I’ve shared with y’all before (here and here) how I’ve started to incorporate the use of some essential oils into my life and our home. Well you can imagine my excitement when Simply Earth reached out to see if I’d be interested in trying their oils and more specifically one of their boxes. Yes, a box.
Simply Earth has this awesome concept that is perfect for newbies in essential oils exploration. I think one of the biggest challenges with new things like oils is knowing how and when to use them. Honestly, the only other thing I think I’ve found to be quite as challenging, is figuring out ways to use my Instant Pot. LOL (which I am loving!)
Since I had done some homework before even starting to use EO’s I already knew what my #1 question was to ask Simply Earth. My biggest concern was bringing something to you that wasn’t all it appeared to be. I asked the team at Simply Earth if their oils were 100% pure and was so happy to get a big fat YES! Then sign me up!
When you order your first subscription box and use my code COASTTOCOAST2FREE you will receive a Big Bonus Box, an Essential Oil Recipe box, and a $20 egift card towards future purchases. What does this mean? It means a whole lot of FUN FREE stuff to set you up for easy use and success with your new oils.
This is what came in the January subscription box and what makes it so easy to begin exploring uses for essential oils. The box has 6 “recipe” cards in it and the items needed to make them. How easy is that? Instead of just receiving a bottle of oil and then trying to figure out what to do with it, Simply Earth is holding your hand and walking you through some easy ways to start.
I wanted to do a few of these “recipes” while Katie was still home, so we made the lip balm. It was super easy and I’ve got to say very rewarding to make it ourselves. It didn’t take any time to whip it up, and I couldn’t believe how fast it “set up” and was ready to use. I recommend using a little glass jar that you don’t mind throwing out for the melting part. I keep a stash of old jelly jars in the pantry and one of those was perfect, and then I just tossed it in the recycling bin. One picture I didn’t include was how we got it in the tubes. We fashioned a funnel out of wax paper and one of us held the little lip balm container and wax paper funnel, while the other one poured in the hot melted mixture. For this one, you really need 2 sets of hands. The lip balm has a tiniest tingle and goes on pretty darn smooth. I honestly like it!?

We also went ahead and made the Skin Healing Booster roll on. The timing was perfect on this because I had just cut my finger opening a large box I received in the mail. The dark roller ball bottle is one of the many items that comes in the bonus box. (you receive quite a few) I’m here to tell you that receiving this extra box of goodies is so awesome. When I started exploring with oils on my own, I had to go on Amazon and order bottles and rollers, etc…. This makes it so easy to make the most of your oils.

These are all the EXTRA items included in your bonus box!!! ($40 value)
If you want to see some of the other ideas they have and recipes, here a few to check out. (they send them by email from time to time #lovethat)
Vanilla Mint Lip Scrub
Breathe Easy Bath Salts
Tension Relief Bath Bombs
Relaxing Textured Massage Bar

So here’s a peak at everything you will get if you order the January subscription box for $39. (this includes the bonus box items $40) That’s a lot of stuff. I think this program is a great idea for anyone interested in exploring EO’s, but especially for moms with kids at home, and home-schoolers. What a great project to work on together and learn at the same time.
And one last thing…another thing I like about this company is they are philanthropic. They aren’t just in the business of making money, but also helping others. I think you would call the following their mission statement.
“As a company who supplies products to enhance the beauty of our customers, we at Simply Earth believe it to be our responsibility to help people whose beauty has been abused. The average age of an individual forced into human trafficking is 13. That is why when you shop Simply Earth, 13% of our profits go to help fight human trafficking. Each month we highlight one organization so that you can get involved.”
So if I seem excited about this, it’s because I am. I honestly didn’t realize how excited I was until I started writing this post. I think this whole concept is such a great idea!
Have you started using essential oils in your home yet? When Benny came home sick a few weeks ago, the first thing I did was plug in my oil diffuser and put a concoction of oils in there to ward off his funk. PS. None of the rest of us got sick. #score
If you’ve been thinking about trying some essential oils, I’d really consider doing it this way. Use my code COASTTOCOAST2FREE at Simply Earth and get started.
GREAT post, oils are so incredible and I recently learned about the rollerballs which are the BEST! I hope you have a super start to your week ahead, I just heard you may have some bad weather in your neck of the woods this week so stay safe friend, love ya! xo
The rollerballs are a game changer. Love them!!! I’m so glad y’all made it home safe. I may be in for a week of staying inside. I’ve turned into the biggest weather whim EVER. LOL
We’ve started using more essential oils lately too!! It’s amazing how they can really help!
PS…I subscribed to get emails (at robjodiefilogomo@msn.com) but still haven’t been getting them. I checked in spam and everything. Is there anything you can do on your end??
Hmmm….that’s so weird. I looked and both of your email addresses are listed. I’m trying to figure it out, but it’s like a foreign language to me. LOL. I’ll keep trying. Thanks for letting me know. Of course I wonder how many others have the same issue?
That is strange. My jodie@jtouchofstyle.com email doesn’t even have have spam, but I know many don’t come through for some reason. That’s why I added in the other email. And I check spam just for that reason. It’s such a crazy system at times. I think I’ll put in another email (jodieknitter@aol.com) just to see if that works.
Great! Let me know if that one works and I’ll keep digging. Thanks Jodi!
It really is. It’s easy to be skeptical, but nothing ventured, nothing gained!!! XO
Looks like fun whipping up all those cool products. I made lip balm to give as a favor at a baby shower a few years back and it was fun! Love that you got that whole box to play with!
It really was. I need to make a few more of the things that came in the box. I really do think it’s a great way to get new oils and find out ways to use them. Happy Monday!! XOXO
This is awesome! I’ve heard a lot about essential oils, but I always worry about dabbling in things I really don’t know anything about. I love that their oils are pure and that they have details/ingredients/recipes – that’s such a fun concept! What a great way to dive in!
It really is and so much easier having everything you need along with instructions. Genius! Hope your week is off to a great start. XO
I love natural products and I’ve been trying to be better about what I select when I do buy something new. I love the healing properties of essential oils and everything else they offer. It’s nice that you can make bath bombs, lip scrubs, etc. All my favorite things!
Autumn would probably really love this!
I love incorporating essential oils into my life! This box sounds like a fun way to learn more about them and use them in new ways!
It really is. I think they are genius! Claire would love doing it with you! XO
How cool is this post! I’ve thought about trying essential oils, but I wasn’t sure if I would actually use them or not. I liked your idea today with the lavender balls in the dryer on your IG stories!
Well thank you friend!! You should get some of those wool balls and lavender oil. ?XO
I have been considering this company too. Would you say I need to have a diffuser right away to get started? That doesn’t come with the first box, does it?
Hi Dara! No, One doesn’t come with the box and I would not say you need a diffuser right away. I’d suggest trying them and see how you like them. You can find diffusers on Amazon. That’s where I got mine. Here’s a link to it (pretty cheap?) https://rstyle.me/n/deph86ccf9x Hope this helps! XOXO
What a great concept and fun box! I love that they give you the recipes so that you can immediately put the oils to use!
Jill – Doused in Pink
I really do think it’s such a great idea!
Great job on this post Lisa! I love how you break it down so easily and the pictures are fabulous! 🙂
Thanks so much Chrissy! XO