I think having a blog is a lot like having a child. You create it, you nurture it and you (hopefully) watch it grow. It’s also amazing how quickly the time goes by, just like watching your children grow.

I can’t believe today marks the 3 year anniversary of my very post. You can read that here. It’s an introduction to who I am, but I guess I should probably update it. Now we are legit empty nesters, our son has graduated from college and gotten married, and our daughter is half way through her junior year. Time is flying by and I’m enjoying the ride.

Look how young they looked, especially Katie.

Here we are Christmas of 2016.

And here we are 2018…3 short years later, and one sweet new daughter-in-law. I think Katie has changed the most of all of us.
When someone asks me what my blog is about, I respond with, “it’s a lifestyle blog”. I love to share anything and everything.
Life ✔️
Recipes ✔️
Decor ✔️
DIY ✔️
Friendship ✔️
Beauty ✔️
Fashion ✔️
Speaking of fashion. The very first fashion post I did {here} was probably one of the hardest. Hitting publish on something you feel totally unqualified to do is weighty.
I think my style and my writing have both evolved in the last 3 years. And while I have so much more to learn, I feel I’ve accomplished a lot. I’ve learned how to make collages, monetize this here space and work with companies, but my greatest accomplishment is YOU…my friends.
The friendships that have come out of this little blog have been such a blessing to my life. There are so many of you that I get to interact with on a daily basis and I LOVE that. Thank you seems so small for what I really feel, but they are the only words I can come up with to express my gratitude.
I can also tell you that if you’d told me 3 years ago I’d have met up with 5 other women, who I’d only ever met 1 of them and spend a weekend, I’d have probably said, “yeah, right!” Talk about growth. These women are now my blogging tribe! (read our story here)

So I’d have to say each and every year has brought growth, experiences and knowledge and more friends.
Thank you for letting me share my life with you and for leaving your comments and allowing me to get to know you. Without you, there is no reason for Coast to Coast to exist.
Here’s to many more years of spending our days together.

Well happy three years my friend! having a blog is a lot like having a child, thank heavens it sleeps through the night! Congratulations on building a site you can be proud of and you have accomplished quite a bit in a short time. It is funny how life brings us together in such strange ways. My blog will be 3 in April and there was absolutely no way I could have ever predicted what I’d get out of it. The friendships are the very best blessing though and my life has been so blessed because of them! Cheers to 3 years and many, many more!!!
Love ya friend!
Thank you so much sweet friend. How could I have ever known all the blessing this blog would bring me? One of which is your friendship! I swear I thought you’d been blogging longer than me. So funny we started so close together. Love you bunches!! XO
Congrats to you! It’s quite a journey.
It sure is Fonda! Thank you! XO
Tearing up over here because I know this journey. A few weeks marks 4 years from me and oh how I have grown as a person and it has become so much more than I thought it would be to be emotionally. And it as helped with the kids getting older and my home and work role dwindling. YOU bring such sweetness, style, grace and a wealth of information to this bloggy world and you enrich lives that I bet you don’t even know how much! I know my life is richer for knowing you and appreciating all the goodness you bring!! I’m proud of you and I adore you!!! xo
I thought you’d been blogging even longer than that. You’ve accomplished so much. What a blessing it’s been becoming friends with you. You’re just the sweetest and I love you dearly!!! XO
Happy Blogiversary!
Thank you Paula! XO
Love you, dear Friend! Happy Blogiversary!! Your blog will always be one of my favorites!
Love you right back! Thanks so much! XO
Happy Blogiversary!
Thanks girl!!! XO
Congrats on 3 years of blogging. Yes, I agree – Katie has changed the most. She really grew up. Love your blog – it’s a must read for me!
Thank you so much Tanya! I’m so happy we’ve gotten to know one another through our blogs. XO
Happy Blogversary!! I do think the best thing is the relationships we’ve formed through this blogging thing. I would never have imagined that when I started either.
And the evolution too!! It’s so wonderful to see what others are doing across this world and learn from them.
Thank you Jodie! It’s such a fun thing we all have in common. XO
Happy Blogiversary! I just celebrated 3 years! I love the relationships we form through blogging!
Me too Heather! Thank you! XO
I think this is awesome! I love that you’re in Cali- seems like most of the bloggers I started following were located in Texas (hello Shelly and Holly!) and that is how I found you! Love your sweet space here! Happy Blogiversary! xo
Thanks Kim! I’m so happy I’ve gotten to know you. You’re such a fun, sweet person and I love your zest for life!!! XO
Thank you! What a kind thing to say! xo
Happy Blogiversary, Lisa! You’ve done a great job. Isn’t it fun watching the kids grow up? So special.
Thank you Kim!!! Yes, it’s so fun and I don’t think they have a clue how much everyone knows them. LOL
LOVE this! 🙂 Happy blog anniversary! Making friendships is the best part. My blog was at first a mom blog, then a craft/DIY blog and now I enjoy Lifestyle! I love how you share tidbits about your kids/young adults on the blog, they’re a big part of who you are (of course!).
Thank you Carrie!!!! I love that our blogs have brought us together. XO
Congratulations Lisa, we were born in the same day! I didn’t feel so upbeat about my blogaversary, not having achieved much in 3 years. In fact, TP made me re-write today’s post because of my bad attitude – it felt like I was back at school! So I’m really happy that you’re ecstatic about your 3 years because you really have packed in a lot and grown so much as a blogger, well done! Hugs, x.
I love that we are blog twins. XOXO
So fun!! I love your style and enthusiasm for life!! 🙂
Aw, thank you so much Bethany! XO
Well, I had no idea you had not been blogging for a very long time. I guess I’ve been following you since shortly after you started blogging. I will be celebrating my 10th anniversary in mid-March. Yikes! that’s a long time. Congratulations, you do it well!
Isn’t that funny. I always assume people have just been doing it forever. 10 years is quite an accomplishment. Thanks Lea!! XO
Happy 3 years!! I’m so happy I found your blog, it’s one of my favorite daily reads now! Hears to many more fun years!!
Thank you Laura! I feel the same about you. XO
Happy anniversary!
Thank you Nancy!!!! XO
Congrats on the Anniversary! I find the fashion posts the hardest. I am so hard on my self in photos. You are doing great girl!
Thank you Patty! It’s so easy to be hard on ourselves. Thanks for the sweet comment. XO
Happy 3 Year Anniversary! Congrats on making it this far – it’s a big commitment! And glad you have such an amazing tribe of blogger friends! Hope someday we will get to meet too, one of us just needs to cruise the coastline for a bit! LOL!
Gina || On the Daily Express
Thanks so much Gina! I hope we get to meet someday too! XO
Happy 3 year Blog Anniversary! That is great Lisa! I always enjoy reading what others learn from their blogs and how people’s style or lives have evolved. I enjoy reading yours!
jess xx
Thanks so much Jess!!
Happy 3rd blogaversary, my sweet blog mom! 🙂 I’m so glad we found each other through blogging! One of my current besties IRL is someone I originally met through blogging, back when my college bffl and I had a blog together 11 years ago! I definitely didn’t expect to make such deep friendships through blogging, and it has been such a joy. Looking forward to another three years with you! xoxo
Thank you blog daughter!!! That’s my favorite and always make me smile. Seriously, the friendships are just so sweet and such an unexpected blessing. Hope you have the best week sweet-pea! XO
3 years already? That’s amazing! Wishing you more blogging years dear!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Thank you so much sweet Jessica!!! XO