makes the list. As for me? I don’t have time to take a look back right now maybe one of these days I will. I always love your FF posts – I swear you find the best stuff!!!
Love ya friend!
Happy New Year!
A blogging break has been so nice. I loved not worrying about the computer, ideas, reading, any of that last week. You have been one busy lady, but it’s kind of like you’re getting a brand new house and that’s awesome!!! Happy New Year sweet friend! XOXO
Your Friday Faves are def. popular!! I need to do one of these types of posts… it is fun to go back and see what was the most popular. I love that your bra post was #1! Ha! Have fun with your daughter, it is kind of funny because I’m at the parenting stage where my kids have been home for 2 weeks now and I’m breathing a sigh of relief with them at my parent’s house today. Ha!!! But, when they’re away at college I know I’ll feel the same way as you do… I’ll be treasuring every second with them home! 🙂
Well thanks so much Carrie!!! Yes, I know right now a little time away from your kids is so very liberating. I remember those days. Now I’m so very much dreading Saturday. I just LOVE having her home. I really dread when she’s no longer in college and coming for extended time at Christmas. Hopefully that will coincide with our moving to Nashville…or at least not too many years apart. That’s our ultimate plan here in a few years. Have a happy, healthy, blessed New Year!!! XO
It’s always interesting to look back and see what was most popular! I have a post I did on SheIn sizing a few years back and that always seems to be popular year after year! Your Friday Favorites are some of your posts that are my most favorite to read so I’m not shocked they were others’ favorites as well!
Thanks so much Laura! I really appreciate that. I often feel like “nobody wants to read this”? I hope you have a wonderful and happy New Year!!! XO
Okay…NYE in Times Square is definitely on my bucket list, although I don’t ever see it happening. I follow an IGer who posts picks of New York (and they are GORGEOUS!) and they were “testing” the confetti drop late last week. I had no idea they even did that! Ha! But if they day ever happens that I’m in NY on NYE, then the temps would have to be like 50 degrees, because I’m not in to all that bundling up! HAPPIEST of New Year’s to you sweet friend!
I want to go to NYC during Christmas sometime. I think that would be so fun. Katie’s boyfriend just got back from a few days there with his family. Looked so fun. (and tiring…they did a lot of stuff). Hope you have the happiest of New Years sweet friend and I can’t wait to hug your precious neck again!!! XO
Just the thought of Times Square on NYE gives me anxiety! I literally cannot even watch it on tv. Too. Many. People. Wishing you the very best in 2019, my friend! Happy New Year!
For real, Shelbee! Hope you have a happy, blessed New Year too! XO
I’m a marketer, so stats are my lifeblood, but isn’t it SO fun to see what resonates most with people?! Some of my most popular posts are like…what?! Cheers to a New Year and a ton more connection, Lisa! I just love reading your blog!
Happy New Year to you too sweet Melissa!!! This is going to be such a sweet, pink year for you and I can’t wait to follow along. XOXO
These memes are too funny! ha! Loving your Friday faves dear, especially the bra review from Uniqlo. Thanks for sharing!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
I love a good meme! LOL. Happy New Year Jessica! XO